Generation C: Everything you need to know about new consumers

Geração C

Get to know the C generation and learn how to capture their attention.

Generation C has the power of consumption these days. C is related to the word connected because that is how most of us live: connected to the Internet. New consumers live online and businesses that want to survive in today’s competitive marketplace must maintain a strong online presence. In this article we show you everything you need to know about this new type of consumer to achieve them and gain loyalty!

Consumer has the control

New consumers, because of the multiplicity of available means, like to control all processes. With a simple Google search they can access thousands of results and they like to feel that they have the power to choose which product or service they will buy. They are very selective and demanding and like to compare prices and read reviews written by other consumers. You can say that they are very influenced by what they see in the online world.

Love for social networks

These new consumers like to belong to a community and they share their day-to-day on social media. They often share opinions about a particular product or service and that product or service gains a wide reach from the network of the person who shared. New consumers also like to be part of online communities because they feel they belong to something.

They like original content

Generation C has easy access to content and likes to follow pages on the Internet that create relevant and original content. They are creative consumers because of the stimulations they are subjected every day and when they find interesting content they like to share it with their network. Companies that want to capture the attention of these consumers should invest in creative, original and differentiating promotional materials.

They don’t like television or radio

New consumers are far more adept of computers and mobile phones than television or radio. It will be useless to try to catch their attention through these last two means. Even when they are watching TV or listening to the radio, most of the time they are still “stuck” to a mobile phone or tablet, and their attention is completely dispersed.

Following fashions

All generations followed fashions but Generation C is at a completely superior level. If one product (for example a movie or book) is in fashion so all the consumers of this new generation want to buy it. There is consequently a mass consumption driven by social media and online commentaries.

The new generation of consumers makes the market even faster and the changes happen at an impressive pace. So being aware of all the changes is critical to being able to survive and make the difference in the market. Software that lets you keep track of all your company information in real time helps managers make the right decisions for the business.

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