7 books that all leaders should read

7 livros que todos os líderes devem ler

There are books that teach us a lot about managing and leading teams. Reading is a time of relaxation and enjoyment for many people and if we can learn to be better professionals through reading, we have added the useful to the pleasant! In today’s article, we’ll talk about the top 7 books on leadership that all leaders should read!

The Monk and the Executive (James Hunter)

This book brings us the story of a famous businessman who abandoned his brilliant career to become a monk in a monastery. James C. Hunter shows us the fundamental principles followed by true leaders. If you find it difficult to get your team to make the most of your work, and if you would like to relate better to your family and friends, you will find in this book characters, ideas and discussions that will open new horizons in your way to deal with others. It is impossible to read this book without being transformed.

How to Make Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)

All the companies are made of people and they are those that collaborate for the success or failure of the organizations. This book is considered one of the best about interpersonal relationships. Launched in 1936, it brings us current concepts so that professionals learn to deal with people. This is a practical book, with many learning that seem “common sense”, but which many leaders forget to put into practice day to day.

Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)

Daniel Goleman shows us the scientific insight into the emotions of some of the most confusing moments in our own lives and the world around us. This book helps us to understand what it means to bring intelligence to emotion, and how to do it. Our passions, when well exercised, have wisdom and guide our thinking and our values. However, they sometimes get out of control and make us feel lost. As Aristotle well saw, the problem is not emotionality but in the sense of emotion and expressions. The important question is how to bring intelligence to our emotions and civility to our streets and concern for our community life? This book is a must-read for all leaders who want to be, above all else, human toward their teams .

The Prince (Nicholas Machiavelli)

Dedicated to Lourenço de Medici, the Magnificent, Prince of the Renaissance par excellence, Machiavelli wrote one of the works still considered fundamental in the study of political philosophy and relations in organizations. More than a treatise on the concrete conditions of the political game, this book is a study of the opportunities offered by fortune, the virtues and internal vices of rulers’ behavior. Although published in the fifteenth century, it remains very current.

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done (Larry Bossidy)

This book shows us how to more easily achieve the results we are proposing. Joining people, strategies and operations is the secret of successful business. Leaders should not only formulate a vision and let others do it. This book shows us the importance of involving all employees of the companies, praising the need for good communication. It is a very important book for all those who wish to communicate effectively with their teams.

Management of emotion (Augusto Cury)

Leaders are not just made of technical knowledge. Emotional intelligence is very important for a good performance in any area, to stand out from the competition and to maintain rationality in times of crisis. In this book, Augusto Cury presents simple techniques for readers to better manage their emotions and to find the balance needed to meet professional challenges.

The Golden Book of Leadership (John Maxwell)

This book is considered by many people like “the bible of leadership”. It is a benchmark for both beginners and seasoned leaders. It has simple language and very useful exercises, resulting in a true leadership course. It is a book to read, reread and return whenever you feel doubts or insecurities.

One thought on “7 books that all leaders should read

  1. hola buen dia, buscando sobre augusto cury me encontre con este post y quisiera saber cual es el libro que mencionan aqui de el. Gestión de la emoción (Augusto Cury) no es un libro como tal y quisiera saber en que libro se basaron. gracias

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