5 common mistakes in information management you need to eliminate right now

Information is the most valuable asset of companies. With each passing day, companies store more data that needs to be addressed to provide the inputs needed for effective and informed decision-making. When the information is not well treated and analyzed, the more likely the company is to make the wrong decisions that will undermine its functioning. Thus, it is essential to know how to deal with the information and it is necessary to eliminate all the barriers that prevent the good treatment of the data. In today’s article, we present the 5 most common errors in the treatment of information you need to eliminate right now!

Error # 1: Working without Goals

In today’s business world, which is so competitive, it is very important that companies set general and specific goals, because only then will they know what strategy to follow in order to achieve the desired results. Each employee must work with specific KPI’s that are appropriate to their function, because only in this way will they be able to evaluate the data and transform it into useful and beneficial information for the pursuit of their work.

Error # 2: Fail to keep pace with rapid technological change

Today, technology is evolving at breakneck speeds, making companies constantly face the challenge of being up to date constantly. Nowadays, real-time analysis is already a reality in many companies. If it was enough years ago to know what was happening in the company a few days after the events, today this reality is completely changed. Analyzing business information in real time is the first step (and we can risk saying that it is the most important) to be able to decide consciously and effectively. Many companies still make the mistake of basing their reporting on a few days. Systems like Multipeers are becoming more and more indispensable in today’s business world.

Error # 3: Give the same access to all employees

This error is linked to information security, which is one of the most important aspects, but that companies still do not pay attention to this. Company information should not be accessible to all employees in the same way. Each employee must have access only to part of the information they need to perform their work. This will allow the collaborator to focus more easily and, at the same time, will allow to discover the origin of an eventual leak of information.

Error # 4: Do not back up the data

It seems like a very basic advice, but unfortunately many companies have not yet implemented a serious backup policy. We live in an increasingly connected world and with more and more virtual threats. Therefore, it is essential that you be prepared for any situation that could put the security of your information at risk. These days, putting a security password in your most important files is no longer enough. Making backups of data frequently is a critical step in ensuring that you will not lose sensitive data of the utmost importance. In addition, it is advisable to use a disaster recovery system such as RAAS. Disaster recovery should be regarded as a must have in companies as it is the guarantee that the most important information of the company is safeguarded and that the company will continue to function properly even when computer problems happen.

Error # 5: Create complex reports

The tendency of managers is to create reports with many pages and complex terms that make it difficult to analyze them. The ideal is to make short reports that contain only the information essential to making the right decisions for the business. Create appealing and easy-to-read graphics because through these elements it will be easier to convey your message and better understand the data. If you complicate too much the presentation of the information, it will discourage the employees who have to make their analysis!


5 Trends in data security

The year 2018 is nearing of its end and it is, therefore, time to speak of tendencies. Data security is an issue that is increasingly in need of attention, especially in this year marked by the entry into force of the new general data protection regulation. Keeping an eye on the trends in this area is the first step to being able to protect your data in the best way possible and to ensure that confidential business information is not exposed. In today’s article, we present 5 trends in data security!

Information Security in the Cloud

Cloud has been gaining more and more fans all over the World. Using cloud solutions ensures greater mobility and a wider choice of options. However, we can not make the mistake of putting the information in the Cloud so that it stays protected. Because Cloud storage enables company files to be viewed on any mobile device, it is critical to ensure that these devices stay protected. Storing business information in the Cloud is very important to keep information secure, but it is not enough to ensure this: it is mandatory to ensure that the devices are all protected.

Creation of policy for use of technology resources

Technology is part of everyday life for all employees of a company and this is a risk to data security. It is necessary to define how technological resources can be used in the work environment, through the creation of standards for the use of removable devices, the opening of personal e-mails, among other factors considered relevant. The use of a pen with a virus, for example, can contaminate a company’s entire network, compromising information security.

Secure passwords policy

It is believed that 90% of passwords are vulnerable and can be discovered quite easily. The password is the main resource for a user to access a system, so it is essential that it is strong and secure. It should be changed quite frequently (it is advisable to change it every 90 days). Thus, the company should create a document with rules on the creation of passwords, as this area is often seen with little seriousness, which can compromise the security of the business.

Data backup

This should be a common practice and mandatory in all companies, but in many cases there is no policy of any kind regarding data backup. In order for a company to ensure that your information stays safe, you need to frequently perform backups of your information. This backup must exist in several environments, so that in case of a computer attack the information remains protected. It is also advisable to use a data recovery system in the Cloud, such as RAAS. Thus, in case of extreme attacks, it is possible to recover all the information that was the target of the attack.

Tailored security solutions

The cybersecurity market is evolving into a new paradigm of solutions as they resolve the specific “pains” of each client. With companies increasingly demanding information security, IT solution providers are starting to offer more personalized approaches, taking into account the size and complexity of each company’s IT infrastructure. A more personalized approach will allow companies to adopt solutions exclusively tailored to their needs.

Glossary of information management: 20 terms you need to know

Managing information effectively is essential to ensure that the company can get the insights it needs to make the best decisions for the business. In an age where huge volumes of data are being generated every day, companies seek to find the best ways to deal with information on a daily basis. In today’s article, we leave you 20 terms on information management you need to know!

Descriptive analysis

This type of Data Analytics answers the question “what is happening now?”. Through the response, companies can analyze data on customer losses, sales for a particular product, and the outcome of launched campaigns. Descriptive analysis allows immediate decisions to be made with a high level of security, since the analysis is based on concrete and current data. The information coming from this type of analysis is usually displayed in graphs and tables, which allows the manager to have an overview of the processes monitored.

Predictive Analysis

Predictive analytics is an advanced form of Data Analytics that aims to answer the question “what will happen?”. It is a type of analysis that makes predictions through probabilities. This analysis is possible thanks to techniques like regression and progression analysis, pattern matching and various types of statistics. This type of Data Analytics is widely used in stock market and investment companies.

Diagnostic analysis

Diagnostic analysis will explain why something happened. This type of analysis will relate all available data and information to find patterns of behavior that may explain the results. It is an important analysis to find problems and above all to avoid repeating them in the future.

Prescriptive analysis

The prescriptive analysis is the analysis of premonition. It answers the question “what could happen if we take this action?”. This type of analysis is very important especially in the sales area. For example, “if we think about giving a 15% discount next month on the company’s lesser-selling product, the likelihood of increased sales is 40%”. The prescriptive analysis raises hypotheses about possible results of actions taken by the company. It is an essential analysis for managers, as it helps them to evaluate the best way to choose a certain strategy to solve a problem.


The backup allows you to back up data and files. If there is a computer problem and important files are lost, the only alternative is to redo the work that has been done previously. This leads to a large productivity drop. Having an up-to-date backup of the data will allow the company’s revenue to not be affected because even in the event of a computer disaster the employees will have access to the documents they need to work.


BAM stands for Business Activity Monitoring and is a tool that defines the process and technologies to be able to put information about the company’s KPIs in real time on a dashboard. What BAM does is only show in one place all the information coming from the most varied sources of data of the company, eliminating the need to consult several databases and related to know what is happening in the company at that time.

Data base

Set of related files, tables, relationships, which stores data and makes associations between them. Databases are currently the most important assets of a company.


BI (business intelligence) is a technique that helps managers plan the company’s strategy by collecting and analyzing a large volume of data to understand the company’s performance and then to decide more consciously about the future.

Big data

Big Data is the term that describes the immeasurable volume of data (structured or otherwise) that has a daily business impact. More important than the amount of data, that’s what businesses can.

Data scientist

This will be one of the most sought-after professions in the future. A data scientist is an analytical professional who has the technical capabilities to solve complex problems and has come up to deal with the huge amount of unstructured data that companies have to deal with on a daily basis. This professional creates algorithms to extract insights from the data generated by the diverse sources of information and presents them in a practical and simple format to analyze by the decision makers, who will then be able to define strategies and decide the best way for the company.


Cloud Computing is a model that allows full network access to a set of shared computing resources (networks, datacenters, storage, services, applications, among others) that can be quickly made available with minimal effort and without interaction with the supplier.


CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management, that is, Customer Relationship Management and is used by thousands of companies to manage their relationship with current and potential customers. This software aims to protect the business information of a company. At the same time, a CRM helps identify the best actions and the best time to contact the customer, in order to boost the sale. Likewise, it allows you to evaluate objectives and evaluate the sales team.

Personal data

According to the GDPR, personal data means any information relating to an individual person identified or identifiable through them (identifiable ‘by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of his / her physical, physiological, psychic, economic, cultural or social ‘).


A dashboard visually displays the most important information about the business. In case of using a tool like Multipeers, the information is updated permanently and automatically, so that you have at your disposal the most current information on everything that happens in the company.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the ability machines have to think like humans. It defines your ability to learn, reason and decide autonomously and intelligently. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a recent concept. It first emerged in 1956 by John McCarthy, a university professor who used the term to describe a distant world in which machines would be able to solve all problems that until then were solved exclusively by humans.


KPI stands for key performance indicator, that is, key performance indicator. In the business world, KPIs are quantifiable measures that serve to understand whether the company’s objectives are being met or whether the strategy needs to be modified to achieve them.

Data masking

Data masking aims at creating a structurally identical but not equal version of data. This technique creates a database with fictitious but realistic information that can be used for testing and training purposes. Data masking solutions offer a variety of sophisticated scrambling techniques to protect sensitive data, irreversibly replacing them with data that is not real, while maintaining the referential integrity of the database.


PDCA is the go to plan, do, check and act. It is a management technique linked to the improvement of a company’s processes. Its purpose is to solve problems, pointing out the causes for potential deviations and productive failures. This process makes the organization of the company more efficient in the long run and it is essential that it be applied from the moment of creation of a business, so that the improvement can be continuous.

Security policy

The security policy is a document developed by the company that records the principles of security that the company adopts and that must be followed by the employees. The security policy should be applied to all information systems, both desktop and mobile. For policy to be respected, it is essential that top managers participate in the implementation.


A VPN network is a virtual private network that transmits encrypted data as it navigates from one point to another in the Web world. Connecting through VPN enables the user to browse websites securely and privately. VPN connections are increasingly used as they allow remote access to local files and is a safe way to browse through public Wi-Fi networks.

The importance of information: tips for never losing your data

Business information is one of the most important assets in companies today. Business data consists of information about suppliers, customers, competition, strategies, among other documents that must be kept confidential. If these data are not stored properly, they may be lost or exposed to the outside, compromising safety and confidentiality. This type of situation is very damaging to the image of the company, so it is necessary to follow rules and strategies that allow to keep the data safe and private. Find 5 important tips to never lose your company data!

Make backups frequently

Nowadays all the information (or practically all of it) is digitized so it is vital to reinforce data security. It is necessary to keep backup copies in at least two different locations and it is advisable that one of these locations be in the Cloud because it is very unlikely to lose data that are hosted on the web in this type of services. Establish a backup routine so you don’t run the risk of not recovering the latest documents. Cloud services let you set the backup frequency you want in a timely manner.

Automate everything you can

If you have well-defined processes and well-established rules, it will be easier to optimize the work and leave a part of it delivered to the machines. Repetitive work is boring for the developer and to free him from routine processes is a way to leave him free to perform other functions. In addition, automated processes are faster than manuals. Automate backup and recovery frequencies.

Create a security policy

A survey carried out by the Ponemon Institute states that 73% of information technology users ensure that exposure of company data is due to internal errors, negligence or deliberately by employees. To avoid this, it is fundamental to create a security policy that includes e-mail retention (a good example is Office 365), that is, you can define that all emails that contain the word “login” must pass through a Moderator before being sent. Another important point is to define which documents are public, confidential and secret. It is also important that this policy includes penalties for those who fail to comply. In this way, employees of the company will feel more motivated not to make safety mistakes.

Use encryption in files

Files containing important and confidential information must be encrypted in order to ensure that only authorized persons can access the information. There are free solutions that allow you to put this functionality in the files, but it is advisable to do an exhaustive search on the best and safest ones, in order to choose the right tool.


A virtual private network (VPN) is a type of private connection that uses a public network to access your company data. It contains a connection encryption that prevents data interception and IP tracing. This is the safest way to access corporate data through public networks such as hotels and airports.

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