IT management: 4 essential indicators in your company

Having defined KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make more informed decisions. The IT area is one of the most important in any business, as it supports all the activity of the company. In today’s article, we cover 4 essential IT metrics in your business!

Performance of applications

This is one of the most important IT metrics, and for this purpose it is necessary to use constant monitoring tools that evaluate the performance of the applications in the end user’s perspective. Companies increasingly rely on the management of their IT assets to specialised companies that guarantee security, high performance and permanent availability.

Average offline time

This KPI is used to analyse the average time an IT device or infrastructure was not available. It is a metric known as MDT (mean down time). This metric tells us all the time that the service was not available, either because of minor problems, malfunctions, among others. This value is obtained by adding the time the system was not available dividing by the number of occurrences in that period.

Average service time

Another very important metric is the average time that professionals take to respond to requests placed in the service desk. The faster the service and the resolution of the situation, the better the IT performance.

Uptime Index

This is one of the most important IT metrics. It tells us how long IT applications have been available to users, so the longer it is, the better the IT structure performs. It is essential that the company’s technological infrastructures are always available so that productivity rates remain constant.


BAM tools such as Multipeers allow you to track KPIs continuously and in real time. Analysing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives, effectively increasing the degree of achievement of the objectives. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.

BI and BAM: understand the difference between these two concepts

BI and BAM are terms that are very present in most companies. They are not necessarily independent terms, but neither the two tools are required to operate simultaneously in the same company: each is independent. There are still many doubts about the difference between these two terms and in today’s article we will talk about the main differences between BI and BAM.

What is a BAM system?

BAM stands for Business Activity Monitoring and is a tool that defines the process and technologies to be able to put information about the company’s KPIs in real time on a dashboard. What BAM does is only show in one place all the information coming from the most varied sources of data of the company, eliminating the need to consult several databases to know what is happening in the company at that time.

What is Business Intelligence?

BI is a technique that helps managers plan the company’s strategy by collecting and analyzing a large volume of data to understand the company’s performance and from there to decide more consciously about the future.

Relationship and differences between BI and BAM

Business monitoring tools facilitate the process of extracting information and making conscious and thoughtful operational decisions. Both tools use information to improve performance. The data analysis that the BAM tools provide is very efficient because it presents the information in a simple and concise way, allowing the manager to quickly be informed about the actual and current state of the business.

Unlike Business Intelligence, BAM systems don’t talk about past or future: they focus only on the present. The BAM system will integrate all the company information in one place so that the data can be consulted anytime, anywhere. BI will add an analytical culture across all sectors of the business so that everyone is aware of the state of the business. Real-time updated and analyzed information will provide improvements across all sectors of the organization.


These two concepts work very well if applied together in the company, so that you can understand all the information of your business in a simple way. The life of your company happens now and you must know at every moment what is going on with the business. Likewise, you must equip yourself with the right tools so that you can make the most appropriate decisions for the future!

Google Trends and real-time information

Google Trends is a free platform that shows us the evolution of a given search over time. When searching for a word, the tool shows you a chart that lists the number of searches over time. This search can be filtered by category, location, and specific time period. In today’s article, we’ll cover the relationship between Google Trends, real-time information and benefits of using this tool for your business!

Real-time information

Increasingly, people are looking for up-to-the-minute information and are no longer content to read the news of yesterday in this morning: they seek to know, at every moment, what is happening in the World. Due to this greater requirement of users, Google Trends has expanded its search and provides a filter in real time. Google collects data from numerous sources, including searches on YouTube and Google News. You can follow the search for a particular keyword in real time and by geography, which gives us a lot of information about the interest of each country in a given topic.

How does Google Trends help my business?

Nowadays, all businesses need to have a strong online presence to win and it is essential that you know how to optimize your website and social media for search engines, otherwise it will not be found by your target audience. Google Trends gives us insight into what people are looking for right now. If your website has a blog where you create content about your area of ​​expertise, using Google Trends is almost mandatory. This tool will help you realize which of the most popular themes of the moment and then just find a way to relate it to your business to create relevant content at that time.

Google Trends lets you compare terms. If you have a sports clothing store, for example, you can compare different terms to find out what you should bet on in your digital marketing strategy. The tool will help you see if people in your country are looking for more about “Nike sportswear,” “Adidas sportswear,” or “New Balance sportswear.” This will allow you to use the most searched term and this will be reflected in the visits to your website.

The fact that you can search by region is also very important, as it allows you to target your target audience wisely. If you know that in the North of your country people are mostly searching for “Nike sportswear,” you’ll be able to create a more focused and better-performing campaign.


It is increasingly important to keep pace with the changing needs of consumers and their interests, since only in this way you will be able to produce quality and relevant content. The information generated by the minute on the web is practically immeasurable, so it is necessary to be attentive to everything to respond as quickly as possible to the desires of your target audience and thus stand out from the competition.

Real-time information is part of the business. Download our Business Activity Monitoring e-book and find how real-time management will help you achieve your goals!

[Free e-book] BAM: The importance of real-time information for meeting objectives

The business world works at an extremely fast pace, which means that it is imperative to be constantly updated about what is happening in organizations, otherwise you will lose business opportunities and won’t detect problems in a timely manner. The globalization of access to information and the constant development of information technologies have contributed to the existence of products such as Multipeers. Capturing data for the creation of dashboards where the current state of a company is found is increasingly necessary for the control of operations and consequent maximization of results.

Why is it necessary to act in real time?

Markets are becoming more competitive and consumers, as they are more informed than before, are increasingly demanding and are looking for solutions in a practical and fast way. Nowadays, everyone “lives running” so that acting late in the business sector can lead to irreversible losses in profits and competitiveness. A company that makes its decisions based on reports with a few days will always have a reactive and non-proactive presence.

What is a BAM system?

A BAM tool consists of monitoring the company’s business processes through management indicators. Managers track all processes in real time through a simple and intuitive dashboard that can be defined as the global management cockpit of the company or organization. Through the implementation of a BAM system, managers can cross performance information and through this crossing can find production failures, for example, and act immediately, ensuring that these failures will not have harmful consequences.

Multipeers as a BAM system

In most companies, decision-making is based on reports, intranets, and e-mails that require the user to search for information. Due to this reality, many companies lost business opportunities because they didn’t have timely information. Likewise, on many occasions decisions have been made on the basis of outdated information, rendering them ineffective and wrong.

To combat this difficulty, Multipeers comes with the objective of delivering relevant information about the business in real time directly to their devices (desktop, tablet or smartphone). By using Multipeers, you don’t need to spend time looking for information, making processes and decision making much more agile and effective. In a simplified way, Multipeers assumes itself as a global, automated and real-time management cockpit.

Download the ebook “BAM: The Importance of Real-Time Information to Achieve Goals” and find all you need to know about business monitoring and meeting goals!

BAM: find the key benefits of business activity monitoring

According to Gartner, BAM – the acronym for business activity monitoring – is the set of processes and technologies that aim to improve the analysis of the state of the business based on real-time information. BAM is used to increase the effectiveness of the business and to obtain all the data to make the best decisions. In this article, we present you the main advantages of using a monitoring system for your business!

Real-time information

Business life happens now, every moment, and it is essential that you know what is going on with your business. Decisions based on a few days’ reporting are always reactive and risk being overtaken by faster competition to act. Knowing everything that goes on in real time with your business is essential so that you can make timely decisions and have a proactive stance in the market.

Central management

BAM software allows a solid administration platform capable of collecting data from a wide variety of sources. So you can get all the information you need to decide in a convenient way in one place. With a BAM tool you can say goodbye to reports dispersed all over the places because you will find all the information about the company in one place.

Eliminates manual processes

Manual processes are more susceptible to errors than automated ones. By using a BAM tool such as Multipeers, you can free employees for other tasks and you can automate more repetitive and annoying tasks. This ensures that there is no need to constantly update data and consult reports. Everything is previously defined by itself and nothing will fail. The more automated steps, the more time you will have to focus on other important things to improve the business.

No need for clicks

BAM tools update permanently and automatically, so there is no need for user intervention. Instead of being the user looking for the information, it is the information that, in an autonomous way, finds the user.

Facilitates decision making

BAM tools make decision making more effective because they prevent errors from occurring since they eliminate the need to collect data from many platforms. As they have a simple and interactive interface, all information is presented in a practical and interactive way, providing all the information in one place, giving the manager all the data he needs to make the right decisions.


Analyzing data in real time is increasingly a reality in companies around the world. Business is happening at a very fast pace and it is essential that you know what is happening in your company to make the most appropriate decisions for your business. Multipeers is a growing need in today’s business world. Download our ebook at this link and get to know everything you need to know about BAM!

5 Infallible Tips to Increase Productivity

Improve your productivity with our tips

All professionals want to do their work within the established deadlines, without compromising the quality of the final result. Throughout a day’s work, the tasks are immense and sometimes it’s difficult to make a good time management, which compromises daily productivity. We present you with 5 sure-fire tips to increase your productivity without harm the quality of your work!

Balance between working time and rest time

When we have a lot to do, we tend to opt to work longer hours. But actually working more hours doesn’t mean working better. If we are tired, our income will be very low and then the quality of the work will be totally compromised. It’s advised that for each hour of work, take a rest period of ten minutes. In your daily work plan, include time for breaks. With these short breaks, you will feel more energetic and have a greater intellectual capacity to face all the challenges!

Dedicate yourself to one task at a time

It’s good to be able to do several things simultaneously and today multitasking is a very appreciated competence in companies. However, to increase your productivity you should focus on one task at a time. If you decide to do several things at the same time you will reach the end of the day without having finished any of them. Set a priority task for each day and devote all your attention to getting it done.

Don’t be too perfectionist

In all the tasks you perform you should always strive to do your best. However, the pursuit for perfection can become an obsession and hamper your productivity. Don’t be too picky to set unreachable goals that will only make you feel frustrated when you realize that you cannot achieve them. Set rigid deadlines to complete a task and don’t constantly look for defects that will delay the delivery of the work.

Be proactive

“Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today”: it’s an old saying that is really right. If you have time to solve a situation today, why are you going to solve it tomorrow? In the world of work, unforeseen events occur and urgent situations appear frequently. So if you have time to do a task today, don’t pass it on to tomorrow. Surely tomorrow something important will come up to do and you will run out of time to sort it all out. Don’t procrastinate in the freest hours: go ahead and see your productivity increase!

Use a management software

We need information to work and it isn’t always easy to access all the data we need. Adopting business monitoring software such as Multipeers helps to reduce the time it takes to find information in a drastic way, which frees you up for other tasks. This software allows you to analyze the business in real time, through an intuitive and simple dashboard, where you will find all the information from the most diverse data sources that you need to perform your tasks. Multipeers also allows the definition of business alerts that warn you whenever a situation requires your intervention, allowing you to act immediately.