How Process Integration Boosts Productivity

The integration of the departments of a company is fundamental so that there is a professional environment balanced and with maximum levels of productivity. Good internal communication helps improve team performance, but alone it cannot get the best out of each industry. Thus, to ensure maximum levels of results, the integration of processes is an essential strategy. In today’s article, we will answer the question: how does process integration increase productivity?

Efficient processes

The approach of the employees reduces the bureaucracies and improves the streamlining of the processes. It is important that there are frequent meetings to know what each team is doing and also to have plans for the future defined. It is essential that information between departments flow quickly, so that each department does not have to wait for others to know what is going on.

Increased productivity

This is the biggest benefit of process integration and is the great goal of every business. When employees work in tune, it is easier to respond to productive needs and internal and external communication benefits. Good communication between the departments and the good interconnection of the processes avoids problems of understanding and in the end the company is the one who wins the most.

Reduction in the time of the execution of the tasks

The tasks performed manually take much longer than those that can be performed by software, and this is one of the main advantages of automating processes for companies. An automated and interconnected system will allow a given task to be scheduled once and from that time it will be repeated accurately and effectively, consuming less time and eliminating the likelihood of error.

Reduction of costs

When processes are automated, employees become more productive and this is very good for the company’s finances. The automation of the processes contributes to the reduction of losses and optimizes the production. A good example is that automated systems are thought to save energy when they are not producing.


Analyzing the business in real time is the trend of the future and more and more companies choose to use business monitoring tools like Multipeers. Using this tool, it is possible to know what is happening in the company at all times. It also allows the definition of business alerts so that the user is alerted whenever something goes wrong.


Practical tips for improving your business performance

Boost your business performance with practical tips

High competition forces companies to improve their performance on a daily basis to ensure that they use the best processes and get the best results. In the hectic days of the business world, it is not always easy to find ways to improve performance and we often focus only on cost savings and we forget the other things. In this article, we present you practical tips to improve your company’s performance!

Analyze the business

Sounds like a basic tip, but it fails so many times. In most companies, managers base their decisions on reports a few days late, which makes their action always responsive and non-proactive. Analyzing the business in real time is increasingly a trend in the business world by which software like Multipeers make more and more sense. If you know at every moment what is going on in your business, you will be able to make the best decisions and you will always be one step ahead of your competition.

Invest in training

Training employees is an investment that brings a positive return in the short term. The more skilled the employees are, the better they will be able to perform their tasks and consequently the company’s performance will be better.

Keep focus

In your day-to-day life you should eliminate all kinds of distractions that could delay your work. This doesn’t mean cutting off access to social networks or stopping coffee breaks. The most important thing is to keep employees motivated and committed to doing the tasks because if they are committed to their tasks, it will be easier to eliminate the distractions in a natural way.

Avoid unnecessary meetings

It is a common practice in business world to have meetings for all reasons and without realizing this is one of the main reasons why we waste more time. It is advisable to have meetings held standing so that people do not sit back and talk objectively about the main issues.

Advance work

“Do not leave to tomorrow what you can do today” is a valuable rule and has positive consequences for a more productive day. If you arrive early to work don’t wait for your schedule to start and go ahead with that complicated task you have been putting off.

Take short breaks

Contrary to popular belief, spending too much time in front of the computer is not synonymous with higher productivity. Taking small breaks throughout the day is advised to keep you focused for the rest of the day. This will free up your mind and will be able to accomplish your tasks with greater focus.

7 KPIs required for marketing managers

Get to know the most important KPIs to measure your marketing results

Measuring digital marketing results is mandatory if you want to identify areas that need improvement and if you want to have a great performance. By analyzing your marketing results frequently, you will have a more global view of the business and be able to make more conscientious decisions. The marketing world is extremely vast and it is not always easy to know which are the most important indicators for the business. In this article we present you 7 mandatory digital KPIs for marketing managers!

Website traffic: visits

This metric is essential and shows how many visits you had on the website in a given time frame. It is important not to confuse this metric with the number of people who visited the site: this value tells us how many visits users made to your site, and the same person may have entered the site 10 times or more. This indicator is critical to the success of the sales funnel because the more visitors you have, the greater the likelihood of generating leads and sales. You can easily find this value in the Google Analytics dashboard.

Number of organic visits

Within the number of visits to the website, the number of organic visits stands out. Organic visits are those that come to your site through search engine search. People can get to your site because it appeared in the results when there was a search for a certain keyword. So the more organic visitors you have, the better positioned your site will be. This also means that the keywords you are using are the right ones for your business and the ones your target audience uses.

Conversion rate

Having lots of visits on the website is very important and means that our site is performing well and is showing up in the search engines. However, it is not enough that the visitor navigates the site and leaves it without leaving us a contact or without buying something. The conversion rate lists the number of visitors to the website with the number of visitors who make a purchase. It is a very important indicator because it allows us to realize if our site is really intuitive.


ROI means return on investment and measures the end result of an investment: it relates all the expenses involved in an action to the profits made by that same action. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows: ROI = Net Profit (Total Investment Profit – Cost of Total Investment) / Cost of Investment. If the ROI is greater than zero, it means that the investment was positive for the company. If you have negative values, there was a loss.

Cost per lead

This KPI shows us how much it costs the company to get a lead. We get the value after dividing the amount of money invested in digital marketing by the number of leads generated. Studies indicate that the cost per lead generated through digital marketing is about 61% lower than the leads generated by traditional marketing. Knowing how much it costs us to generate a lead is essential so that we can redistribute the investments and improve the results.

Visits generated by social networks

If your company is committed to communicating through social media, you should always measure the impact it has on your website and business. It’s no use posting good material in the company profiles if it doesn’t translate into visits and sales. Weekly you should measure how many visits you had from each social profile and should invest more in those that more visits generate through the website. If a social media doesn’t generate any visitors, you should consider whether it is worthwhile to continue investing time in this profile.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate shows us the percentage of visitors who were only on one page of your site. The higher this fee, the worse it will be for you because it means that there were many visitors giving up quickly of your site. This may mean that your site is not appealing or has little relevant information. Whenever this value is too high, you should invest time in improving the website. Otherwise you may lose many business opportunities.

Increasingly it is essential to keep track of the state of the business and the marketing situation of the company in real time. Marketing has been gaining more importance in the business world due to the great competitiveness that exists today in the markets. Want to know how you can keep track of your business in real time? Get to know Multipeers today!