7 indicators to evaluate the financial health of your business

We have already talked about the importance of indicators for business success, but it is never too much to remember that having defined KPIs is a fundamental part of a company’s management strategy. These business metrics allow for closer monitoring and better management of the level of success of the actions performed. There are thousands of possible indicators for each business and it is very important to know which indicators to choose to always follow the financial health of the business. In today’s article, we present the 7 most important indicators to assess the financial health of your business!

Net profit

It’s one of the most important values ​​for any company. We’ve reached this amount after adding up the entire billing volume and deducting costs and expenses.


Liquidity is the ability to turn an asset into cash. The faster the conversion, the more liquid an asset is. This indicator assesses the ability of the company to pay employees and suppliers.


EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes Depreciation and Amortization and is a way of calculating how much a company generates of resources only with its operation, that is to say, before subtracting the value of the taxes. The formula for achieving EBITDA is Net Operating Income + Depreciation + Amortization. This is a very important value for companies looking for investors and serves as a comparative point with other companies in the same industry.

Cost per lead

This figure shows us how much it costs the company to acquire a lead. We get the value after dividing the amount of money invested in digital marketing by the number of leads generated. Studies report that the cost per lead generated through digital marketing is about 61% lower than the leads generated by traditional marketing. Knowing how much it costs us to generate a lead is essential so that we can redistribute the investments and improve the results.


ROI means return on investment and measures the end result of an investment: it relates all the expenses involved in a share to the profits made by that same share. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows: ROI = Net Profit (Total Investment Profit – Cost of Total Investment)/Cost of Investment. If the ROI is greater than zero, it means that the investment was positive for the company. If it has negative values, there was a loss.

Net Profit Margin

The profit margin represents what the company plans to profit from in return for what has been invested. In addition to calculating net income to obtain the net profit margin, companies must stipulate a value that is in accordance with what the market is willing to pay for their product. If the expectation of profits is well above normal there may be problems with future planning.

Market Share

Market share means the participation of a company in the market in which it is located. This value can be found through billing measurement, quantity of customers, among others.


KPIs are of vital importance to companies because they measure process performance and by analyzing collected information work to improve future action.