[Free e-book] BAM: The importance of real-time information for meeting objectives

The business world works at an extremely fast pace, which means that it is imperative to be constantly updated about what is happening in organizations, otherwise you will lose business opportunities and won’t detect problems in a timely manner. The globalization of access to information and the constant development of information technologies have contributed to the existence of products such as Multipeers. Capturing data for the creation of dashboards where the current state of a company is found is increasingly necessary for the control of operations and consequent maximization of results.

Why is it necessary to act in real time?

Markets are becoming more competitive and consumers, as they are more informed than before, are increasingly demanding and are looking for solutions in a practical and fast way. Nowadays, everyone “lives running” so that acting late in the business sector can lead to irreversible losses in profits and competitiveness. A company that makes its decisions based on reports with a few days will always have a reactive and non-proactive presence.

What is a BAM system?

A BAM tool consists of monitoring the company’s business processes through management indicators. Managers track all processes in real time through a simple and intuitive dashboard that can be defined as the global management cockpit of the company or organization. Through the implementation of a BAM system, managers can cross performance information and through this crossing can find production failures, for example, and act immediately, ensuring that these failures will not have harmful consequences.

Multipeers as a BAM system

In most companies, decision-making is based on reports, intranets, and e-mails that require the user to search for information. Due to this reality, many companies lost business opportunities because they didn’t have timely information. Likewise, on many occasions decisions have been made on the basis of outdated information, rendering them ineffective and wrong.

To combat this difficulty, Multipeers comes with the objective of delivering relevant information about the business in real time directly to their devices (desktop, tablet or smartphone). By using Multipeers, you don’t need to spend time looking for information, making processes and decision making much more agile and effective. In a simplified way, Multipeers assumes itself as a global, automated and real-time management cockpit.

Download the ebook “BAM: The Importance of Real-Time Information to Achieve Goals” and find all you need to know about business monitoring and meeting goals!