Google tools that will help your business

Find how Google can help you with your business

Google is the biggest Internet giant and anyone who works with technology can no longer live without it. The term “google it” (looking for information about something in the search engine) is part of our day-to-day life, but Google is much more than a search engine: it’s a powerful tool that can help you with your business. In this article we introduce Google tools that will help you have more effective and productive days!

Google My Business

Google My Business

Google My Business provides very useful information about a business, such as address, phone number, and hours of operation. It also allows you to call the company with just one click. This is a free tool and you can enter all the information about your company there. It works very well locally and is especially appropriate for small business. Through this tool you can have driving directions to the company and ask for the company itself to get in touch with you.

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights

Google Pagespeed Insights

This free online tool allows you to verify the speed with which the content of your site is uploaded. In addition to indicating the speed at which the site loads, Google PageSpeed ​​Insights also gives you improvement tips so you can optimize your website’s load time to the maximum level. It’s important to keep in mind that the speed of a website is one of the most important factors to have a good position in Google. Nowadays, the consumer is very impatient and will not have the patience to wait for your site to load and it is more likely that he or she goes to another site and you miss the opportunity to have a new client.

Google Trends

Google Trends

It’s one of the most powerful tools but one of the most underestimated too. Google Trends is mandatory for companies that like to produce relevant content. This tool gives us information about the most searched themes at the moment, according to geographic location. It is good for SEO and for increasing visits for websites and blogs. It allows to monitor in real time everything that goes on in the World.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts

This tool allows you to set alerts to be informed whenever any mention about your company is made by any website or blog. It’s also very important to follow the competition. You can set alerts about your two or three biggest competitors so you do not lose anything of what they’re doing right now. This way you will always be informed and you can act immediately so that you don’t get out of the competition.

Google Analytics

This is a must have tool if you want to have a good online presence. Through Google Analytics, you can track your website results: number of visits, organic visits, visits from social networks, bounce rate, country with more visits, among many other metrics that will help you understand the state in which your website is. With Analytics you can implement actions to improve the performance of your website and consequently sell more.

Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner is part of Google Adwords. Adwords allows you to create paid ads that put your company website first. However, Keyword Planner is free and is a powerful tool to find the right keywords for your business. This tool tells you the average monthly search for a certain keyword and also tells you if you have a high, medium or low competition. So you can see if the keyword is good or bad and if it is worth investing in it on your website!