AIOPS: memorize the term that will change the way you manage the IT area

We live in an increasingly digital era where business success depends on the technologies used. Performance problems (peaking, cyber attacks, etc.) lead to financial losses and IT operations need to work more efficiently. Digital businesses and technologies are increasing the volume, speed and variety of data. Correlation and manual analysis of data and alerts is increasingly difficult for the IT operations team, with tools in silos spread across mobile devices, the Cloud, and the mainframe. IT operations suffer from excessive noise because there are many events and many processes and it becomes humanly impossible to keep up with everything that goes on. The solution is to achieve a more efficient management with reduced costs and that is why Gartner created the term “AIOPS: Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations”. This new term aims at a change of culture to obtain more agile processes.

But, after all, what is AIOps?

This new form of IT management allows a move away from isolated operations management and provides intelligent insights that promote automation and collaboration to provide continuous improvement. AIOps uses big data, data analysis and machine learning to provide insights and a greater level of automation. Thus IT operations do not depend so much on human interaction to perform the management tasks required by modern infrastructure and software. In this way, human interaction is reduced in routine tasks and human resources are released to other areas of added value. AIOps solutions consume data from various resources and then store and provide access to them, enabling more advanced analysis.

What are the main uses of AIOps?

  • Analysis of the cause of the problems
  • Reduction of algorithms and correlation
  • Preventing problems through smart alerts
  • Intelligent automation
  • Predictive Capacity Identification
  • Agility between teams and datacenter groups

Challenges of AIOPS

This new way of managing information technologies presents numerous challenges. The first of all is resistance to change. There is still some mistrust regarding artificial intelligence and there is a fear that the automation of tasks will put people’s jobs at risk. Another challenge is data disorganization. Most companies do not have the data in an organized way and Artificial Intelligence works entirely based on reading information to perform its function. When it reads wrong information, it creates wrong standards. Lastly, another challenge in this industry is the lack of planning. Some companies implement IA not to be out of the market or because the competitor deployed and had good results. However, each case is a case and if there is no planning on what the company expects of the machine and if there is insufficient and well structured data, the whole investment falls to the ground. It is necessary to do market research and evaluate the pros and cons of technology and its applicability to the business.


AIOps adds value to organizations. In the future, it will play a very important role in increasing the efficiency of IT teams and will facilitate the adoption of next-generation complex technologies that traditional solutions are unable to cope with. Digital transformation requires AIOps because with this new concept, IT teams can automatically analyze large volumes of digital data and solve difficult problems faster.

How can a dashboard help make business decisions?

Dashboards are of increasing importance in companies. In busy day-to-day business, managers need to consult various sources of information in order to get all the data they need for informed decision-making. This is a time-consuming process, and often the information is disorganized, which greatly undermines rapid and effective decision-making. So, a dashboard is a key business tool today, and in today’s article let’s see how dashboard can help you make business decisions!

What is a dashboard?

A dashboard is a dashboard that visually presents the most important information about the business. In case of using a tool like Multipeers, the information is updated permanently and automatically, so that you have at your disposal the most current information about everything that happens in the company.

Constant knowledge about business goals

By using a dashboard, you can easily see if your business goals are being met. Linking KPIs with day-to-day activities is essential if individual and global goals are to be achieved more simply. Only with an effective knowledge of what is happening in the company and the evolution of the areas will you be able to make the right decisions for the good continuation of your business.

Permanent Business Assessment

One of the main advantages of using dashboards is that you can constantly analyze the present and past of your business. With a dashboard, it’s easy to analyze company history and find patterns of past behavior that will help you make present-day decisions that do not compromise the future!

Identifying problems in a timely way

Managers are not always able to identify deviations from work routines in a timely manner, which compromises business productivity. The dashboard will aggregate the history of the company’s operations and can set defaults to detect deviations and anomalies in real time. So the system is able to realize that something is not right and to alert you right away so that you can act before it becomes a serious problem.

Condensing all company information in one place

In this field, care must be taken not to have a dashboard that is too full, that is, information that is not relevant to your decision making. This will only create visual noise and complicate your analysis. You should create an easy-to-read dashboard with only the data that really matters to you.


Technology in Accounting Offices: What Has Changed?

Have you ever stopped to think about what an accounting office was like 50 years ago? Certainly, it has no relation to the current reality. The technology in accounting offices has changed the way accountants relate and service their customers. Can you imagine the office boys coming and going between the client’s office and the accountant’s office, bringing documents in and out? It is true that they had invented the facsimile machine. You put the document on the side here and your caller was waiting on the other side. This is of less if we stop to think about how the deeds were done, with manual filling of fiscal books, accounting entries and elaboration of statements. For the accountants, it was a lot of work, a permanent exposure to errors and lengthy conciliation procedures. Not to mention the old typewriter, which when you got it wrong gave a damn trouble to correct. It was the numbering machine, you missed a number and that was it. The sum was wrong, the numbers did not beat and had to start all over again. As a consequence, the productivity of an accounting firm can not be said to be exemplary, however great the accountant’s expertise. What was more advanced was the spreadsheet system called Lotus 123. It was the maximum of automation possible in the accounting offices.

The leap of technology

From the 90’s, mainly, business management software began to gain strength in Brazil. Small, medium and long-term companies received IT solutions that allowed a broad view of the business through management reporting. The paperwork decreased, as well as the need for human resources involved in administrative processes, allowing companies to allocate them in their activities. Decisions became more agile and even the life of accountants was facilitated, since most of these software had accounting modules. At the same time, accounting offices have gained specific tools for accounting records and reporting. Automation on both sides, the productivity gain was natural.At the beginning of the twenty-first century technological solutions began to evolve at a dizzying pace. With the spread of the Internet as a business tool, data transmission has gained new momentum. Office boys were on their way. Today, we are experiencing the age of cloud software and system integration. Now the challenge is to integrate the various sources of strategic information, from software to news feeds into a single tool. We have already come across solutions that allow you to control various financial flows centrally. The logic is reversing. Now it is no longer the manager who seeks information, but the opposite. We are in the information age in real time. Competing is no longer just having the best value proposition for customers. You need agility to make decisions now.

Competitive accounting technology and offices

If you are an accountant, you must have realized that technology and competitiveness go hand in hand. An accounting office competes with other offices. Although competing for price is not the best of strategies, sometimes it becomes inevitable. After all, customers want the best service at the lowest cost. The good news is that this is fully possible. From the moment you have greater productivity, you can serve more customers and, therefore, deliver competitive prices. In accounting, today, agility in the provision of accounting services is a way to generate value for the customer . As for prices, a lean and agile operation, coupled with productivity, guarantees reduced costs and the possibility of being competitive.

What do we have to change these days?

The new change, which is not even so new, in the organizational universe are online softwares. The advantage of this type of software is that it allows you to integrate people into different places. Managers, vendors and administrative staff can share the same information whether or not they are in the office. Thanks to new data transmission technologies, software can be integrated. From this leap forward, the new business model involving accounting offices and their clients is full integration and remote transmission. By means of accounting integration it is possible that the accountant has remote access and capture not only of the financial reports, but also of the fiscal documents. From this resource, besides the near zero reduction of the risk of errors, the work of the accountant has become still more agile. The customer data is captured and already absorbed by the accounting software. With this, we have a scenario in which the financial statements can be produced almost in real time. That means, for the accounting offices, more productivity, less costs and more customers.

Article by: GestãoClick

The advantages of automating logistics management

The logistics sector is one of the most strategic in a company and it is an area that requires more attention and care during the day-to-day. When this sector does not work properly, the entire productive process of a company can be called into question. Automation in this industry boosts results and brings several benefits to companies. In today’s article, we present the main advantages of automating the logistics management of your company!

Total process control

To automate the management of information in the logistics sector is to ensure that there is a large organization at all levels. Through real-time monitoring systems such as Multipeers, the company is able to know at every moment what is happening along the logistics chain, and can take immediate decisions that benefit the business. Employee routines become simpler because they can perform faster analyzes and do not need to search for information from a variety of data sources.

Reducing Costs

Reducing costs is a constant concern in companies. Greater control over processes allows for more conscious actions that will automatically lead to better and more advantageous decisions for company accounts. In addition, the replacement of manual processes with automated solutions, with the consequent reduction of errors and early identification of failures, contribute positively to the control of costs.

Integrated Information

An automated management system allows all company information to be concentrated in one place and this makes access to data easier for all employees. This rapid access to logistical information allows faster and more conscious decisions to be made, avoiding delays in the execution of tasks. The integrated information allows you to create reports in real time, allowing the immediate detection of any problems that compromise the workflow.

Higher efficiency

The correct partnership between man and the machine allows a higher yield in the day-to-day. It also allows for the elimination of excess labor costs, since it is easy to optimize the work of the employees. Automation in the logistics industry has this advantage, because tasks that previously required human intervention can now be performed automatically and much faster.

Quick identification of business opportunities

With the use of automated tools you can identify opportunities right when they arise, allowing you to stay one step ahead of the competition. A change in demand for a product, for example, could lead you to launch a specific campaign, which will increase sales and improve overall results.




6 Tips for Creating Business Reports

Good management requires accurate and current information that can serve as a basis for efficient decision-making. In busy day-to-day business it is not advisable to waste time analyzing data in isolation. A report is the consolidation of information that passes the message directly on matters important to the company. In today’s article, we’ve provided 6 tips for creating business reports!

Be objective

The information in the report should be objective. The language used should be simple and easy to understand by all those to whom the report is intended. If your report is too long, it is advisable to create an index that will allow the reader to easily find the information you need.

Make notes every day

Creating a report with quality requires in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. Therefore, it is advisable to always walk with a notebook so that you do not miss any details discussed at the meetings regarding the project dealt with in the report.

Make a general analysis of the topic covered

The best way to start the report is to do a general analysis of the subject that will be addressed. In this part, you should include analysis of the project in no great detail, giving a glimpse of what will be dealt with later. In this way, the reader can quickly decide if that report is going to be important for the pursuit of their work.

Use visual information

It is much easier to understand the information if it is accompanied by graphs and figures that allow you to better understand what you want to talk about. Text that presents statistics, for example, can become annoying, so it is essential to create graphs that allow for faster reading and understanding.

Use up-to-date information

Reports that have information a few days late will trigger reactive rather than proactive action, which can be a fatal mistake in today’s business world. It is fundamental that companies adopt business monitoring solutions such as Multipeers, which allow us to analyze at each moment what is actually happening in the business. The information used should be as current as possible, since only then will you be able to make decisions beneficial to the future of the business.

Use a system that integrates information

Real-time business monitoring software, such as Multipeers, interacts directly with all your data sources such as databases, web services, MDX, Microsoft Excel, RSS feeds, multimedia content, and -mail, applications, among others. You can even build your own connectors using the provided API so that no information from your organization is lost. So, in a single dashboard you will find complete and up-to-date information on everything that goes on in the company!

The complete guide about KPI’s

Having defined KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are the key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make more informed and informed decisions. BAM tools such as Multipeers allow you to track KPIs continuously and in real time. Analyzing performance on a constant basis ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives, effectively increasing the degree of achievement. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and monitoring as it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs. In this article, we’ll talk about everything you need to know about KPIs!

How to define KPIs?

Be specific

The more specific a goal is, the easier it is to find actions to achieve them in a short amount of time. Business goals should be simple, so it is much easier to manage them. An example of this goal is “updating the website quarterly”, which is easy to understand which means updating the website in January, April, July and October. A business goal that says “increase the number of proposals sent” is very vague and gives us no clue as to what we should do to reach it. Thus, it is preferable to use a goal that says “get 3 new customers per month”. It is a much simpler goal and it tells us the time interval. Business goals should be simple, so that the entire team is able to understand them. If you get too complicated, you risk not being able to extract any useful information from your analysis. And if the employees do not understand the indicator can be unmotivated, which harms the whole performance of the company.

Be realistic and objective

We all want to be the greatest entrepreneurs in the world, but there are obstacles that go with that and we have to have that awareness. When you set business goals too high, the risk of falling is much greater. And as the goals are harder to reach, you will be frustrated to realize that you cannot achieve them. You must set realistic goals that are appropriate to the reality of your business. If you do not have a great investment capacity at the moment, you will not be able to define as a business goal to increase the team by 10 employees. Business goals must be established according to the reality of the company at the moment, since only then will it be able to achieve them.

Set rigid deadlines

When there is no deadline for accomplishing a particular task or goal, it is more likely that it will drag on in time and eventually be forgotten. It is essential that you set a deadline to achieve a particular business goal, because only then will you be able to define a timeline and assign necessary actions over time. The stated deadline should be like the business objective: specific and realistic. It should not set too short or too long a deadline, as both cases may cause demotivation on the part of those responsible for achieving the objective.

Do a regular review of business goals

Business goals should be reviewed regularly and should be adapted as the changes are verified in the company. Long-term business goals should be monitored so that you can verify that all the actions required to comply are being carried out. Business goals are not static and it is not mandatory that they remain unchanged. Whenever necessary, you should change and update them, and in more extreme cases, you can even eliminate them if you find that they no longer fit the way the company works. A goal that yesterday was quite important, today may have lost some of its importance. Companies are living and dynamic organisms and as such changes must be monitored in all areas of the company. Evaluate at least every three months whether the indicators that have “assets” are the most appropriate given the period the company is going through. However, care must be taken not to make the mistake of changing or eliminating business goals just because it is difficult to achieve them.

What can KPIs do for a company?

Clear knowledge about business strategy

It is essential that each employee of the company or organization knows their KPIs and that they are updated with some frequency. “If we don’t know where we are going, any way is good”: the same goes for companies. If we are not aware of the results we should achieve with our work, we can do anything, and this may not be in line with the organization’s overall objectives. Defining the indicators of each employee and connecting to the monitoring system is essential for obtaining a global and integrated view of the state of the company and the performance of each one. It is also important to mention that each employee should have access only to the indicators that are important for the continuation of their work, so as to have a more focused and organized day-to-day.

Allow to evaluate the company quantitatively

KPIs allow measurable results to be achieved. And this is very important in a company, because the numbers do not lie! It is not enough to have a subjective knowledge about the results of the company. It is necessary to know objectively the true values ​​of the organization. Through the analysis of KPIs it is possible to redefine strategies and change what is not giving positive results. It is essential that KPIs are evaluated on a frequent basis, since only in this way can they have a significant impact on the life of the company.

Increase the performance of the sales department

When well defined and implemented, KPIs help drive sales. When there are defined goals and rewards associated with their implementation, the tendency is for employees to work even harder to achieve the stated goals. This creates healthy competition between the different vendors and in the end the company comes out to win with the increase in sales!

Make decision making more efficient

KPIs provide a lot of information about the company and in that way make decision making more efficient and easier. Managers often complain about the lack of information about the company in order to be able to decide consciously and these performance indicators gain a prominent role in making decisions about the future of the company. Managers can only make assertive and sound decisions if they have a full understanding of business reality. And nothing better than KPI’s to provide all that knowledge.

Improve achievement of objectives

Analyzing the performance of a company on a constant basis ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives. An efficient process must be planned and controlled. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.

Everything you need to know about document management

In most companies there are cabinets full of documents that are rarely consulted, but that whenever you need to consult some information you waste a lot of time. Recent research reveals that 90% of the documents we use daily are mixed with documents that are of no use. It has also been revealed that 80% of manually written documents are never consulted and that the time spent in managing this type of documentation represents one of the 10 activities that “steals” time to the employees. Given this scenario, it becomes clear that document management is really necessary in contemporary companies. In today’s article we cover everything you need to know about document management!

What is document management?

Document management is the process of managing and controlling all existing documents in the organization in digital format. These documents may be physical, digital, or versioned in the Cloud, serve as a record and query for business procedures, and remain in the organization for a period of one or two years. Document management involves all documents, from contracts, licenses and emails that are important for creating a customer relationship history. From the moment the document arrives at the company that follows some steps:

  • Dematerialization: the document is received and is soon digitized
  • Classification: being already dematerialized, the document goes through the classification, at which point its importance degree is defined and where it is defined which is the place where it will be stored
  • Life cycle: after classification, the document passes through the defined life cycle of all documents. It goes through publication, approval, forwarding, re-routing with corrections and destruction. With all these steps completed, it becomes easier for the employee to find the file through a search engine.

Advantages of Document Management

Largest organization

The documents are organized by categories and it becomes much easier to find them. The lack of a document management system leads to waste of time in document searching, which breaks down productivity.

Optimization of workspace

This method makes it not necessary to have cabinets full of documents, because the whole file is converted into electronic format. In this way, the workspace becomes more organized and much more pleasant and reduces the risk of loss of documents due to natural disasters.

Greater agility

Simultaneous consultation and presentation of meeting documents is easier, for example when they are digitized. Electronic search methods are also easier when the files are in digital format.

More safety

Document management is essential to ensure that regulations are being met by the organization and this is one of the main reasons why document management should be seen as a priority for the company. It is thus possible to ensure the integrity of the information and its documentation.

Standardized processes

This type of solution allows for a standardization of access to information, managing access rights, changes and submissions. All employees have access to the documents they need and from anywhere. Internal communication is thus facilitated by reducing the flow of printed information.

Simplifying workflow

The flow of creating a document for approval varies by company, but it is often too complicated in almost all of them. One of the reasons is the need to obtain the approval of several people and if there is no good documentary management this process becomes very time consuming and bureaucratic. A simple model solves this question. In document management, most services are implemented with workflows, which makes it easier to process agility, distributing the document created in the system to the person responsible to be able to archive the file. With this simplification of processes, the time to perform a task is reduced, increasing the efficiency of the company!

7 immediate advantages of real-time data analysis

Real-time information is an ever-present need in today’s business life. Managers can no longer leave their decisions for later and it is not advisable to use reports with a few days as the data source to decide. Business life happens now, at every moment, so it is indispensable that the managers have a current and reliable knowledge of all the situations of the company. Softwares like Multipeers will be more and more a constant presence in companies. In today’s article, we’ll introduce you to 7 immediate advantages of real-time data analysis for your business!

More Conscious Decisions

When the manager knows exactly what is going on in the business, it is much easier to make the right decision and this is undoubtedly the most immediate and most important advantage of using a real-time information system. Analyzing the business in real time allows you to have all the necessary inputs so that you can consciously decide on the best route to take, since the information you are analyzing is up to date and reliable.

Setting up business alerts

Business monitoring software such as Multipeers allows you to set up business alerts so that you are warned whenever a situation goes beyond its standard. Wherever you are, you will be notified by SMS or email about any changes to your previously set standards and you can act immediately, even before there is damage to the organization. This proves to be a huge competitive advantage because it enables immediate action and prevents negative consequences for the business.

Consult information on any device

Almost all real-time information management programs offer the possibility of being used on mobile devices, which is a huge advantage as the business market is increasingly mobile. With this tool, you can be in a meeting or a trip and have real and updated information about the true state of your business.

Early detection of possible problems

A failure in the production process can mean serious problems with customers, suppliers and partners if it is not detected and corrected in time, destroying complete production lines and damaging the relationship with stakeholders. Monitoring the production process in real time allows identifying faults and their timely correction. In this way, any deviations will be corrected as soon as possible.

Using multiple data sources simultaneously

With the use of a real-time analysis system, it is possible to aggregate all the company information in a single system. In this way, the access to information becomes much easier and intuitive, reducing the time previously spent by the manager to condense information from various data sources.

Decreased likelihood of error

The use of real-time data analysis systems reduces communication failures and speeds data consolidation, thereby reducing the likelihood of making business-critical errors. All company information will be condensed only in one place, which makes analytical processes more agile and efficient.

Fast identification of business opportunities

With the use of a real-time analytics tool you can identify opportunities at the very moment they arise, allowing you to stay one step ahead of the competition. A change in demand for a product, for example, could lead you to launch a specific campaign, which will increase sales and improve overall results.


Analyzing data in real time is increasingly a reality in companies around the world. Business happens at a very fast pace and it is essential that you know what is happening in your company to make the most appropriate decisions for your business. Download our e-book and learn how a BAM tool can help your management!

Data control: from management to accounting

Mastering a company’s data control is a key step to success. Today we live in the age of Big Data, where large amounts of information are processed at all times, helping companies to make more assertive decisions. What many people do not know is that data is different from information. The information only arises when the data are interpreted. Having a large volume of business data only means better performance if your company is able to convert that data into accurate and dynamic information. Thinking about this we will clarify the main doubts about the control of business data and how computerization is changing the world of business to best. Check out:

After all what is data control?

Data control is a set of actions that seek to optimize the reading of different information that affect the development of a company. When we talk about business data, we can address a number of industries, but the Big Data concept is Big.

According to Oracle Brazil website [1], Big Data is:

“[…] a holistic information management strategy that includes and integrates many types of data and data management together with traditional data.”

That is to say, large volumes of data are sorted and analyzed in order to represent concrete information about various sectors, such as customer behavior, market trends, investment possibilities and even pointing to operational failures in several sectors of a company.

Big Data is directly related to so-called “3 Vs”:

  • Volume: As the name says, everything in Big Data is GREAT. We are talking about a huge amount of data, which can be internal or external to the business environment. An example of internal data is the countless reports like buying, selling, profits and many other day to day data of a business. External data can be represented by customer behavior, demands, market changes and all actions that occur outside the company, but which directly affect its progress and profitability.
  • Speed: Big Data is characterized by the tremendous speed at which these new data are created. Every second million data is released in the digital world, which requires companies to quickly read this information. Companies that do not keep up with this speed end up lagging behind.
  • Variety: just as there is a large volume of data, rotating at an ever-increasing speed, there is also a wide variety of data, available in different sectors and channels.

These data are available in an unstructured way, that is, they are fragmented in several models and need to be sorted so that the information makes sense. Each digital medium has a different type of data, requiring a different type of reading. There is data, for example, in social networks, emails, messaging applications, websites or even in your accounting industry.

How does data control influence my business?

Every action of your company, simple as it may seem, represents a die waiting for interpretation. For a long time companies operated almost intuitively, relying only on basic and not always relevant information. This has always led to delays, undue expenses and problems in attracting new customers and creating new products. To solve this problem were created the ERPs, commercial automation software, integrated to several sectors of a company. An evolution of this process was the creation of the accounting integration, which provides the sending of the accounting data of the companies directly to their accountants.

What system should I adopt to perform good data control in my company?

If you want to improve the data control of your company, ManagementClick is one of the most efficient systems in the market. It acts as a powerful ERP and still has accounting integration, in this way the analysis of internal and accounting data of your company operate within a single environment.

Data control is performed efficiently and fully in the cloud, ensuring real-time monitoring and with complete security. The main advantage of the GestãoClick model is that it can count on several benefits in a single system. This represents savings, greater agility and integration.

Guestpost by GestãoClick

5 Reasons not to manage your data in Excel

Many companies still use Excel to manage their sales, marketing, and other data. However, although it is fairly easy to work with Microsoft Excel, this program has too many limitations and is ultimately insufficient to manage all the information in a company. As companies grow, managers feel the need to use more sophisticated tools to manage business information. But despite this growing need, many managers insist on using Excel as their primary work tool, and this is because of ease of use and resistance to change. In today’s article, we give you 5 reasons not to manage your data in Excel!

Excel is not secure

Excel is a manually managed program that works based on formulas that not every employee in a company understands. Thus, managing an organization’s data through Excel can be quite confusing, as a contributor simply changes a formula so that all data is corrupted. In addition, Excel has a large security gap because it doesn’t allow you to create hierarchies at the document editing level, which greatly compromises data security.

High consumption of time

Entering data in Excel is time-consuming and takes up a human resource that could be dedicating itself to another task. There are studies that show that managers spend about 50% to 80% of their work time collecting data and inserting it into programs such as Excel. The ideal is to use a tool such as Multipeers that brings together in a single platform all the information coming from the most diverse sources of data of the company. And everything in real time and automatically.

High probability of error

Excel files are handled manually and so there is a high probability of human error. In the business world, you need to have great confidence in the data, because only then can you make the right decisions for the business. A wrongly entered data in Excel can affect all information entered and can trigger a bad decision that seriously damages the company.

Danger of data loss

Fortunately, we already have the option of using Excel online through Office 365. However, most people continue to work on files stored on their computer and this compromises data security. In the event of a computer disaster or hacker attack, there is a high likelihood that the file will be lost forever. If you use Excel, the best decision to make is to use it in Office 365 so that you can automatically save changes and save the file to the Web.

Lack of integration

To manage a company well, it is necessary to work with several Excel files, but it is quite complex to get them to “talk” to each other. There are formulas that allow a changed data file to impact other files, but this makes the documents too heavy and sometimes does not work correctly.