The main artificial intelligence trends for 2019

We are in a new era: we are currently in the age of artificial intelligence and there is no escape from it. We have all been able to detect something related to artificial intelligence in many companies and Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel, has a certainty: all companies will be affected by this new technology; otherwise they will not be able to adapt to the new reality we have already witnessed. With the approach of 2018, many experts are looking at the main trends that await us in the new year. In today’s article, we have assembled the main trends in artificial intelligence for 2019.

More sophisticated data analysis

Data are the most important assets of companies and managers need to be aware of this. By 2019 data analysis is expected to become even more important and programs and applications are used to enable data to be analyzed faster and more automatically. The goal is not to replace humans in this task, but to equip them with all the tools and information necessary for more assertive decision making. In this way, you can automate data creation, discover trends, and exchange information across departments. And all this in a faster and more objective way!

Digital Twin

This is a solution that aims to improve the processes of creation, testing and correction in the manufacture of new products. In fact, digital twins are nothing more than a copy of processes that exist in reality. That is. at the same time that a product is developed in the physical world, its creation also happens in the virtual world. In this way, it is possible to carry out tests and analyzes before the product reaches the market. The main advantages of this technology are: reduction of production time, reduction of costs, greater capacity of adaptation, better forecast of profits and improvements of the forecast of risks and reduction of errors.

Massive use of chatbots

Chatbots are the stars of artificial intelligence. They are linked to the company’s database and use common language to talk to customers. They are able to recognize names and phone numbers to predict customer behavior. They are very intelligent systems in that they store the essential information so they can refer customers to the areas they need to consult. Ryanair, for example, already uses this system to talk to customers.

Centralization of information

Artificial intelligence helps companies to interconnect all their information, which has a very important weight in management decisions and especially in the marketing area. A company that analyzes your information in real time and has all the important business information in one place will be able to make more assertive and successful decisions, which enhances the success of the business. Multipeers is therefore an increasingly necessary tool in today’s businesses.

Solidification of Blockchain

Blockchain is very fashionable due to the increasing use of crypto-coins, but its use goes far beyond that. This technology makes transaction logging much more secure. This technology has innovated in the way of recording information, which provides a new way of working with data in the web world. However, Blockchain is not only used in the world of crypto-coins. Also in the area of ​​health this technology can be used, since it allows a registry of all data movement, which increases the security of the same.

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and there is no denying it! If a few years ago when we thought of artificial intelligence “we traveled” to a distant future, today we can say that artificial intelligence is already part of our day-to-day life!

5 Myths about digital transformation you need to eliminate right now

Digital transformation can mean profound changes in an organization. When applied correctly, it can bring huge benefits to the company and result in increased profits and reduced expenses. Digital transformation is a process that must be well analyzed before its implementation, because a wrong decision when applying this concept can seriously damage the company. Digital transformation is surrounded by myths, that is, preconceived ideas that make businessmen look suspiciously and fearfully at this wave of change. In today’s article, we present some of the advantages of digital transformation and 5 myths that you need to eliminate right now!

Main advantages

Increased competitiveness

Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and more intuitive task. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business.

Improved customer satisfaction

Technology enables customers to become closer to brands and establish a stronger loyalty relationship. With the use of social media, nowadays it is possible to make a presence in the daily life of potential clients through sharing and special offers. Companies are also adopting the sending of special offers by SMS and e-mail, which makes the customer feel special.

Opportunity to innovate

When companies implement digital transformation in their business, they are able to include improvements in their processes, thus promoting innovation. They also have greater scope to innovate their products and services because the inclusion of new technologies allows them to include significant improvements in their offer.

Reduction of costs

The main concern of managers is always to find ways to reduce business costs. Digital transformation, particularly in the use of cloud services, enables companies to significantly reduce their operating costs. Using this technology allows you to reduce or even eliminate your local IT infrastructure, reduce the volume of impressions and hold meetings via Skype, eliminating long travel expenses.

Demystifying preconceived ideas…

Myth 1: Digital transformation is a unique function of IT

The modernization of how technology is applied in the enterprise is a responsibility of all sectors and not just the IT sector. This process of transformation must begin at the top of the organization, which defines the strategy to be adopted by top managers. It is necessary that the example comes from the superior management so that later the changes apply in the other areas. All areas are affected by digital transformation, as sales, marketing, production and many other activities are “victims” of the change that this transformation brings. The IT department is important in this process, as it should support all areas.

Myth 2: Digital transformation only applies to large companies

Transforming the business, the processes, the approach and the relationships so that they evolve is already indispensable for the success of the companies. Small businesses are not left out of this new paradigm. Well-implemented digital transformation can help small businesses grow significantly as it improves processes and reduces costs. This cost savings can then be applied to investments that make the company evolve faster.

Myth 3: Digital transformation is the best way for all companies

When a concept is in vogue, one easily falls into the mistake of thinking that since it is fashionable it is suitable for everyone. However, digital transformation is a complex process that goes far beyond simply updating software. This new way of working is not a standard recipe that can be followed by all companies and therefore it is fundamental to evaluate the impacts that this transformation will have for the business, evaluating risks and expenses.

Myth 4: Digital transformation will reduce many jobs

Unfortunately, this is one of the most common myths with regard to technology. There are still many people who think that the evolution of technology will transform the World in a place populated by robots that will perform our functions. Nothing is more wrong than this thought. Although digital transformation uses artificial intelligence, there must be human resources capable of dealing with this intelligence and adapting it to the true reality of the company. Digital transformation aims to reduce monotonous work, fine-tune processes, and improve company results. Human interaction in companies is absolutely imperative, so it is completely unfounded to think that people will be discarded at the end of their implementation.

Myth 5: Digital transformation ends at the moment of its implementation

Implementation is just the beginning of a journey through the digital world. Digital transformation must be seen as a continuous process, since it is necessary to constantly evaluate the reality of the company and the business scenarios that exist at each moment. Only in this way can you find the right tools to improve business processes.

Digital transformation in business is increasingly a necessity and is no longer seen as just a fad. Nowadays, a company that doesn’t exist online is almost as if it did not exist and is easily surpassed by the competition. Digital technologies have redefined the way companies do business, changed how we relate to customers and how we communicate. Forrester research reveals that big business owners expect 47% of total sales to be influenced by digital media by 2020. It’s time to turn your business! Are you prepared for this transformation?

Glossary of information management: 20 terms you need to know

Managing information effectively is essential to ensure that the company can get the insights it needs to make the best decisions for the business. In an age where huge volumes of data are being generated every day, companies seek to find the best ways to deal with information on a daily basis. In today’s article, we leave you 20 terms on information management you need to know!

Descriptive analysis

This type of Data Analytics answers the question “what is happening now?”. Through the response, companies can analyze data on customer losses, sales for a particular product, and the outcome of launched campaigns. Descriptive analysis allows immediate decisions to be made with a high level of security, since the analysis is based on concrete and current data. The information coming from this type of analysis is usually displayed in graphs and tables, which allows the manager to have an overview of the processes monitored.

Predictive Analysis

Predictive analytics is an advanced form of Data Analytics that aims to answer the question “what will happen?”. It is a type of analysis that makes predictions through probabilities. This analysis is possible thanks to techniques like regression and progression analysis, pattern matching and various types of statistics. This type of Data Analytics is widely used in stock market and investment companies.

Diagnostic analysis

Diagnostic analysis will explain why something happened. This type of analysis will relate all available data and information to find patterns of behavior that may explain the results. It is an important analysis to find problems and above all to avoid repeating them in the future.

Prescriptive analysis

The prescriptive analysis is the analysis of premonition. It answers the question “what could happen if we take this action?”. This type of analysis is very important especially in the sales area. For example, “if we think about giving a 15% discount next month on the company’s lesser-selling product, the likelihood of increased sales is 40%”. The prescriptive analysis raises hypotheses about possible results of actions taken by the company. It is an essential analysis for managers, as it helps them to evaluate the best way to choose a certain strategy to solve a problem.


The backup allows you to back up data and files. If there is a computer problem and important files are lost, the only alternative is to redo the work that has been done previously. This leads to a large productivity drop. Having an up-to-date backup of the data will allow the company’s revenue to not be affected because even in the event of a computer disaster the employees will have access to the documents they need to work.


BAM stands for Business Activity Monitoring and is a tool that defines the process and technologies to be able to put information about the company’s KPIs in real time on a dashboard. What BAM does is only show in one place all the information coming from the most varied sources of data of the company, eliminating the need to consult several databases and related to know what is happening in the company at that time.

Data base

Set of related files, tables, relationships, which stores data and makes associations between them. Databases are currently the most important assets of a company.


BI (business intelligence) is a technique that helps managers plan the company’s strategy by collecting and analyzing a large volume of data to understand the company’s performance and then to decide more consciously about the future.

Big data

Big Data is the term that describes the immeasurable volume of data (structured or otherwise) that has a daily business impact. More important than the amount of data, that’s what businesses can.

Data scientist

This will be one of the most sought-after professions in the future. A data scientist is an analytical professional who has the technical capabilities to solve complex problems and has come up to deal with the huge amount of unstructured data that companies have to deal with on a daily basis. This professional creates algorithms to extract insights from the data generated by the diverse sources of information and presents them in a practical and simple format to analyze by the decision makers, who will then be able to define strategies and decide the best way for the company.


Cloud Computing is a model that allows full network access to a set of shared computing resources (networks, datacenters, storage, services, applications, among others) that can be quickly made available with minimal effort and without interaction with the supplier.


CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management, that is, Customer Relationship Management and is used by thousands of companies to manage their relationship with current and potential customers. This software aims to protect the business information of a company. At the same time, a CRM helps identify the best actions and the best time to contact the customer, in order to boost the sale. Likewise, it allows you to evaluate objectives and evaluate the sales team.

Personal data

According to the GDPR, personal data means any information relating to an individual person identified or identifiable through them (identifiable ‘by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of his / her physical, physiological, psychic, economic, cultural or social ‘).


A dashboard visually displays the most important information about the business. In case of using a tool like Multipeers, the information is updated permanently and automatically, so that you have at your disposal the most current information on everything that happens in the company.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the ability machines have to think like humans. It defines your ability to learn, reason and decide autonomously and intelligently. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a recent concept. It first emerged in 1956 by John McCarthy, a university professor who used the term to describe a distant world in which machines would be able to solve all problems that until then were solved exclusively by humans.


KPI stands for key performance indicator, that is, key performance indicator. In the business world, KPIs are quantifiable measures that serve to understand whether the company’s objectives are being met or whether the strategy needs to be modified to achieve them.

Data masking

Data masking aims at creating a structurally identical but not equal version of data. This technique creates a database with fictitious but realistic information that can be used for testing and training purposes. Data masking solutions offer a variety of sophisticated scrambling techniques to protect sensitive data, irreversibly replacing them with data that is not real, while maintaining the referential integrity of the database.


PDCA is the go to plan, do, check and act. It is a management technique linked to the improvement of a company’s processes. Its purpose is to solve problems, pointing out the causes for potential deviations and productive failures. This process makes the organization of the company more efficient in the long run and it is essential that it be applied from the moment of creation of a business, so that the improvement can be continuous.

Security policy

The security policy is a document developed by the company that records the principles of security that the company adopts and that must be followed by the employees. The security policy should be applied to all information systems, both desktop and mobile. For policy to be respected, it is essential that top managers participate in the implementation.


A VPN network is a virtual private network that transmits encrypted data as it navigates from one point to another in the Web world. Connecting through VPN enables the user to browse websites securely and privately. VPN connections are increasingly used as they allow remote access to local files and is a safe way to browse through public Wi-Fi networks.

How to use artificial intelligence in marketing?

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and there is no denying it! If a few years ago when we thought of artificial intelligence “we traveled” to a distant future, today we can say that artificial intelligence is already part of our day-to-day life. One of the areas that has taken most advantage of this new era is the marketing area. In today’s article we will understand how we can use artificial intelligence in marketing.

Customize the consumer experience

This is the most striking area of ​​artificial intelligence in the marketing arena. The consumer is the most important person in the entire communicative process, and based on the data collected (personal information, information about what searches on the internet, buying behavior) it is possible to offer personalized content according to the actual preferences of each person. So each consumer will feel unique and special and the company will profit from it!

Increasing use of chatbots

Chatbots are the stars of artificial intelligence. They are linked to the company’s database and use common language to talk to customers. They are able to recognize names and phone numbers to predict customer behavior. They are very intelligent systems in that they store the essential information so they can refer customers to the areas they need to consult. Ryanair, for example, already uses this system to talk to customers. The advantage is that through the chatbots you can provide a much more personalized experience to the customer, because all your preferences are present!

More centralized management

Artificial intelligence helps companies to interconnect all their information, which has a very important weight in management decisions and especially in the marketing area. A company that analyzes your information in real time and has all the important business information in one place will be able to make more assertive and successful decisions, which enhances the success of the business. Multipeers is therefore an increasingly necessary tool in today’s businesses.

Automation of tasks

One of the most important advantages of artificial intelligence is the automation of tasks. The more automated the job is, the more time employees will have to make the business more productive. Automation can range from the simplest to the most complex tasks. At the marketing level, we can automate a welcome email to a new newsletter subscriber or even a thank-you email for a purchase in our online store.

Better use of data

Artificial intelligence helps to compile data and analyze daily experiences to find patterns and ways of improvement. The artificial intelligence systems of data analysis independently calculate the information in order to generate insights essential for a correct decision making. With experience, machines will be able to learn how to predict behavior of employees and customers.

What changes in companies with artificial intelligence?

We are in a new era: we are currently in the age of artificial intelligence and there is no escape for it. Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel, even assures that all companies will be affected by this new technology. The truth is that given the technological developments we are seeing, if companies don’t adapt to the current situation, they will easily be replaced by their competitors. But after all, what changes in companies with artificial intelligence?

First of all, what is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the ability that machines have to think like humans. It defines their ability to learn, think and decide autonomously and intelligently. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a recent concept. It first emerged in 1956 by John McCarthy, a university professor who used the term to describe a distant world in which machines would be able to solve all problems that until then were solved exclusively by humans.

What changes in companies?

Better use of data

Artificial intelligence helps to compile data and analyze daily experiences to find patterns and ways of improvement. The artificial intelligence systems of data analysis independently calculate the information in order to generate insights essential for a correct decision making. With experience, machines will be able to learn how to predict behavior of employees and customers.

Chatbots will be the future

Chatbots are the stars of artificial intelligence. They are linked to the company’s database and use common language to talk to customers. They are able to recognize names and phone numbers to predict customer behavior. They are very intelligent systems in that they store the essential information so they can refer customers to the areas they need to consult. Ryanair, for example, already uses this system to talk to customers.

More effective management

Artificial intelligence helps companies to interconnect all their information, which plays a very important role in management decisions. A company that analyzes your information in real time and has all the important business information in one place will be able to make more assertive and successful decisions, which enhances the success of the business. Multipeers is therefore an increasingly necessary tool in today’s businesses.

Elimination of more bureaucratic tasks

Artificial intelligence helps employees stop wasting time on overly bureaucratic and administrative tasks. Through rules, it is possible for robots to perform the function of personal assistants, giving information on day-to-day tasks, meeting schedules, and travel times.

5 Tips for Implementing Digital Transformation Correctly

Digital transformation in business is increasingly a necessity and is no longer seen as just a fashion trend. Nowadays, a company that doesn’t exist online is almost as if it didn’t exist and is easily surpassed by the competition. Digital technologies have redefined the way companies do business, changed how we relate to customers and how we communicate. Forrester research reveals that large business owners expect 47% of total sales to be influenced by digital media by 2020. In today’s article, we leave you 5 tips for implementing digital transformation in right way!

Redefine your business

Digital transformation is much more than just including technology in every company process. Digital transformation is a change that affects all areas of the business and requires cultural change, which can only be achieved if employees are willing to change. It is important to analyze the market of your company and define a strategy for the future, identifying potential threats and opportunities, adapting the whole company’s performance.

Involve the whole team

Even if there is a person responsible for the process of digital transformation, it is very important that you involve all employees in this change, because only then you will have their support and commitment. Communication between all departments is essential if digital transformation is to be implemented correctly.

Stay up-to-date

When a company decides to invest in digital transformation, it must be aware that it is necessary to be constantly updated on technological trends and innovations. Artificial intelligence is the biggest trend for the next few years, according to a Gartner study released in 2016. It is believed that more and more the customer relationship through digital means will be done using chatbots. Using cloud storage is another big trend. According to a survey by IDC, by 2020 about 67% of software spending will be related to cloud storage tools.

Get expert help

The shift from an analog paradigm to a digital paradigm can be quite complex for companies that don’t have the experience they need. In these situations, it is advisable to hire external support. Specialized companies have more experience and more technical knowledge on the subject and will be more prepared to face the challenges that have come up along the way. However, you have to evaluate the costs: adopting a ready-to-use solution will certainly cost less than developing the tool internally. On the other hand, it is essential to know all the needs of the company, because existing solutions may not be able to meet all the requirements of your company.

Always work with goals

Following the market trend is very positive, but it can be detrimental if you don’t know what your business objectives are with the adoption of digital transformation. It is important that you know your goals well and that they are specific, realistic and measurable, because only then can they be achieved. Digital transformation can help you achieve a wide range of goals: win new customers, retain current customers, optimize team performance, and more.

Machines vs. Humans: Enemies or Good Allies?

Customer service is increasingly automated. This is due to the increasing demand of consumers, who are looking for faster and more efficient responses. The business world, over the next few years, will have a greater dependence on machines and this causes many people to look at them with mistrust and fear. But are machines and humans, enemies or can they be good allies?

Machines vs. Humans

A study by Gartner concluded that by 2020, 85% of the times that consumers will relate to business will be without any human intervention. However, we should not think that machines will dominate the world and end human interaction. In fact, what this means is that human beings will increasingly have control over technology, using it in a more intelligent way and freeing employees from bureaucratic and repetitive tasks.

What changes in the main sectors

Medicine: In the United States, 98% of prostate surgeries are done with the help of robots. We can say that computers make the work of healthcare professionals more efficient, reducing the duration of surgeries and drastically reducing the risk of error. It is estimated that in 2018 the health technology area will create 35,000 new jobs.

Education: distance learning is already a reality in many countries. Currently, there are robot teachers who are able to teach and correct tests. There are a thousand robots of this type all over the World. Students demand that education be adapted to the reality they know and this reality is technological. Thus, distance learning will increasingly be the preferred way of learning.

Banks: The influence of machines in the banking sector is mainly related to the possibility of each user being able to access their account anywhere in the World. In 2012 there was an 84% fall in job creation in the banking sector in relation to the previous year. Technology has in fact reduced the need for professionals, such as cash operators. On the other hand, increased the need for IT professionals.

Agriculture: this is one of the sectors most affected by the entry of new technologies. In this area, irrigation and harvesting machines greatly increase productivity. The replacement of men by machines in this sector is a reality. However, it is also necessary here to have good IT professionals, which proves that if on the one hand machines replace human labor, on the other they create new needs.

Marketing and sales: Easy access to the Internet and increasing use of social media has changed the way people view consumption. At the sales level, it is becoming easier to consume. People can buy products from around the world from a mobile phone. The user experience has evolved a lot in this sector, because it is now possible for people to “experience” clothing from a distance, to see if they like a piece or not. At the marketing level, automation allows promotional campaigns to be increasingly targeted to the specific needs of each citizen, which greatly improves their experience.


Machines and humans don’t have to be enemies. In fact, when technology is well used, who wins is Man. The World has evolved at an amazing rate and citizens need to keep up to date so they don’t risk losing their jobs!

The main technological evolutions of 2017

In the world of technology, every year is important, because the evolution in this sector is a constant and what today is a novelty, tomorrow may already be outdated. The end of the year is always a time of balance and it is time to analyze the main technological developments of 2017 and the impact they had in the business world!

Artificial intelligence

Who doesn’t know robot Sophia? This humanoid was developed by the company Hanson Robotics, of Hong Kong, and is able to reproduce 62 facial expressions. It was created to be able to learn, work and adapt to human behavior. The fact that this robot has received the citizenship of a country this year is a very important step for the world of artificial intelligence. The great goal of this new form of intelligence is to make the life of corporate employees easier by performing repetitive and more bureaucratic functions. 2017 was a very important year for this area and it is expected that in 2018 the trend will evolve further.

Cloud storage and software

It is no longer new that the use of Cloud has been growing in recent years. The increased security of information and the ability to access data from any device and anywhere in the world are factors that have led companies in 2017 to opt for these solutions. This was the year in which Cloud’s position was strong in the business world, and today there is no longer any mistrust of cloud solutions, but rather a growing need and demand.


The bots are systems that can simulate human actions, played the role of virtual assistants. The main purpose of using this technology is to make the user experience more interesting. The bots are programmed to give information about products and services without having to do research (good examples of this are Ikea’s Anna’s assistant and Apple’s Siri). In 2017, bots have become better at interpreting human language, and more and more companies choose to use these small robots, especially in the after-sales service areas.


The present is mobile and there is no doubt about it. In 2017 it has been proved that mobility has to be part of companies’ lives. A recent IBM study reveals that we spend 90% of our time next to our mobile phone. Over the course of this year, technology companies have become aware that if they are to win in today’s competitive world, they must adapt to mobile devices. Having a mobile-friendly website and software that works on mobile phones and tablets is a must to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Internet of Things

This year, the number of devices sending information has grown dramatically. It is estimated that by 2020 there are between 20 and 30 billion connected devices. The great goal of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to make objects more efficient. For example, in a production line, through this system, it is possible to detect possible problems in machines before causing damage to the whole production.

Top 5 trends in data visualization

Data is increasingly important to companies and knowing how to interpret them correctly and quickly is a constant challenge. The current business world is very fast, so it is no longer possible for companies to survive only at the expense of lengthy reports. Business Intelligence, artificial intelligence and the need for real-time information are changing the way we view data. In today’s article, we present the key trends in data visualization!

Location-based data analysis and visualization

Mobile applications and social networks are increasingly using geo-referencing. In this way, it is possible to know where a customer is located and to send personalized and useful information at the moment, in order to stimulate a purchase. This trend will be well present in the future, where applications will begin to integrate more analysis based on geotags.

Data visualization for all

The tendency is for all employees in a company to have access to data that is important for the performance of their obligations. If the data were previously only available to top managers and decision makers, in the future it is expected that there will be a democratization of data access so that all employees are better informed and better able to perform their tasks.

Interactive Dashboards

The large volume and complexity of data requires new ways of analyzing information. Interactive dashboards are going to be a big trend next year. Softwares such as Multipeers allow the creation of an interactive dashboard with information from several data sources, which makes the analysis faster and, consequently, the decision making is faster and efficient.

Presence on multiple platforms

Companies should be present on various platforms (social media, blog, website) and thus collect data from various sources. This information can be used to better understand customers and their needs and desires. In this way, business portfolio can be adapted to the real needs of consumers, which will make them more loyal to the brand.

Data Scientists

This will be one of the most important professions in the future. A data scientist is an analytical professional who has the technical capabilities to solve complex problems and has come up to deal with the huge amount of unstructured data that companies have to deal with on a daily basis. This professional creates algorithms to extract insights from the data generated by the diverse sources of information and presents them in a practical and simple format to analyze by the decision makers, who will be able to define strategies and decide the best way for the company.

Top 5: Inspirational Technology Films

The best movies about technology

Technology is present in our lives and it is undeniable that it is increasingly part of our daily lives. In the world of the seventh art, several movies have been launched that address the theme of technology and are true artworks for those who are in love with technology. In today’s article we cover the 5 most inspiring movies ever about technology!


The Matrix trilogy tells the story of Neo (Keanu Reeves), a man hired by a group of rebels who is against the domination of machines. Upon leaving the “matrix”, Neo discovers that he lived in a scary reality, without ever having taken it for granted. This trilogy is almost mandatory for fans of technology because in addition to being very well made films and unforgettable action scenes, raises very interesting and philosophical questions about the concept of augmented reality.

2001 – Space Odyssey

This classic dates back to 1968 and it was written by Stanley Kubrick. The main objective of this film was to predict how the technology would be in the year 2001 and for that it had the help of more than 50 companies and organizations. After the year 2001, we can say that some of the technologies foreseen in the film actually came to execution, while others did not pass into the real world. The main technological predictions shown in the film are interplanetary travel, the colonization of the Moon and artificial intelligence. In the movie we see an artificial intelligence system called HAL and it is impossible not to compare it with Siri and Google Now. It is worth to see and realize what was the mind of the people who made predictions in 1968!

Minority Report

The 2002 film starring Tom Cruise uses a movement interface, a reality that is set in 2054. Steven Spielberg recruited the help of technology advisors, among them MIT engineers. Detective John Anderton thought the system was perfect until the system turned against him. Based on a book by famed science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, “Minority Report” has its action passed in Washington D.C., at a time when the crimes were completely eliminated. Tom Cruise is Detective John Anderton, who is responsible for the Pre-Crime unit – where, through psychic technology, it is possible to arrest the killers before they commit the crimes. However, Anderton will find himself in trouble after being accused of murdering a man he has not yet met.

The Bicentennial Man

This film is based on the work of science fiction author Isaac Asimov and focuses on the conflicts of a machine with consciousness. The plot begins as the robot Andrew, played by Robin Williams, develops feelings for the family that bought it. It is a very interesting film for those who love technology because it questions and makes us wonder if a product of technology can not be considered alive and if it does not deserve to be treated as a being with real feelings and emotions.

Eternal shine of a mind without memories

This film has qualities of drama, science fiction and romance. It portrays the relationship of Joel (Jim Carrey) and Clementine (Kate Winslet). When their relationship ends, they decide to use a technological procedure that clears their brain memories and thus avoids the suffering of the end of the relationship. This film is worth seeing as it shows us how human relations are currently affected by the evolution of technology.