7 Lessons from Steve Jobs to better manage your business

The name of Steve Jobs doesn’t leave anyone indifferent. In addition to the incredible technologies he has developed throughout his life, Steve Jobs has also left a story that still inspires a lot of entrepreneurs and managers. Its unique way of meeting the challenges and managing people is an inspiration to many professionals. In today’s article, we highlight the top 7 lessons of Steve Jobs to better manage your business!

Accept that you cannot do everything by yourself

Many managers think that they can do everything on their own and this is a big mistake, as it can even compromise the whole company. Listening to the opinion of work teams is essential to getting to know other points of view and other ways of solving the same problem. Steve Jobs didn’t create the iPhone alone and gave immense value to the opinion of those around him.

Keep the focus even in the middle of the chaos

All managers need focus to guide their work. When Steve Jobs arrived at Apple, he found a chaotic scenario where several versions of the Macintosh were being produced simultaneously. It was necessary to guide the work team, focusing on two products: a laptop and a Desktop version. The end result was two products that were well-suited to meet the real needs of customers.

Do what you really like

Nowadays, it is not easy to work only on what we like, but having a passion for our work will make all the difference in the final results. Jobs was very fond of the area where he worked and so he was more committed than most people. Only with real passion for our work can we be happy every day!

Simplify processes

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”: this was Apple’s marketing motto. Steve Jobs wished that all actions of the iPhone were accomplished in 3 clicks only. It is essential that companies offer practical and simple solutions to their customers, because today’s consumers are very demanding and like ready-to-use and easy-to-handle solutions.

Learn from mistakes

Even the best pros fail and Steve Jobs was no exception. Many managers are frustrated when they make mistakes and fail to take advantage of the lessons that all mistakes have to offer us. After a fall, you must have enough strength to stand up and this is achieved through an objective and realistic analysis of what went wrong.

Don’t settle

Many companies settle when they reach the desired level of success. It is a mistake to think that they can accommodate themselves and that they no longer need to strive harder to please customers. Innovation and the search for improvements must be a constant in the action of companies, because only in this way will they be able to have dynamic and profitable businesses.

Seek perfection in everything you do

It is not enough to deliver what is acceptable: we must go further and try to always do the best we can. Perfection is a subjective concept, but if each employee and manager of a company does its best in every task, the end result will be exceptional and it will be very difficult for the competition to do better!

5 inspiring films about people management

People management is one of the most important areas in companies, but unfortunately it is one of the most undervalued. The internal public is the main public of the company, because it is through the actions of employees that the image of the company is created for external audiences. There are films with very valuable lessons on people management and in today’s article we have selected 5 inspiring movies that all managers should watch!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

In spite of being an eccentric film and with a lot of fantasy, we have the vision of a very effective selection process. Willy Wonka is the owner of the factory and creates a new place to take five children to meet the chocolate factory, through several challenges, which are authentic group dynamics. Willy Wonka had the entire process thought out and with all the particularities defined, just as a selective process should be. In this movie, we see that the right ad attracts the right people, with the ideal profile for the job. Anyone who went through all the challenges would have the job. This film is very good to show us that planning is essential in all phases of human resources.


All of Rocky’s films, starring Sylvester Stalone, show us a motivational speech with the ability to make us start working immediately on all our plans and accomplish everything we always dream about. Rocky has incredible leadership skills and all human resource managers should be a bit like him! This film is also essential for the management of human resources because it shows us the difficulties that we are encountering along the way until we reach success. The main lesson is that despite the difficulties that are appearing, we must be able to stay strong to continue fighting!

The Devil Wears Prada

This is a must have movie! It has a cast full of good actors and tells the story of Miranda, an executive of Runaway Magazine, who hires an assistant and the relationship between them is very inspiring. This film shows us that our dream job may be far from perfect and that bad influences at work and over-competitiveness can interfere negatively throughout our lives. It’s an inspiring film about people management, which shows that good workplace environment is essential to the success of a business.

The Internship

This movie tells the story of two seasoned salespeople who start working as trainees on Google. To secure the place, they need to enter a competition with other candidates. In the beginning, they encounter difficulties due to the great difference of ages and knowledge between them and the new generation. However, in the end they can learn from the younger and younger learn from them. This film teaches us how important it is to value the knowledge of your team. Despite the management position it occupies, you must take into account that everyone has something to teach and that you can learn a lot from your employees. Encourage the sharing of ideas and knowledge among employees, as they will feel more motivated to evolve and work better.

The Imitation Game

This is a movie based on real facts that tells us the story Alan Turing, a mathematician with an above average intelligence, who is quite antisocial. The film takes place during World War II. At the time, the British government hired a team that had the purpose of decoding a famous code used by the Germans to convey their messages of war. The film teaches us that working as a team is fundamental and not giving up on adversity is the most important messages that you should convey to your employees as responsible for managing people.


7 habits that all leaders must adopt

Know the 7 most important habits that all leaders should adopt

The leadership ability is to be able to lead a group of people that results in a team that produces good results. The role of a leader/manager of a company is not always easy: he has to be able to manage, motivate and encourage his teams so that they feel committed to the individual and global goals of the organization. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 7 habits that all leaders must adopt to make their management effective!

Know how to listen
This advices fits into any area of personal and professional life. People say that as we have two ears and only one mouth, we should talk less and hear more! In the business world, the leader must know how to listen to his employees because only then he will be able to find problems and implement improvements. When the leader listens to his or her employees, a closer relationship is established between them and together they will be able to find answers that will be beneficial to management.

Constantly evaluate the business
“A business that produces nothing but money is a poor business”: the celebrated phrase is by Henry Ford and still stands today. A good leader should evaluate a business as a whole and not just focus on money. The manager should be able to assess the financial aspects, but also the aspects related to employee motivation, working conditions and social impact of the business.

Be resilient
Resilience is the ability to deal with defeat and is one of the characteristics that must be worked out so that we know how to succeed. All managers have to be prepared to make mistakes and fail. A weak leader, after a defeat, will feel frustrated and will stop taking risks and will inevitably fail to get good results. A good leader will look at defeat as “a stepping stone to success” as they will be motivated to do more and better on the next try.

Simplify processes
“Simplicity is the supreme sophistication”: this phrase was on the first flyer of Apple and was a philosophy followed by Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs eliminated all the accessory elements and focused only on what was really important. Managers tend to complicate everything from creating reports to holding extensive meetings. A good manager should be able to present the information to his team in a simple and easy-to-understand way so that the work can flow at a good pace. This increasing need for this simplicity was one reason why software such as Multipeers has emerged, allowing you to analyze information in real time in a simple, practical and intuitive way.

Give Feedback
A good leader should always give a constructive opinion to the work done by his team. When there is no communication from the leader or manager, the employees will feel discouraged and will feel that their work have no importance. If a job has many mistakes, the leader should not criticize the employee in front of his colleagues as this will have a negative effect on his work. Criticism must be done on its own and always in a constructive way.

Know how to delegate
It is essential for a leader to delegate tasks. Otherwise, you will be overworked and you will not be able to complete all the tasks. Often leaders don’t delegate because they don’t trust the team enough and this causes them to have a work overload, which is not beneficial to them or to the team. The manager has to know his team well to know who can deliver each task.

Lead by example
“Look at what I say and don’t look at what I do” is a philosophy that cannot be followed in the business world. The leader is a mirror to the collaborators and is the crucial example. More important than words are attitudes and actions and therefore, the leader should have as main concern lead by example. It is only through this kind of leadership that it will enable people to follow and commit to the goals of the organization.