Digital marketing: how to monitor your company’s social media in real time

Business is happening at a very fast pace today, which forces managers to monitor in real time everything that happens in companies. Nowadays, it is no longer advisable to only analyse reports with a few days: the market demands that you be always aware of what happens in your business. In addition, the increasing dependence of the human being on social networks dictates how companies must follow everything that goes on in their social media profiles. Thus, it is essential to always be aware of what happens in the digital world so that you can take advantage of all the emerging business opportunities. In today’s article, we cover the key ways to monitor your company’s social media in real time.


This tool was created in 2010 to schedule tweets. However, the success was so great that it started to make the scheduling of publications available to other social networks. In addition to publishing schedules, this tool also allows you to create reports on each publication.


Hootsuite also allows scheduling of publications and gives us a real perspective on the positioning of the brand in each social network. Hootsuite lets you know in real time what is said about a brand and also allows you to create alerts that let you know when someone mentions your brand.


Tool that analyses the behaviour of the visitors in their profiles in the most diverse social networks. This tool makes it possible to check the statistics of clicks, downloads, backlinks and comments quite easily and in real time.


Multipeers is a business monitoring system that allows you to analyse what is happening in the company. It is a BAM system that gives us information about the state of each department, as it condenses information from the various data sources into a single platform. In this way, it is easier for managers to know what goes on in each department, improving communication among all and allowing improvements and corrections to be applied. In addition, it is also possible to connect the tool to various social media profiles and be alerted whenever there is activity in the profiles of your brand.

Why should I monitor what happens on social networks in real time?

  • Identifying business opportunities: By monitoring real-time social networks you can identify opportunities right when they appear, allowing you to stay one step ahead of your competition. A fluctuation in demand for a product, for example, could lead you to launch a specific campaign, increasing sales and improving company results.

  • Possibility of Alerts: Business monitoring software such as Multipeers allows you to set up business alerts whenever there is a deviation from what is considered normal within your company. Wherever you are, you will be notified by SMS or email about any changes and you can act immediately, even before there is damage to the organization.

  • Better decisions: When you know exactly what your audience thinks about you and what they need, it’s much easier to make the right decision. Analysing what they say about you in real time will give you all the inputs you need so that you can consciously decide on the best course to take. The reports with a few days present outdated information, which doesn’t correspond to the actual state of the company at that time. Therefore, often the decisions made are mismatched and don’t benefit the business.

10 marketing KPI’s for all companies

Having defined KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make informed decisions. BAM tools such as Multipeers allow you to track KPIs continuously and in real time. Analyzing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives, effectively increasing the degree of achievement of the objectives. Marketing is one of the areas that most benefits from the use of KPI monitoring tools. In today’s article, we will address 10 KPI’s of marketing for every business!

Conversion rate

Having many visits on the website is very important and means that the same is performing well and appears in the search engines. However, it is not enough that the visitor navigates the site and leaves it without leaving a contact or without buying something. The conversion rate compares the number of visitors to the website with the number of visitors actually making a purchase. It’s a very important indicator because it allows us to understand how appealing our website really is and if it is encouraging its visitors to make a purchase.


ROI means return on investment and measures the end result of an investment: it relates all the expenses involved in an action to the profits made by that same action. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows: ROI = Net Profit (Total Profit from Investment – Cost of Total Investment) / Cost of Investment. If the ROI is greater than zero, it means that the investment was positive for the company. If it has negative values, there was a loss. It’s one of the most important indicators in the marketing area since there must always be an evaluation of all the actions carried out.

Cost by lead

This indicator shows us how much it costs the company to acquire a lead. We get the value after dividing the amount of money invested in marketing by the number of leads generated. Studies report that the cost per lead generated through digital marketing is about 61% lower than the leads generated by traditional marketing. Knowing how much it costs us to generate a lead is essential so that we can redistribute the investments and improve the results.

Bounce rate

Bounce rate shows us the percentage of visitors who were only on one page of your site. The higher this ratio, the worse your performance will be, as it means that there were many visitors quickly giving up on exploring your site. This may mean that your site is not appealing or has little relevant information. Whenever this value is too high, you should invest time in improving the website. Otherwise, you may lose many business opportunities.

Annual growth rate

The annual growth rate is calculated by comparing data between two consecutive years. At this rate, it becomes easier to perceive the annual performance of the campaigns and to withdraw the values that the effects of seasonality may cause. This annual growth rate also allows you to find trends.

Traffic origin

Indicator that reveals the origin of a visit to the website. It’s an important indicator for us to realize which social media strategies are working better, whether the newsletter is generating visits or if paid campaigns are producing results. Knowing what platforms our customers and potential customers are on is an important guide to all our action.

Client retention rate

To obtain the customer retention rate simply add up the total number of customers and subtract the number of customers that have been lost in a certain period. Then just divide the result by the total number of customers. The higher the retention is, the lower the need to acquire new customers and the greater the likelihood of generating new sales for the same business portfolio.

Number of submitted proposals

The number of proposals is important to realize how many potential customers have expressed a real interest in buying something from our company. The number of proposals must always be based on the total number of contacts made.

Visits generated by social networks

If your company is communicating through social networks, you should always measure the impact it has on your website and business. It’s no use putting good material into company profiles if it doesn’t translate into visits and sales. Weekly, you should measure how many visits you had from each social network and should invest more in those that more visits generate. If a social network doesn’t continuously generate any visit, you should consider whether it is worth continuing to invest in that network.

Visits to the website

This metric is essential in the online world we currently live in and shows us how many visits the website had in a given period. It’s important not to confuse this metric with the number of people who visited the site: this indicator merely states how many visits users made to the site, and the same person could have accessed it several times. This indicator is critical to the success of the sales funnel because the more visitors you have, the greater the likelihood of generating leads and sales. You can easily find this value in the Google Analytics dashboard.


KPI’s sales that every business needs

Defining KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make more informed decisions. The sales area is one of the most important in any business, because it is through sales that companies manage to generate wealth to keep the business running. Each business has its own specifics, but there are KPIs across all areas. In today’s article, we’ll cover the sales KPIs that every business needs!

Speed of sale

Measuring the speed at which a sale is made is an important strategy to evaluate the company’s performance in attracting customers and responding to their expectations. The lower the sales cycle, the greater the effectiveness. Thus, it’s essential to invest in actions that stimulate the customer’s interest and in strategies that accelerate the purchase.

Average value of sale

This indicator is the result of the division of revenue generated by a seller by the number of sales made by the professional in a given period. This indicator is important because it allows to establish a profile for the members of a team and allows people to adapt according to their characteristics.

Churn Rate

The Churn rate indicates the percentage of abandonment of a product or service, meaning the number of customers who have given up on continuing with your business. The higher the churn rate, the lower the company’s chances of growth, as new customers will only serve to replace leaving customers and don’t generate new wealth.

Number of won deals

It’s important to know the number of closed deals in a given period to create realistic goals. A good example of the applicability of this indicator is to compare 2 sellers and check the number of closed deals and the average ticket. There are salespeople who prefer to work better on the lead, spending more time with it, and this lead can have a greater return from that customer.

Customer Recommendation Index

Indicator that shows us the percentage of current customers who arrived at the company due to the recommendation of another customer. To measure it, just ask the new customer how he met the company at the time of the sale. The best advertising for a business will always be word of mouth, so if this rate is too low you need to invest in this area to increase current customer satisfaction.

Follow up rate

Few sales are made on first contact with the prospect. You need to keep in touch with him a few times. This indicator aims to answer the question: how many contacts are needed to make a sale? In this indicator it’s also important to know how many customers close deals in the first three contacts. The answers to these questions will help define a new follow-up strategy.

Defining business indicators in a conscious way is fundamental to being able to analyze the business objectively. It is essential that the indicators analyzed show managers the way forward in order to correct errors and apply new strategies. Multipeers offers you a set of 50 KPIs essential for 360º management of your business. Download our e-book!

Good Practices for Controlling a Company’s Inventory

Controlling a company’s inventory is a vital activity. It represents the source of supply to meet business demand, which ultimately means that it is one of the most important activities for the organization to deliver on what has been promised to its customers.

Therefore, it is of great importance to define clear strategies and maintain the attention of the responsible team in performing an efficient management of the stock, aligned with the organizational objectives. This becomes all the more essential because it is a process with several challenges to be overcome and of great impact on profitability.

Let’s look at some practices that can help you with your inventory management and open doors for better results.

Control the Stock

Inventory turnover is among the key indicators for controlling enterprise stock. Basically, it measures the number of times the stock has been renewed in a given time interval. That way, you can gauge if you have maintained an optimal volume of items.

If stock turnover is high, it means you have an efficient operation, where products are not “stuck” on the shelves. In this way, the capital of the business remains free for investments in other aspects that produce return to the organization, rather than fixed assets.

Work with Security Stock

One of the great objectives of inventory control is to prevent missing units for customer service. Therefore, one of the main tools to meet such a requirement is the security stock.  This is a quantity of items calculated as surplus to the zeroed stock. Thus, when it arrives at the resupply point, which is the minimum acceptable stock for new units to be ordered, the request is made and, in addition to the volume of items required until the new consignment is received, there should be a quantity for covering unforeseen, such as delays.

Invest in Technology

Technology is a central factor for any business today. It has become an indispensable item for the development of a series of activities, which includes inventory management.

Some examples of contributions that it brings in this case are specific programs to develop the steps involved and various possibilities of process automation. Therefore, this is one of the main ways for the consistent control of its inventory operation.

Attention to Valuable Items

Another good practice involved in inventory management is validity control. It is necessary to find ways, if possible automated, to ensure that you only work with items within the ideal condition of use, which excludes overdue items.

Many techniques help in this process and one of the best known is the FIFO, acronym for First In, First Out, which in free translation means “First to enter, first to leave.” Basically, it advocates that the items should be used depending on their arrival in the stock, releasing first those who arrived first and reducing the possibility of maturities.

Analyze the Usage Profile of each Item and Assemble a Rational Stock

Our sixth tip refers to logistic factors, as is the case of displacement. The more an item is sued, the more it will be taken off the shelf. This indicates that it is better that the most used items have a lower access distance than the lesser used items.

This is just one of the principles that must govern the assembly of the business inventory layout. No matter how simple items look, many organizations overlook their potential gains and lose large amounts every year, thanks to the small losses that accumulate and become gigantic losses over time.

So the trick is: work for a rational stock.

Integrate Processes Associated with Inventory Control

The last good stock control practice we want to highlight is process integration. The activities of each department of a company are interrelated and must be conducted in an integrated manner to generate synergy.

Therefore, the ideal is for you to evaluate, for example, the impact of sales on your stock which, in turn, will affect your financial control.

A great way to have this comprehensive view and maintain accurate control of the entire chain is to use an ERP. It is a software specially directed to offer a virtual interface of your organization and to enable a broad management of your processes.

By: GestãoClick

5 Mistakes to avoid in customer management

The Customer is the most important part of a company. Companies make a lot of mistakes when it comes to dealing with customers and their needs, and these mistakes often lead to the loss of important customers. In today’s article, we talk about the 5 mistakes to avoid in managing customers.

Press Customer

Many companies make the mistake of chasing the customer, either through phone calls or emails. When there is a first contact, you have to give the customer time to evaluate the possible purchase of the product or service offered by the company. No one likes to be constantly bothered and companies need to be made aware that the quality of the contact is worth more than the number of times they contact prospects.

Not knowing the customer and their needs

One of the worst mistakes in managing clients is treating all customers the same way. It is unpleasant when we are attended by an operator who seems robotic and who has a rehearsed speech and does not escape the script. CRM tools help companies to know each customer, their needs and preferences. They also provide information on the most appropriate time to act, either by sending a special campaign or a product sample. You can connect a CRM system to a business monitoring system such as Multipeers. In this way, you will have real-time and always up-to-date information about your customers.

Sell ​​only once

Many commercials are concerned only with the single sale and don’t work towards customer loyalty. Certainly, the first sale is, in theory, the most difficult, since the customer still doesn’t know the company and the products. Focusing on the single sale is a very common mistake that can cause the company to lose sales in the future. Business teams should be concerned about maintaining customer contact in order to guide you toward future purchases and this is achieved through good after-sales service.

Complicating customer service

Unfortunately, there are many companies specializing in this field, especially telecommunication and internet service companies. It is very annoying for a customer to have to repeat their problem to three or four different people. The customer service should always be as pleasant and short as possible because only then can you pass on an image of professionalism. If the customer needs to talk to four people before seeing their problem solved, they will get the feeling that the company is disorganized.

Don’t guide and educate the client

Providing relevant and useful content to the customer about the products or services is a way to educate customers and share important information so that they choose your product. Creating a FAQ section, creating a blog about the area of ​​your activity and having a regular presence on the main social networks are good ways to educate the customer about your product.

The Importance of Process Control for New Business

Starting a new business can seem like a complex challenge. With several variables, the analysis needs to be precise and well planned. Therefore, some factors are more relevant at this time, such as financial resources allocated, fiscal and accounting management, labor charges … All these aspects, when added together, converge to a tangle of details that need to be managed very well by the manager.

Therefore, a good entrepreneur needs to consider the importance of process control when building your business. The processes are sets of actions applied in a specific sector of the business, aiming to optimize the results and standardize the performance of the production flows. That is, processes create behavior patterns that must reflect the company culture and the most effective way that each involved element should accomplish its task.

Why do processes matter so much?

Process control directly affects business productivity. As business relationships are currently at increasingly high speeds, harmonizing processes within a company ensures the execution of the services in the shortest possible time and with greater efficiency at the end of the process. All this starting from a single point and obeying rigorous steps, which also facilitates when identifying problems in the corporate structure.

In addition, processes allow the reproduction of your content. In this way, it is much more practical for the company to structure future actions based on the way the procedures are performed frequently. Thus, processes increase predictability and control over all sectors of the enterprise, if managed fluently and skillfully.

New business and process creation

Business management of a new business is very demanding. As there are no processes yet defined, they must be created and put into practice, which generates a certain period of accommodation and adjustment. The first step to creating a process control is to map all the actions that your company performs, separated by sectors. Therefore, it is necessary to look at its organizational structure, the departments, the various professionals and the numerous forms of work.

With the planning directed to the result of the actions, the manager needs to create and guide all processes for maximum efficiency and fluidity. It is crucial that there are loose ends or redundant steps when structuring a work pace. The more straightforward and clear the process planning, the easier it is to implement and execute it routinely.

The role of business management software (ERP) in project control

As it was analyzed, the process routine is a very complex element and requires a lot of application of the manager when coordinating its execution. However, there are currently several solutions that facilitate this work. Business management software is one of the most relevant ways to manage an enterprise’s process chain.

One of the success stories in the business management software market is EMC Gestão Empresarial, an integrated system that efficiently and solidly manages processes and other areas of your business. One of the hallmarks of EMC Gestão Empresarial is its modular structure that encompasses all business sectors, facilitating the identification and control of the process routines of each area of ​​the company.

As an ERP needs to be centralized and versatile, EMC Enterprise Management is right in the interaction with all the data sources that nourish the analysis of your business. This affirms its efficiency in controlling the processes and ensuring the joint improvement of actions related to each sector.

If you are interested in starting your business or optimizing the processes of your already consolidated company, please contact IT Refresh, the official reseller of EMC Business Management software. Purchase one of the most modern and fluid integrated systems on the market and prove the value for money generated by EMC Systems solutions.

An article by: IT Refresh

Real-time marketing strategies for your business success

Consumers are increasingly demanding and less patient: they want to find solutions and want to find them now! Nowadays, it is no longer enough to launch good content or a good marketing campaign: you have to be the first to have the idea that will solve the problems of consumers and offer something really different. The “now” is the trend of the moment and because of this rush to have solutions come up concepts such as real-time marketing. In today’s article, we are going to talk about real-time marketing strategies for the success of your business.


An event launching a product with real-time monitoring of consumers’ opinions on social media is a great way to find out how much people are receptive to the new offering. It is no longer enough to make a report after the event happens. It is necessary to accompany the second what consumers are thinking about the new product in order to fine-tune strategies.

Location-based advertising

Nowadays, many companies already advertise their services based on location. Through the GPS system, consumers receive information about restaurants, hairdressers and other services near the area where they are. In this way, it is much easier to get the attention of potential customers because they are in the vicinity of the service.

Analysis of consumption forecast

This strategy is widely used in e-commerce. Anyone who enters into online stores realizes that there is an intelligence behind that tells us related or complementary products regarding our searches. The goal of this real-time marketing strategy is to conduct cross selling and increase the average value of the purchase. Process automation, integration with databases and analysis of these data are essential tools for implementing this strategy.

Real-time data analysis

Launching campaigns and promotions is important to promote products and brands, but if there is no real follow-up in real time it is not possible to take the insights needed to make decisions. BAM tools like Multipeers are imperative in today’s business reality, as they allow you to analyze in real time what goes on in each of the business areas. Through a simple, informative dashboard, you can see if a product’s sales are increasing because of a specific campaign.

Find how technology eliminates bureaucracy

We live in an age where everything is urgent and reducing (or even eliminating) bureaucracy is one of the big business goals. Restructuring processes and saving time are the big business goals when it comes to eliminating bureaucracy. The technology brings numerous benefits in this area and it is more than known that the excess of formalism delays the development of any company. In today’s article, let’s talk about how technology eliminates corporate bureaucracy!

Scan all

Excessive paperwork is a big business enemy because you spend a lot of time looking for information in folders and files. If everything is scanned and organized on a disk, it’s much easier to find the information we need. In addition, we save time that we can take advantage of to perform other important tasks.

Privilege the use of the Cloud

Storing your data in the cloud has many advantages, namely being able to access files at any moment from anywhere. Using this technology reduces the need to invest in equipment and enables the practice of home office.

Optimize meetings

Meetings are often more time-consuming than necessary, which is a waste of time. There is already software that allows you to plan your meetings, so that they don’t last longer than is strictly necessary. Likewise, it is possible to hold meetings through Skype and other similar programs, which eliminates the need for everyone to be physically present.

Use enterprise applications

Use WhatsApp to talk to all employees and to improve cross-departmental communication, start using Uber to make it easier to call a car and pay for it, use task management tools so everyone knows what each department is doing do. In this way, communication improves and the number of steps to complete a process drastically decreases, reducing bureaucracy.

Use real-time management software

Business monitoring software such as Multipeers allows you to analyze your business in real time, through a dashboard that compiles all information from the most diverse sources of information. In this way, it becomes much easier to know what is going on in the company and to make decisions consciously.

Use Office 365

Office 365 is a solution in the Cloud that offers features for creating Excel documents, texts and presentations. All these documents are essential to perform the administrative tasks and communication of any business. With Office 365 you can create and edit documents anywhere, giving business mobility to the business. Access to this tool is by user account and there is no need to install the program on all devices that the company uses.

5 lessons of management and leadership we can learn in La Casa de Papel

You’ve probably heard about the Netflix series “La Casa de Papel”. The argument is simple but bold: eight thieves lock themselves in the Royal Spanish Mint, making several hostages, with the aim of making history’s greatest robbery. This series brings us many management and leadership tips that we can apply to our day-to-day professional life. In today’s article, we present the 5 lessons of management and leadership that we can learn from La Casa de Papel.

Know how to deal with different personalities

A good leader has to be able to deal with different personalities and not let personal characteristics interfere with business. In the series, the leader is represented by the mysterious Profesor, who manages to win the trust of all through his intelligence and ability to anticipate problems. We can also observe that the teacher has another very important characteristic in leaders: the ability to motivate others. Also in companies it is essential that those at the top know how to motivate their employees, since only then will they be able to fulfill the overall objectives of the organization.

Careful planning

In the series, we can see that the whole assault was planned down to the smallest detail. The Professor not only plans all his actions, but also anticipates scenarios and thinks about possible solutions. In the business world, it is vital that the manager make careful and studied planning of the market and the actions that your company will develop. You should also be prepared for possible situations that could compromise the success of the business.

Training is essential for good execution

In the series, the robbers spent a lot of time training to do their best at the moment of the robbery. Everyone knew what to do and everyone spent many hours simulating situations that might happen at the Mint. In an enterprise environment, managers must experiment and hone processes, until they achieve maximum perfection in the execution of tasks. The training of employees in a work context is a very important point for the fulfillment of the objectives of the company.

Humans can go wrong

Despite all the planning, all the training hours and all the predictions, people can go wrong and things cannot go the way we had planned. Accepting this is inevitable so as not to discourage employees. Every failure in a company should be seen as a way of learning, because only then can you evolve and train better professionals!

Study your opponents well

Sun Tzu said: “Know your enemy as yourself and do not need to fear the outcome of a hundred battles.” This phrase is very important in the business world. As the Professor has studied the police team and the Mint workers well, managers must know their competitors very well, because only then will they know how to differentiate themselves and gain a competitive advantage.

Do you know what Fog Computing is?

Storage methods evolve daily, with the goal of becoming more dynamic and efficient. After Cloud Computing comes the term Fog Computing, a differential factor to apply with the concept of Internet of Things. With this new technology, much has been researched on the methods of correctly performing the process and treatment of all the generated data. Fog Computing plays a very important role in this process and in today’s article we will explain everything about this new method of storage!

What is Fog Computing?

Imagine a smart city where there is a smart traffic camera that detects the pattern of lights from an ambulance and immediately sends that information to the traffic lights so they can be opened so the ambulance can pass. If this information has to be processed and sent to the Cloud and then sent to the semaphore, there is a waste of time that can be crucial. Fog Computing is about saving traffic and sending time to the cloud, making it possible to directly process the equipment, without the need to send information to the Cloud.

Fog Computing works in the same way as Cloud, but is closer to users and equipment, speeding up processes and reducing network traffic, especially in environments that don’t have high bandwidth. Fog Computing mainly facilitates the processing of the Internet data of Things. Fog Computing aims to increase the capacity of the computer and storage in the cloud across the network. Fog Computing is an intermediate layer between Cloud and hardware, which enables more efficient processing, analysis and storage of data.

Fog Computing and Internet of Things

According to the Business Insider, by 2021 almost 6 trillion dollars will be invested in the global marketplace in Internet of Things. This means that if these numbers happen, the current Cloud Computing systems will not be able to handle the full volume of data, and it is necessary to use add-ins. And that’s where Fog Computing comes in. In this new reality, it is necessary to establish processes that precede Cloud Computing, that manage and analyze the environment so that they store what is really necessary and important, so that there are quicker answers to certain questions.


Fog Computing offers a combination of increased computing power, increased storage capacity and services on the network and intends to address and resolve any limitations of Cloud Computing. Basically, the great goal of this term that is now emerging is to deal with the data that is created on a daily basis.