Find how to deal with changes in consumer behavior in recent years

Consumer behavior: key changes and tricks to deal with it

The consumer has changed a lot in recent times and technology is the main “guilty” of this change. The constant daily access to the Internet has transformed the way we buy and how we relate to brands. Increasingly, today’s consumer seeks to solve their problems quickly and efficiently, which forces companies to keep abreast of new market needs in order to act proactively. Today we are all more demanding, more informed and less patient. In this article we will give you some tips on dealing with changes in consumer behavior in recent years!

Multi-channel Communication

The current consumer is no longer satisfied with a single way of communicating with the company. Given the multiplicity of conversation platforms, customers expect to have several alternatives available to contact the company. As they seek immediate response, they now prefer chatbots, Whatsapp, or any other instant chat platform.

Create empathy

The current consumer likes to be heard and needs to feel that their doubts and complaints have been heard. Listen carefully to what he has to say to you and then repeat what he said in order to get the clear message that you understood his problem. Ask clear and objective questions about what he feels and show him that he is committed to finding solutions. The current consumer wants to be treated as unique and not as another member of a large group.

Offer interesting content

We currently receive dozens of emails per day with the most varied offers. Most of the information we receive is not really useful and its destination is going to the Trash folder. So, many companies spend a lot of time producing campaigns that will not have any return because they don’t care about what their target audience really needs and only focus on the dissemination of their products and services. The trend is to create valuable and really important content for the consumer. Articles about your area of ​​expertise, a news funnel or an e-book are good ways to create a stronger bond with your target consumers. Keep in mind that talking about yourself and your brand will be too egocentric and new consumers will not tolerate such brands.

Clearly define policies

It is essential to know how to proceed if there is a complaint. If you have a clothing store, you must clearly state how the exchange policy works. If you have a company that provides telecommunications services, it should be clear when explaining how to contact technical assistance. Informing the customer of everything is the first step to avoiding problems in the future. In an era in which people share experiences online (especially bad experiences), it is necessary to avoid any situation that may lead to disagreement with the client.

Never make the customer wait

This is our last tip and one of the most important. The current consumer doesn’t allow waiting. He wants an instant response to his problem and it is only with complete knowledge of the market and current needs that companies can effectively respond to situations. Analyzing the business in real time helps you to fully understand the current state of a business. That’s why software like Multipeers gain increasing importance.

7 Tips to Improve Customer Relationship

With digital evolution, communication with the customer is easier, given the multitude of ways to reach it. However, if communication is easier for us, so is it for our competitors, so the battle for the attention of the target audience is greater than ever. There are important tips you can follow to improve your relationship with the Customer and in this article we’ll introduce you to the 7 best tricks!

Meet deadlines

To satisfy the customer in the immediate, many companies make the mistake of setting deadlines too short to solve complex issues. It is tempting to show our customers that we are fast and efficient, but if we cannot meet the deadlines we are going to get an image of lack of professionalism. Therefore, it is essential to be conscious when defining a deadline because we have to take into account all the limitations of time and resource that may exist.

Focus on meeting customer needs

The relationship with the customer doesn’t expire when customer buys. It is increasingly essential to keep track of the level of consumer satisfaction through satisfaction surveys.

Update information in real time

Whenever you receive new data about a customer or potential buyer, you need to update your CRM right away. Don’t leave this task for later because you run the risk of forgetting and losing important information for the realization of a sale. Running your information systems in real time and analyzing all changes with a business monitoring system such as Multipeers allows you to make more conscious decisions and close deals faster.

Establish emotional relationships

According to a study published by Harvard Business Review Brazil, turning satisfied customers into people emotionally connected with the company is far more advantageous than making dissatisfied customers happy. A client emotionally attached to a brand spends twice as much and is worth 52% more than a satisfied customer. A good trick to connect emotionally with customers is to create a kind of VIP club, where you offer special promotions and exclusive offers.

Have a good presence on social media

People no longer go to the Internet today: they live online. Therefore, it is essential that a brand is aware of the social media most frequented by its target and that defines a strategy of action in these platforms to ensure close contact with the customer. If you use a Facebook page, offer interesting content and be always available to respond quickly to your followers’ questions. Don’t just talk about yourself; you should share content about your area, to attract the attention of your followers.

Be human and not mechanical

Consumers feel more confident with companies that treat them with education and transparency and feel no empathy with companies that use a standard, quasi-robotic service. Talking to the client empathically.

Be objective

Customers hate when they feel like companies are fooling them with beautiful words. You must always be objective and go straight to the problem that the customer wants to solve. Don’t be afraid to say “no” or to make a mistake. You must always offer solutions to the customer in order to minimize the negative effects that a purchase had.