The Importance of Mobility for the Business World

The idea of ​​an office between 4 walls from 9am to 6pm is increasingly outdated. Today, companies prefer that their employees have mobility, that is, that they are able to work from anywhere. The widespread use of the Internet and the constant evolution of technology allowed mobility to become a reality that is increasingly present in companies around the world. Enterprise mobility allows for greater agility and efficiency for companies, as well as driving cost savings. In today’s article, we address the importance of mobility for the business world!

Increased security

Companies are often afraid that mobility will be synonymous with a greater likelihood of loss of network access credentials, which in most cases results in leaks of information abroad. Fortunately, more and more technology is moving towards making systems and networks more secure and practically inviolable. Nowadays, it is possible to control the access of those who are connected to the network, define restrictions, among other things that contribute to the access to the company network by other devices is not seen as a problem. Knowing that employees are going to connect to the network from anywhere in the World means that companies have a greater security concern, which translates into a huge advantage for the whole business.

Real-time information about the business

With access to company information from anywhere in the World, employees are able to give an instant response to their interlocutor, passing an image of professionalism and excellence. Products such as Multipeers allow the collaborator to know where the business is at any given moment through a smartphone or a tablet. Mobility requires the adoption of this kind of solutions, which bring innumerable advantages to organizations, thus entering a spiral of positive events that will translate into an increase in profit.

Better communication among all stakeholders

Through a mobile phone, it’s possible to respond to an email from a customer from anywhere in the World without having to wait to get to the office. This facilitates communication in that it greatly reduces the response time. Nowadays, it is also possible to create and edit documents on mobile devices, which makes work more efficient and with faster results. You can also participate in geographically distant meetings by accessing Skype on a mobile device, for example. Customers today are much more demanding than in the past, so it is crucial that you can respond quickly and effectively.

Greater freedom and greater motivation

With mobility, it’s possible for workers to work from anywhere and at any time, so that they are not limited and forced to work from the office. This makes the creativity and motivation are greater and consequently you will feel an increase in productivity. Employees feel that there is less pressure and that there is more freedom, thus increasing their motivation and involvement with the company.


Data control: from management to accounting

Mastering a company’s data control is a key step to success. Today we live in the age of Big Data, where large amounts of information are processed at all times, helping companies to make more assertive decisions. What many people do not know is that data is different from information. The information only arises when the data are interpreted. Having a large volume of business data only means better performance if your company is able to convert that data into accurate and dynamic information. Thinking about this we will clarify the main doubts about the control of business data and how computerization is changing the world of business to best. Check out:

After all what is data control?

Data control is a set of actions that seek to optimize the reading of different information that affect the development of a company. When we talk about business data, we can address a number of industries, but the Big Data concept is Big.

According to Oracle Brazil website [1], Big Data is:

“[…] a holistic information management strategy that includes and integrates many types of data and data management together with traditional data.”

That is to say, large volumes of data are sorted and analyzed in order to represent concrete information about various sectors, such as customer behavior, market trends, investment possibilities and even pointing to operational failures in several sectors of a company.

Big Data is directly related to so-called “3 Vs”:

  • Volume: As the name says, everything in Big Data is GREAT. We are talking about a huge amount of data, which can be internal or external to the business environment. An example of internal data is the countless reports like buying, selling, profits and many other day to day data of a business. External data can be represented by customer behavior, demands, market changes and all actions that occur outside the company, but which directly affect its progress and profitability.
  • Speed: Big Data is characterized by the tremendous speed at which these new data are created. Every second million data is released in the digital world, which requires companies to quickly read this information. Companies that do not keep up with this speed end up lagging behind.
  • Variety: just as there is a large volume of data, rotating at an ever-increasing speed, there is also a wide variety of data, available in different sectors and channels.

These data are available in an unstructured way, that is, they are fragmented in several models and need to be sorted so that the information makes sense. Each digital medium has a different type of data, requiring a different type of reading. There is data, for example, in social networks, emails, messaging applications, websites or even in your accounting industry.

How does data control influence my business?

Every action of your company, simple as it may seem, represents a die waiting for interpretation. For a long time companies operated almost intuitively, relying only on basic and not always relevant information. This has always led to delays, undue expenses and problems in attracting new customers and creating new products. To solve this problem were created the ERPs, commercial automation software, integrated to several sectors of a company. An evolution of this process was the creation of the accounting integration, which provides the sending of the accounting data of the companies directly to their accountants.

What system should I adopt to perform good data control in my company?

If you want to improve the data control of your company, ManagementClick is one of the most efficient systems in the market. It acts as a powerful ERP and still has accounting integration, in this way the analysis of internal and accounting data of your company operate within a single environment.

Data control is performed efficiently and fully in the cloud, ensuring real-time monitoring and with complete security. The main advantage of the GestãoClick model is that it can count on several benefits in a single system. This represents savings, greater agility and integration.

Guestpost by GestãoClick

How to create an information security policy for your business

The protection of information of companies is the theme of the moment, due to the arrival of the new general regulation of protection of data. Companies are increasingly digital and without the prevention of data loss, their security is seriously compromised. Corporate security policy is an essential tool to ensure your data remains safe. In today’s article, we leave you important tips for creating an information security policy in your company.

What is a security policy?

The security policy is a document developed by the company that records the principles of security that the company adopts and that must be followed by the employees. The security policy should be applied to all information systems, both desktop and mobile. For policy to be respected, it is essential that top managers participate in the implementation.

How to create a good information security policy?

  • Define employee accountability: establish fines for misuse of company IT resources. There should also be rules on access to websites and recommendations on the use of the provided electronic devices.
  • Training: there should be practical training in the presentation of information security policy. The company must collect individual statements from its employees, committing themselves to comply with the rules contained in the document. This manual should be easily accessible to employees and should be reviewed frequently so that it is kept up-to-date.
  • Name a person in charge: the company must appoint a responsible person to monitor compliance with the information security policy. This employee should be responsible for detecting breaches and violations of the rules.
  • Make the security policy known: the document must be approved by the company’s human resources department. The rules in this document must be in accordance with the labor laws and the internal manual of the employees. After approval by the human resources, top managers should also do their approval.
  • Adopt a disaster recovery plan: disaster recovery plans are essential for planning actions that ensure that a disaster does not interfere with the company’s performance. In addition to this proactive action, disaster recovery plans also have a reactive action, through the action of carrying out emergency actions, previously planned and that guarantee the immediate resolution of problems. Disaster recovery is still defined as the set of procedures to be performed in crisis situations. The ultimate goal is to leapfrog your company data so your information stays safe and sound.


“Better safe than sorry” is an absolute truth when it comes to your company’s information security. Get to know IT PEERS security solutions and protect your data!

Everything you need to know about the relationship between BAM and KPI’s

Get to know the relationship between BAM and KPI’s

We have already talked on the blog about BAM tools and their importance for business continuity. In this article, we’ll cover the relationship between business monitoring tools and KPIs!

What is a KPI?

KPI stands for key performance indicator. In the business world, KPIs are quantifiable measures that serve to understand whether the company’s goals are being met or whether the strategy needs to be modified to achieve them. For example, productivity KPI is very important to measure the productive capacity of a collaborator. This indicator shows us the relationship between the work produced by a collaborator and the resources used for this purpose. For example: a worker installs 20 m2 of floor in an hour. His colleague can install only 17 m2 of floor in the same time, being less productive than the first.

Relationship between BAM and KPI’s

Companies that decide to invest in a BAM system must have mechanisms to continuously measure the business, because only with constant analysis does investment make sense.

In order for a BAM system to be well implemented and to present practical results it is necessary to follow some good practices, of which the following stand out:

– Survey of critical business processes

– Define which metrics you need to analyze

– Find the best way to compile the information present in the various systems

– Present the information in an intuitive dashboard and adapted to the needs of each user

– Ensure historical data and make projections based on real-time data analysis vs. historical data

– Constant analysis of results

Analyzing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives. An efficient process must be planned and controlled.

Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.


If you want to know more about the importance of monitoring tools download our free ebook and understand how a BAM system can change the whole management of your business!


Get to know the vectors that are transforming security software according to GARTNER

The market of security software is undergoing a dramatic transformation and according to Gartner there are 4 reasons: the use of advanced analysis, the adoption of SaaS (software as a service), expanded ecosystems and new data protection laws. Due to this new reality, companies are redesigning their security systems.

The overall security market is undergoing a period of disruption due to the rapid transition to cloud-based digital business and technology models that are changing how risk and security functions deliver value in an organization,” said Deborah Kish, principal research analyst at Gartner.

Let’s take a look to the 4 vectors that are changing the security software industry:

By 2020, Advanced Security Analytics will be embedded in at least 75% of security products

Companies are increasingly looking for products that incorporate predictive and prescriptive analytical technologies, that is, that are “smarter” and alert users to possible security incidents. These more advanced analytical capabilities are driven by a variety of underlying technologies, such as heuristics, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and other techniques.

The acquisition and integration of products and technologies will be a critical strategy to increase market share and enter new markets

Given the preponderance of startups and small vendors seeking innovative approaches to security issues, acquisition, integration and consolidation are highly effective strategies to increase market share and enter unknown markets. In many cases, mature suppliers looking for continued growth acquiring faster-growing companies from emerging markets. In other cases, suppliers optimize profits by consolidating similar products under a single brand, thereby leveraging economies of scale by combining key functions such as development, support, sales, and marketing.

Demand for end-user flexibility will increase adoption of SaaS

A recent survey of Gartner end-user security spending indicates that there is a preference for products in a SaaS format. SaaS for security and risk management becomes critical as customers move to digital business practices. However, vendors should consider the financial implications of maintaining support for security products rather than investing in a managed product.

The new data protection law creates an opportunity for the security industry

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force on May 25, 2018 and there will be substantial fines for companies that do not comply with the regulation. Companies will be more willing to invest in security solutions because the investment will be necessary so that they don’t have to pay high fines.

The business world is really changing and businesses need to adapt. Real-time analysis and the need to protect the organization’s data are increasingly evident.