10 marketing KPI’s for all companies

Having defined KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make informed decisions. BAM tools such as Multipeers allow you to track KPIs continuously and in real time. Analyzing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives, effectively increasing the degree of achievement of the objectives. Marketing is one of the areas that most benefits from the use of KPI monitoring tools. In today’s article, we will address 10 KPI’s of marketing for every business!

Conversion rate

Having many visits on the website is very important and means that the same is performing well and appears in the search engines. However, it is not enough that the visitor navigates the site and leaves it without leaving a contact or without buying something. The conversion rate compares the number of visitors to the website with the number of visitors actually making a purchase. It’s a very important indicator because it allows us to understand how appealing our website really is and if it is encouraging its visitors to make a purchase.


ROI means return on investment and measures the end result of an investment: it relates all the expenses involved in an action to the profits made by that same action. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows: ROI = Net Profit (Total Profit from Investment – Cost of Total Investment) / Cost of Investment. If the ROI is greater than zero, it means that the investment was positive for the company. If it has negative values, there was a loss. It’s one of the most important indicators in the marketing area since there must always be an evaluation of all the actions carried out.

Cost by lead

This indicator shows us how much it costs the company to acquire a lead. We get the value after dividing the amount of money invested in marketing by the number of leads generated. Studies report that the cost per lead generated through digital marketing is about 61% lower than the leads generated by traditional marketing. Knowing how much it costs us to generate a lead is essential so that we can redistribute the investments and improve the results.

Bounce rate

Bounce rate shows us the percentage of visitors who were only on one page of your site. The higher this ratio, the worse your performance will be, as it means that there were many visitors quickly giving up on exploring your site. This may mean that your site is not appealing or has little relevant information. Whenever this value is too high, you should invest time in improving the website. Otherwise, you may lose many business opportunities.

Annual growth rate

The annual growth rate is calculated by comparing data between two consecutive years. At this rate, it becomes easier to perceive the annual performance of the campaigns and to withdraw the values that the effects of seasonality may cause. This annual growth rate also allows you to find trends.

Traffic origin

Indicator that reveals the origin of a visit to the website. It’s an important indicator for us to realize which social media strategies are working better, whether the newsletter is generating visits or if paid campaigns are producing results. Knowing what platforms our customers and potential customers are on is an important guide to all our action.

Client retention rate

To obtain the customer retention rate simply add up the total number of customers and subtract the number of customers that have been lost in a certain period. Then just divide the result by the total number of customers. The higher the retention is, the lower the need to acquire new customers and the greater the likelihood of generating new sales for the same business portfolio.

Number of submitted proposals

The number of proposals is important to realize how many potential customers have expressed a real interest in buying something from our company. The number of proposals must always be based on the total number of contacts made.

Visits generated by social networks

If your company is communicating through social networks, you should always measure the impact it has on your website and business. It’s no use putting good material into company profiles if it doesn’t translate into visits and sales. Weekly, you should measure how many visits you had from each social network and should invest more in those that more visits generate. If a social network doesn’t continuously generate any visit, you should consider whether it is worth continuing to invest in that network.

Visits to the website

This metric is essential in the online world we currently live in and shows us how many visits the website had in a given period. It’s important not to confuse this metric with the number of people who visited the site: this indicator merely states how many visits users made to the site, and the same person could have accessed it several times. This indicator is critical to the success of the sales funnel because the more visitors you have, the greater the likelihood of generating leads and sales. You can easily find this value in the Google Analytics dashboard.


7 indicators to evaluate the financial health of your business

We have already talked about the importance of indicators for business success, but it is never too much to remember that having defined KPIs is a fundamental part of a company’s management strategy. These business metrics allow for closer monitoring and better management of the level of success of the actions performed. There are thousands of possible indicators for each business and it is very important to know which indicators to choose to always follow the financial health of the business. In today’s article, we present the 7 most important indicators to assess the financial health of your business!

Net profit

It’s one of the most important values ​​for any company. We’ve reached this amount after adding up the entire billing volume and deducting costs and expenses.


Liquidity is the ability to turn an asset into cash. The faster the conversion, the more liquid an asset is. This indicator assesses the ability of the company to pay employees and suppliers.


EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes Depreciation and Amortization and is a way of calculating how much a company generates of resources only with its operation, that is to say, before subtracting the value of the taxes. The formula for achieving EBITDA is Net Operating Income + Depreciation + Amortization. This is a very important value for companies looking for investors and serves as a comparative point with other companies in the same industry.

Cost per lead

This figure shows us how much it costs the company to acquire a lead. We get the value after dividing the amount of money invested in digital marketing by the number of leads generated. Studies report that the cost per lead generated through digital marketing is about 61% lower than the leads generated by traditional marketing. Knowing how much it costs us to generate a lead is essential so that we can redistribute the investments and improve the results.


ROI means return on investment and measures the end result of an investment: it relates all the expenses involved in a share to the profits made by that same share. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows: ROI = Net Profit (Total Investment Profit – Cost of Total Investment)/Cost of Investment. If the ROI is greater than zero, it means that the investment was positive for the company. If it has negative values, there was a loss.

Net Profit Margin

The profit margin represents what the company plans to profit from in return for what has been invested. In addition to calculating net income to obtain the net profit margin, companies must stipulate a value that is in accordance with what the market is willing to pay for their product. If the expectation of profits is well above normal there may be problems with future planning.

Market Share

Market share means the participation of a company in the market in which it is located. This value can be found through billing measurement, quantity of customers, among others.


KPIs are of vital importance to companies because they measure process performance and by analyzing collected information work to improve future action.

The most important IT metrics for your business

The KPI’s are used to facilitate the identification of problems and to realize in what state of the fulfillment of the objectives the company is. When they are well used, they have a great impact on the results of the business. In the area of ​​IT, it is very important to use appropriate metrics so that managers in this area can improve the performance of the infrastructures that support the organization. In today’s article, we’ll cover the most important IT metrics for your business.

Uptime Index

This is one of the most important IT metrics. The index of uptime is the technological applications index and the higher the value, the better the performance of the IT structure. It is essential that the company’s technological infrastructures are always available so that productivity rates remain constant. It is unanimous that the ideal uptime should be 99% and for this it is necessary for the IT team to work with high performance methods to ensure constant availability.

Average wait time on the service desk

Another very important metric is the average time that the professionals take to respond to the requests placed in the service desk. The faster the service and the resolution of the situation, the better the IT performance.

Performance of servers

Servers are very important elements for a company, because it is there that all the necessary resources are centralized so that the whole structure is in operation. This is one of the most important IT metrics. You need to use server management methods and use constant monitoring forms. More and more companies entrust the management of their servers to specialized companies that guarantee security, high performance and permanent availability.


Return on investment is an important metric in any area and the more the IT area grows within a company, the more important it becomes to evaluate the return on investment. It is sometimes very difficult to show the profitability of an investment made in the area of ​​technology and that is why process automation has been gaining more space within organizations. The more automated the IT area is, the easier it will be to prove that you can anticipate problems and avoid system failures.

Average offline time

This KPI serves to analyze the average time an IT device or infrastructure was unavailable. It is a metric known as MDT (mean down time). This metric averages all the time the service was unavailable, for whatever reason: light problems, malfunctions, among others. This value is obtained through the sum of the time the system was unavailable to divide by the number of occurrences in that period.

Everything you need to know about ROI

All companies aim to make a profit and reduce expenses. Throughout a year of work, several investments are made with the purpose of obtaining financial gains. However, when it comes to investing in some stock, we are not sure if we will get the desired return, so there is always a risk associated with all the decisions. ROI – return on investment – is a very important concept for companies and in today’s article we’ll cover everything you need to know about ROI!

What is ROI?

ROI is the acronym for return on investment. This value represents the profit obtained after a certain investment and is commonly used in the evaluation of operational investments, such as acquisition of equipment, computer equipment, participation in events and marketing actions.

How to calculate ROI?

The formula for calculating ROI is very simple:

ROI = ((Revenue – Costs) / Costs) * 100

When calculating a return on investment, only costs and income related to the investment should be included, not the overall results of the company. The following example shows us how ROI applies in practice: a company will participate in a marketing event that costs € 10,000. During the event, they will generate leads that will become customers and in the next 5 years these customers will make a profit of € 20,000 to the company. The return in this case is 100%.

Advantages of calculating ROI

One of the main advantages of this calculation is the reduction of expenses and the increase of profit. It is essential to calculate the return on all actions performed, because only then managers can realize what actions result and which do not add value to the company. Thus, the company will be able to eliminate the investments that generate only expense. However, it must be borne in mind that some investments generate profit only after a considerable period of time. The manager must evaluate all the repercussions of the investment not only in the immediate but also in the long term.

The calculation of the ROI allows to improve progressively, because the company is able to follow the evolution of the investments, identifying standards and allowing to improve its performance. More than identifying the importance of each investment, the calculation of ROI also contributes to a positive evolution of the business.

Calculating this figure allows managers to make decisions faster because they often follow the status of the company and its investments. In this way, when choosing a particular investment, they will know the history of past actions and feel safer to decide.

It is increasingly important to keep track of the state of the business in real time as the markets are increasingly competitive. Multipeers is a BAM tool that allows you to track everything that goes on in your business through the connection to the information systems you use. Through a simple and intuitive dashboard, you’ll be able to instantly see what’s happening so you can make the best decisions for the future of your business!

7 KPIs required for marketing managers

Get to know the most important KPIs to measure your marketing results

Measuring digital marketing results is mandatory if you want to identify areas that need improvement and if you want to have a great performance. By analyzing your marketing results frequently, you will have a more global view of the business and be able to make more conscientious decisions. The marketing world is extremely vast and it is not always easy to know which are the most important indicators for the business. In this article we present you 7 mandatory digital KPIs for marketing managers!

Website traffic: visits

This metric is essential and shows how many visits you had on the website in a given time frame. It is important not to confuse this metric with the number of people who visited the site: this value tells us how many visits users made to your site, and the same person may have entered the site 10 times or more. This indicator is critical to the success of the sales funnel because the more visitors you have, the greater the likelihood of generating leads and sales. You can easily find this value in the Google Analytics dashboard.

Number of organic visits

Within the number of visits to the website, the number of organic visits stands out. Organic visits are those that come to your site through search engine search. People can get to your site because it appeared in the results when there was a search for a certain keyword. So the more organic visitors you have, the better positioned your site will be. This also means that the keywords you are using are the right ones for your business and the ones your target audience uses.

Conversion rate

Having lots of visits on the website is very important and means that our site is performing well and is showing up in the search engines. However, it is not enough that the visitor navigates the site and leaves it without leaving us a contact or without buying something. The conversion rate lists the number of visitors to the website with the number of visitors who make a purchase. It is a very important indicator because it allows us to realize if our site is really intuitive.


ROI means return on investment and measures the end result of an investment: it relates all the expenses involved in an action to the profits made by that same action. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows: ROI = Net Profit (Total Investment Profit – Cost of Total Investment) / Cost of Investment. If the ROI is greater than zero, it means that the investment was positive for the company. If you have negative values, there was a loss.

Cost per lead

This KPI shows us how much it costs the company to get a lead. We get the value after dividing the amount of money invested in digital marketing by the number of leads generated. Studies indicate that the cost per lead generated through digital marketing is about 61% lower than the leads generated by traditional marketing. Knowing how much it costs us to generate a lead is essential so that we can redistribute the investments and improve the results.

Visits generated by social networks

If your company is committed to communicating through social media, you should always measure the impact it has on your website and business. It’s no use posting good material in the company profiles if it doesn’t translate into visits and sales. Weekly you should measure how many visits you had from each social profile and should invest more in those that more visits generate through the website. If a social media doesn’t generate any visitors, you should consider whether it is worthwhile to continue investing time in this profile.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate shows us the percentage of visitors who were only on one page of your site. The higher this fee, the worse it will be for you because it means that there were many visitors giving up quickly of your site. This may mean that your site is not appealing or has little relevant information. Whenever this value is too high, you should invest time in improving the website. Otherwise you may lose many business opportunities.

Increasingly it is essential to keep track of the state of the business and the marketing situation of the company in real time. Marketing has been gaining more importance in the business world due to the great competitiveness that exists today in the markets. Want to know how you can keep track of your business in real time? Get to know Multipeers today!

10 Essential Metrics to Analyze Your Business

Get to know the essential KPIs for your business

A KPI is a Key Performance Indicator, and have vital importance for companies as they measure process performance and by analyzing collected information it’s possible to work to improve future actions. There are numerous performance indicators in a company and its definition always depends on the area of ​​activity. However, there are transverse factors to all activities and in this article we highlight the 10 most important.

Net profit

It’s one of the most important values ​​for any company. We’ve reached this amount after adding up the entire billing volume and deducting costs and expenses.

Net Profit Margin

The profit margin represents what the company plans to make in return for what it invested. In addition to calculating net income to obtain the net profit margin, companies must stipulate an amount that is in accordance with what the market is willing to pay for their product. If the expectation of profits is well above normal there may be problems with future planning.


EBITDA means for Earning Before Interest, Taxes Depreciation and Amortization and it’s a way of calculating how much a company generates of resources only with its operation, that is to say, before subtracting the value of the taxes. The formula for achieving EBITDA is Net Operating Income + Depreciation + Amortization. This is a very important value for companies that are looking for investors and serves as a comparative point with other companies in the same industry.


ROI means return on investment and it’s the return on made investment. This value is the result acquired with the investment made.

Market Share

Market share means the participation of a company in the market in which it’s located. This value can be found through billing measurement, quantity of customers, among others.

Cost Per Lead

This is a value widely used in the digital world, which is gaining importance in the business world. The cost per lead is composed of the sum of the expenses with marketing actions divided by the leads generated through these actions.

Customer Lifetime Value

This metric seeks to define the profit that a company may have. CLV represents the total value obtained with a given customer within a given period and for how long it can still be a customer.


Liquidity is the ability to turn an asset into cash. The faster the conversion is, the more liquid an asset is. This indicator assesses the ability of the company to pay employees and suppliers.

Index of compliance

Controlling accounts is crucial so that the company can balance its accounts payable. This indicator evaluates what the company has to receive and how much of that amount is late or has not been paid.

Employee satisfaction index

It’s very important to analyze the satisfaction status of a company employees. This indicator should identify the main GAPs of management and to guide actions to improve organizational culture.

Knowing the state of the company at every moment is vital for managing the business effectively and objectively. Multipeers enables real-time analysis of the state of the business and provides key metrics for the successful pursuit of objectives.