Digital transformation: how to start?

We live in a digital age and businesses can no longer escape this new reality. Digital transformation is no longer a planning for the future: it is the present of companies. Nowadays, for a company to remain competitive it is necessary to have a solid foundation of technology. Cloud computing, Big Data, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, mobility, real time information, among many other technological concepts are part of the day-to-day business of companies around the world. All these concepts need to be integrated into a business digitization strategy, because when worked together they are much stronger than if analyzed individually. In today’s article, we leave you with some tips on where to start implementing a digital transformation strategy!

Analyze the market in detail

The company should start by checking where it is on the digital maturity curve. It should also verify at what point of maturity the direct and indirect competitors meet. In the past, digitization was seen only as a way to reverse the loss of profit. Nowadays, digital transformation is seen as an opportunity for growth.

Evaluate your current business status

At this stage, you need to make an exhaustive assessment of how digital or analog your business is (this analysis covers products, services and company assets). You need to check whether the company is easily digitized or whether it takes a lot of financial and human resources to get the company’s assets from tangible to intangible. After this assessment, it is necessary to plan the scenarios for change, analyzing strengths and weaknesses and market needs, in order to find financially sustainable possibilities to begin the digitization process.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and realize their needs

You need to know your customers and understand how they are interacting with the market, what needs they present and what kind of solutions they are looking for. Based on this knowledge, it is easier to direct the offer and add value to it. You should find ways to reach your customers by digital means, for example, see if they communicate through social media, read newsletters or listen to podcasts. Digital communication is increasingly the preferred communication channel for consumers. Through this mapping, it is possible to develop much more effective segmentation strategies, since it focuses on the real needs and characteristics of consumers.

Define a strategy with specific dates and actions

After analyzing all the aspects related to the market and the company itself, the next step is to use the data to draw up a strategic plan, which includes all the phases of the digital transformation to be applied in the company. The starting point is always different for each business, since each company has its own specific characteristics. Priority should be given to weaknesses in relation to the competition and using the company’s strengths to stand out.

Prepare the company for change and involve the entire organization

A traditional company tends to be at the center and to treat its customers only as consumers of its products, without actually realizing the importance that the customers have in the evolution of the business. A traditional-minded company looks at digital technology only as a support to operations and there is no great concern for innovation. A transition to the digital world requires investment, time, and a well-defined strategy, since this is the only way to take concrete actions. In this era of change, it is critical that business leaders prepare their employees for scanning. This preparation can be done through training actions that enable employees to realize the true importance and benefit of moving to a digital paradigm.

Apply the change in the actions of the day to day

It is not enough to say that we want to change. Do not just set a plan that ends up forgotten in the bottom of a drawer. Employees need to feel involved in the change process and it is essential that the example be given through daily actions. Using technology in actions that were once more “traditional” and automating processes are the first steps to prove that the company has effectively entered the digitization phase. It is only through superior examples that employees will feel motivated to apply the new business philosophy as well.


Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and intuitive task, because communication between all areas of the company is facilitated. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business. With a more organized and fluid structure, the company will gain a competitive position compared to its direct competitors.

IT management: 4 essential indicators in your company

Having defined KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make more informed decisions. The IT area is one of the most important in any business, as it supports all the activity of the company. In today’s article, we cover 4 essential IT metrics in your business!

Performance of applications

This is one of the most important IT metrics, and for this purpose it is necessary to use constant monitoring tools that evaluate the performance of the applications in the end user’s perspective. Companies increasingly rely on the management of their IT assets to specialised companies that guarantee security, high performance and permanent availability.

Average offline time

This KPI is used to analyse the average time an IT device or infrastructure was not available. It is a metric known as MDT (mean down time). This metric tells us all the time that the service was not available, either because of minor problems, malfunctions, among others. This value is obtained by adding the time the system was not available dividing by the number of occurrences in that period.

Average service time

Another very important metric is the average time that professionals take to respond to requests placed in the service desk. The faster the service and the resolution of the situation, the better the IT performance.

Uptime Index

This is one of the most important IT metrics. It tells us how long IT applications have been available to users, so the longer it is, the better the IT structure performs. It is essential that the company’s technological infrastructures are always available so that productivity rates remain constant.


BAM tools such as Multipeers allow you to track KPIs continuously and in real time. Analysing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives, effectively increasing the degree of achievement of the objectives. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.

7 tips to reduce IT costs

Information technologies are essential for companies that want to ensure a good operational routine. Companies are increasingly computerized and we live in an increasingly technological environment. Therefore, it is imperative to invest in information technology. However, many managers consider these investments to be very high and this mindset ultimately makes companies obsolete. In today’s article, we present 7 tips to reduce IT costs while maintaining all organizational efficiency!

Delete the software licenses you don’t use

Software licenses are often expensive and companies often pay for software they don’t use. Thus, it is advisable to regularly review all the software licenses the company pays for and analyze their real importance to the business. Not worth paying for software that is never used!

Form the collaborators

Often companies make the mistake of not properly training employees to use a particular software. This will cause people to make mistakes repeatedly and the company incurring superfluous costs. Training the workforce to properly utilize technology tools ensures greater process efficiency, increases productivity, and dramatically reduces IT costs.

Automation is the way

Many tasks in the area of ​​information technologies are quite repetitive. Automating processes is a way to reduce IT costs, as it is not necessary to highlight a collaborator to be exclusively dedicated to monotonous tasks. Automation reduces the time that the tasks take to execute and decreases the probability of human error.

Cloud Storage

The Cloud has come to stay and is very useful for reducing IT costs related to data storage. Transferring the entire IT infrastructure to the cloud is a way to reduce costs and increase the security of company information. In addition, by using this storage method, the manager can access information from anywhere in the world and from any device.

Privilege SaaS

Using software as a service can change your entire IT area. SaaS is a secure, simple and remotely managed solution. Equipment maintenance costs are eliminated because the service provider is responsible for this maintenance. Using the software in this way is one of the trends of the future and is already used by many companies.

Use fewer servers

Many companies use multiple servers, all with low individual performance and high costs. To minimize this problem, it is advisable that these servers be replaced by more powerful ones that concentrate all processes. Often companies use 5 servers and if they used only one they would have lower costs and better results.

Use videoconferencing

This is one of the easiest ways to reduce IT costs. Meetings can be held using videoconferencing technology as this reduces travel, accommodation and food costs. In addition, videoconferencing meetings are usually of shorter duration, which frees employees to perform their responsibilities and, as a result, the company’s productivity increases.

The importance of information: tips for never losing your data

Business information is one of the most important assets in companies today. Business data consists of information about suppliers, customers, competition, strategies, among other documents that must be kept confidential. If these data are not stored properly, they may be lost or exposed to the outside, compromising safety and confidentiality. This type of situation is very damaging to the image of the company, so it is necessary to follow rules and strategies that allow to keep the data safe and private. Find 5 important tips to never lose your company data!

Make backups frequently

Nowadays all the information (or practically all of it) is digitized so it is vital to reinforce data security. It is necessary to keep backup copies in at least two different locations and it is advisable that one of these locations be in the Cloud because it is very unlikely to lose data that are hosted on the web in this type of services. Establish a backup routine so you don’t run the risk of not recovering the latest documents. Cloud services let you set the backup frequency you want in a timely manner.

Automate everything you can

If you have well-defined processes and well-established rules, it will be easier to optimize the work and leave a part of it delivered to the machines. Repetitive work is boring for the developer and to free him from routine processes is a way to leave him free to perform other functions. In addition, automated processes are faster than manuals. Automate backup and recovery frequencies.

Create a security policy

A survey carried out by the Ponemon Institute states that 73% of information technology users ensure that exposure of company data is due to internal errors, negligence or deliberately by employees. To avoid this, it is fundamental to create a security policy that includes e-mail retention (a good example is Office 365), that is, you can define that all emails that contain the word “login” must pass through a Moderator before being sent. Another important point is to define which documents are public, confidential and secret. It is also important that this policy includes penalties for those who fail to comply. In this way, employees of the company will feel more motivated not to make safety mistakes.

Use encryption in files

Files containing important and confidential information must be encrypted in order to ensure that only authorized persons can access the information. There are free solutions that allow you to put this functionality in the files, but it is advisable to do an exhaustive search on the best and safest ones, in order to choose the right tool.


A virtual private network (VPN) is a type of private connection that uses a public network to access your company data. It contains a connection encryption that prevents data interception and IP tracing. This is the safest way to access corporate data through public networks such as hotels and airports.

Learn about IT PEERS security services and ensure the confidentiality of your information!