[Free e-book] BAM: The importance of real-time information for meeting objectives

The business world works at an extremely fast pace, which means that it is imperative to be constantly updated about what is happening in organizations, otherwise you will lose business opportunities and won’t detect problems in a timely manner. The globalization of access to information and the constant development of information technologies have contributed to the existence of products such as Multipeers. Capturing data for the creation of dashboards where the current state of a company is found is increasingly necessary for the control of operations and consequent maximization of results.

Why is it necessary to act in real time?

Markets are becoming more competitive and consumers, as they are more informed than before, are increasingly demanding and are looking for solutions in a practical and fast way. Nowadays, everyone “lives running” so that acting late in the business sector can lead to irreversible losses in profits and competitiveness. A company that makes its decisions based on reports with a few days will always have a reactive and non-proactive presence.

What is a BAM system?

A BAM tool consists of monitoring the company’s business processes through management indicators. Managers track all processes in real time through a simple and intuitive dashboard that can be defined as the global management cockpit of the company or organization. Through the implementation of a BAM system, managers can cross performance information and through this crossing can find production failures, for example, and act immediately, ensuring that these failures will not have harmful consequences.

Multipeers as a BAM system

In most companies, decision-making is based on reports, intranets, and e-mails that require the user to search for information. Due to this reality, many companies lost business opportunities because they didn’t have timely information. Likewise, on many occasions decisions have been made on the basis of outdated information, rendering them ineffective and wrong.

To combat this difficulty, Multipeers comes with the objective of delivering relevant information about the business in real time directly to their devices (desktop, tablet or smartphone). By using Multipeers, you don’t need to spend time looking for information, making processes and decision making much more agile and effective. In a simplified way, Multipeers assumes itself as a global, automated and real-time management cockpit.

Download the ebook “BAM: The Importance of Real-Time Information to Achieve Goals” and find all you need to know about business monitoring and meeting goals!

Everything you need to know about the relationship between BAM and KPI’s

Get to know the relationship between BAM and KPI’s

We have already talked on the blog about BAM tools and their importance for business continuity. In this article, we’ll cover the relationship between business monitoring tools and KPIs!

What is a KPI?

KPI stands for key performance indicator. In the business world, KPIs are quantifiable measures that serve to understand whether the company’s goals are being met or whether the strategy needs to be modified to achieve them. For example, productivity KPI is very important to measure the productive capacity of a collaborator. This indicator shows us the relationship between the work produced by a collaborator and the resources used for this purpose. For example: a worker installs 20 m2 of floor in an hour. His colleague can install only 17 m2 of floor in the same time, being less productive than the first.

Relationship between BAM and KPI’s

Companies that decide to invest in a BAM system must have mechanisms to continuously measure the business, because only with constant analysis does investment make sense.

In order for a BAM system to be well implemented and to present practical results it is necessary to follow some good practices, of which the following stand out:

– Survey of critical business processes

– Define which metrics you need to analyze

– Find the best way to compile the information present in the various systems

– Present the information in an intuitive dashboard and adapted to the needs of each user

– Ensure historical data and make projections based on real-time data analysis vs. historical data

– Constant analysis of results

Analyzing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives. An efficient process must be planned and controlled.

Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.


If you want to know more about the importance of monitoring tools download our free ebook and understand how a BAM system can change the whole management of your business!


Eliminate barriers that make you decision making more effective

Business world is happening at an amazing pace and managers need to make quick, timely and effective decisions. It is only through assertive decision-making that companies are able to keep abreast of competition and respond to the increasing demands of consumers. However, in most companies, there are barriers to making rapid and efficient decision-making. In this article we will give you some tips to eliminate these barriers and make conscious and effective decisions!


Many managers make decisions based on small pieces of available information and don’t take into account the views of employees who deal with situations on a daily basis. It is vital that there is an analysis of the pros and cons and a survey of the opinion of those who are involved in the process. The best decisions are those that take into account different points of view. Managers must be flexible and analyze all possibilities.

Lack of a plan B

As good as planning is, you have to keep in mind that things can go wrong. The world of business is very susceptible to change and unexpected situations and it is necessary to always have an alternative plan. Having a B plan makes emergency situations easier to deal with. Many managers don’t think of alternatives when they make a decision and end up harming the business if the decision they make does not have the desired effects.

Lack of alerts and real-time information

The day-to-day of a manager is quite busy and it is humanly impossible to keep up with all the situations that happen in the business. It is very important to have a real-time business monitoring system that allows you to set business alerts so that you are advised whenever any important situation requires an immediate intervention. Multipeers is a BAM system that allows you to define business alerts that warn you whenever a situation requires your attention. In this way, you will always be aware of the events of your business and you will be able to decide in good time. Many of the decisions are made based on reports that are a few days late, which makes the company a reactive and non-proactive organism. With Multipeers you can always be ahead of the competition.

Lack of mobility

Mobility is a growing trend and in many sectors is already a daily reality. Employees and managers should have access to the most important information about the business because only then they will be able to make effective and timely decisions. Cloud computing has facilitated labor mobility by allowing important business documents to be consulted wherever you are.


Learn about the advantages of the BAM system and find how these tools can help your business!

360 Vision: Find how to integrate all of your business information

Technology has changed the way we live and how we work. In an increasingly technological and digital age, companies need to focus on increasing their competitiveness and productivity. Technology is now an essential element in supporting business and has a direct impact on its results. Companies need to use modern management systems that are able to keep up with technological developments without compromising productivity and performance. The integration of business information is a necessity and a reality so that you have 360 ​​insight into everything that happens. In this article, we’ll talk about integrating business information and the impact it has on business results.

Real-time business monitoring

Knowing what is happening in real time in each department of the organization is crucial so that you can make effective and conscious decisions. Softwares like Multipeers allow you to analyze all the information of your business, coming from the most diverse data sources, in a single dashboard and in a simple and interactive way. Having all the business information in one place allows you to better manage time and make the right decisions for the future of your business.

Interdependent goals

Many times the departments of a company function as if they were isolated organisms and with objectives totally independent from the rest of the organization. One of the best ways to connect departments and get a 360 view of business is to set common goals for different departments. Thus, there will be a greater communication between the different departments because everyone will feel that they are working towards common goals. This also favors the existence of a collaborative culture.

Use an ERP system

ERP stands for Entreprise Resource Planning. The mission of this tool is to group all departments of the company, providing better communication, through a continuous flow of information. This factor proves to be of great utility because the processes of a company depend on each other and a failure of communication or loss of transmission of the data can mean great losses of productivity and profit. ERP is thus the most basic software of a company and guarantees the financial control of the organization. ERP allows you to stop using dozens of isolated software and ensures greater control over everything that goes on in a company.

Having a broader view is a key to being able to keep up with the business and make the right decisions. In today’s frenetic business day-to-day and with the ever-increasing demands of consumers, knowing the market is a must-have weapon to win. Download our business activity monitoring e-book and find how a BAM system can help your business grow progressively!

Practical tips for improving your business performance

Boost your business performance with practical tips

High competition forces companies to improve their performance on a daily basis to ensure that they use the best processes and get the best results. In the hectic days of the business world, it is not always easy to find ways to improve performance and we often focus only on cost savings and we forget the other things. In this article, we present you practical tips to improve your company’s performance!

Analyze the business

Sounds like a basic tip, but it fails so many times. In most companies, managers base their decisions on reports a few days late, which makes their action always responsive and non-proactive. Analyzing the business in real time is increasingly a trend in the business world by which software like Multipeers make more and more sense. If you know at every moment what is going on in your business, you will be able to make the best decisions and you will always be one step ahead of your competition.

Invest in training

Training employees is an investment that brings a positive return in the short term. The more skilled the employees are, the better they will be able to perform their tasks and consequently the company’s performance will be better.

Keep focus

In your day-to-day life you should eliminate all kinds of distractions that could delay your work. This doesn’t mean cutting off access to social networks or stopping coffee breaks. The most important thing is to keep employees motivated and committed to doing the tasks because if they are committed to their tasks, it will be easier to eliminate the distractions in a natural way.

Avoid unnecessary meetings

It is a common practice in business world to have meetings for all reasons and without realizing this is one of the main reasons why we waste more time. It is advisable to have meetings held standing so that people do not sit back and talk objectively about the main issues.

Advance work

“Do not leave to tomorrow what you can do today” is a valuable rule and has positive consequences for a more productive day. If you arrive early to work don’t wait for your schedule to start and go ahead with that complicated task you have been putting off.

Take short breaks

Contrary to popular belief, spending too much time in front of the computer is not synonymous with higher productivity. Taking small breaks throughout the day is advised to keep you focused for the rest of the day. This will free up your mind and will be able to accomplish your tasks with greater focus.

7 Tips for Making Better Decisions for Your Business

Find the best tips to make the best decisions

Managing a company is making choices daily and knowing how to deal with the consequences of those choices. In the chaotic world of business, it is not easy to know which way we should go, but there are a number of tricks that help us to make the best decisions. Here are 7 tips to make the right decisions for your business!

Have an analytical thought

Making decisions involves a deep understanding of the context and the implications that the decision will have for the business. All scenarios should be analyzed taking into account the various variables involved in the process. Within this analytical thought, you should put into discussion the mistakes previously made in similar situations. Mistakes of the past are good teachers for the decisions of the present.

Review the data correctly

The data are the most important assets of your business and they have very important information for a conscious decision making. Software such as Multipeers, which allow you to analyze your business in real-time, are essential in today’s business world as changes happen at a rapid pace and managers need to keep abreast of what’s happening so they can make decisions on right time.

Accept that there is not only one right answer

The choice that seems like the ideal today may not be the best tomorrow. In business decision-making there is not just one right answer and decisions have to be made keeping in mind the current context of the business. The manager should put all possible answers on the table and analyze the pros and cons, keeping in mind that there may be more than one right answer to the same situation.

Consider the long term

Most managers favor decisions that seem to bring greater returns in the short run, eventually forgetting about the long run. Making decisions that only aim at the short term means that in the future the business can be compromised. All decisions must be taken after analyzing the impact they will have in the short and long term.

Listen to the opinion of others

Company employees should be involved in the most important decisions. Listening to their opinion is important because it will increase their sense of belonging. In addition, they live the business daily and will certainly have a different view on some aspects of the business, so their opinion is essential for a more effective decision making.

Be rational

It is critical not to be guided by emotions when you are making a decision. It is impossible not to get emotionally involved with your business, but when it comes to making decisions you should put emotion aside and act rationally, otherwise it may compromise the future of the business.

Don’t delay decisions

We tend to postpone difficult decisions even though we will have to act sooner or later. If you already know what decision you are going to make and the consequences this will have for your business, it is not worth putting off any longer. The business needs dynamism and it is through the decisions that it evolves!