Digital transformation: how to start?

We live in a digital age and businesses can no longer escape this new reality. Digital transformation is no longer a planning for the future: it is the present of companies. Nowadays, for a company to remain competitive it is necessary to have a solid foundation of technology. Cloud computing, Big Data, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, mobility, real time information, among many other technological concepts are part of the day-to-day business of companies around the world. All these concepts need to be integrated into a business digitization strategy, because when worked together they are much stronger than if analyzed individually. In today’s article, we leave you with some tips on where to start implementing a digital transformation strategy!

Analyze the market in detail

The company should start by checking where it is on the digital maturity curve. It should also verify at what point of maturity the direct and indirect competitors meet. In the past, digitization was seen only as a way to reverse the loss of profit. Nowadays, digital transformation is seen as an opportunity for growth.

Evaluate your current business status

At this stage, you need to make an exhaustive assessment of how digital or analog your business is (this analysis covers products, services and company assets). You need to check whether the company is easily digitized or whether it takes a lot of financial and human resources to get the company’s assets from tangible to intangible. After this assessment, it is necessary to plan the scenarios for change, analyzing strengths and weaknesses and market needs, in order to find financially sustainable possibilities to begin the digitization process.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and realize their needs

You need to know your customers and understand how they are interacting with the market, what needs they present and what kind of solutions they are looking for. Based on this knowledge, it is easier to direct the offer and add value to it. You should find ways to reach your customers by digital means, for example, see if they communicate through social media, read newsletters or listen to podcasts. Digital communication is increasingly the preferred communication channel for consumers. Through this mapping, it is possible to develop much more effective segmentation strategies, since it focuses on the real needs and characteristics of consumers.

Define a strategy with specific dates and actions

After analyzing all the aspects related to the market and the company itself, the next step is to use the data to draw up a strategic plan, which includes all the phases of the digital transformation to be applied in the company. The starting point is always different for each business, since each company has its own specific characteristics. Priority should be given to weaknesses in relation to the competition and using the company’s strengths to stand out.

Prepare the company for change and involve the entire organization

A traditional company tends to be at the center and to treat its customers only as consumers of its products, without actually realizing the importance that the customers have in the evolution of the business. A traditional-minded company looks at digital technology only as a support to operations and there is no great concern for innovation. A transition to the digital world requires investment, time, and a well-defined strategy, since this is the only way to take concrete actions. In this era of change, it is critical that business leaders prepare their employees for scanning. This preparation can be done through training actions that enable employees to realize the true importance and benefit of moving to a digital paradigm.

Apply the change in the actions of the day to day

It is not enough to say that we want to change. Do not just set a plan that ends up forgotten in the bottom of a drawer. Employees need to feel involved in the change process and it is essential that the example be given through daily actions. Using technology in actions that were once more “traditional” and automating processes are the first steps to prove that the company has effectively entered the digitization phase. It is only through superior examples that employees will feel motivated to apply the new business philosophy as well.


Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and intuitive task, because communication between all areas of the company is facilitated. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business. With a more organized and fluid structure, the company will gain a competitive position compared to its direct competitors.

5 Myths about digital transformation you need to eliminate right now

Digital transformation can mean profound changes in an organization. When applied correctly, it can bring huge benefits to the company and result in increased profits and reduced expenses. Digital transformation is a process that must be well analyzed before its implementation, because a wrong decision when applying this concept can seriously damage the company. Digital transformation is surrounded by myths, that is, preconceived ideas that make businessmen look suspiciously and fearfully at this wave of change. In today’s article, we present some of the advantages of digital transformation and 5 myths that you need to eliminate right now!

Main advantages

Increased competitiveness

Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and more intuitive task. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business.

Improved customer satisfaction

Technology enables customers to become closer to brands and establish a stronger loyalty relationship. With the use of social media, nowadays it is possible to make a presence in the daily life of potential clients through sharing and special offers. Companies are also adopting the sending of special offers by SMS and e-mail, which makes the customer feel special.

Opportunity to innovate

When companies implement digital transformation in their business, they are able to include improvements in their processes, thus promoting innovation. They also have greater scope to innovate their products and services because the inclusion of new technologies allows them to include significant improvements in their offer.

Reduction of costs

The main concern of managers is always to find ways to reduce business costs. Digital transformation, particularly in the use of cloud services, enables companies to significantly reduce their operating costs. Using this technology allows you to reduce or even eliminate your local IT infrastructure, reduce the volume of impressions and hold meetings via Skype, eliminating long travel expenses.

Demystifying preconceived ideas…

Myth 1: Digital transformation is a unique function of IT

The modernization of how technology is applied in the enterprise is a responsibility of all sectors and not just the IT sector. This process of transformation must begin at the top of the organization, which defines the strategy to be adopted by top managers. It is necessary that the example comes from the superior management so that later the changes apply in the other areas. All areas are affected by digital transformation, as sales, marketing, production and many other activities are “victims” of the change that this transformation brings. The IT department is important in this process, as it should support all areas.

Myth 2: Digital transformation only applies to large companies

Transforming the business, the processes, the approach and the relationships so that they evolve is already indispensable for the success of the companies. Small businesses are not left out of this new paradigm. Well-implemented digital transformation can help small businesses grow significantly as it improves processes and reduces costs. This cost savings can then be applied to investments that make the company evolve faster.

Myth 3: Digital transformation is the best way for all companies

When a concept is in vogue, one easily falls into the mistake of thinking that since it is fashionable it is suitable for everyone. However, digital transformation is a complex process that goes far beyond simply updating software. This new way of working is not a standard recipe that can be followed by all companies and therefore it is fundamental to evaluate the impacts that this transformation will have for the business, evaluating risks and expenses.

Myth 4: Digital transformation will reduce many jobs

Unfortunately, this is one of the most common myths with regard to technology. There are still many people who think that the evolution of technology will transform the World in a place populated by robots that will perform our functions. Nothing is more wrong than this thought. Although digital transformation uses artificial intelligence, there must be human resources capable of dealing with this intelligence and adapting it to the true reality of the company. Digital transformation aims to reduce monotonous work, fine-tune processes, and improve company results. Human interaction in companies is absolutely imperative, so it is completely unfounded to think that people will be discarded at the end of their implementation.

Myth 5: Digital transformation ends at the moment of its implementation

Implementation is just the beginning of a journey through the digital world. Digital transformation must be seen as a continuous process, since it is necessary to constantly evaluate the reality of the company and the business scenarios that exist at each moment. Only in this way can you find the right tools to improve business processes.

Digital transformation in business is increasingly a necessity and is no longer seen as just a fad. Nowadays, a company that doesn’t exist online is almost as if it did not exist and is easily surpassed by the competition. Digital technologies have redefined the way companies do business, changed how we relate to customers and how we communicate. Forrester research reveals that big business owners expect 47% of total sales to be influenced by digital media by 2020. It’s time to turn your business! Are you prepared for this transformation?

5 Tips for Implementing Digital Transformation Correctly

Digital transformation in business is increasingly a necessity and is no longer seen as just a fashion trend. Nowadays, a company that doesn’t exist online is almost as if it didn’t exist and is easily surpassed by the competition. Digital technologies have redefined the way companies do business, changed how we relate to customers and how we communicate. Forrester research reveals that large business owners expect 47% of total sales to be influenced by digital media by 2020. In today’s article, we leave you 5 tips for implementing digital transformation in right way!

Redefine your business

Digital transformation is much more than just including technology in every company process. Digital transformation is a change that affects all areas of the business and requires cultural change, which can only be achieved if employees are willing to change. It is important to analyze the market of your company and define a strategy for the future, identifying potential threats and opportunities, adapting the whole company’s performance.

Involve the whole team

Even if there is a person responsible for the process of digital transformation, it is very important that you involve all employees in this change, because only then you will have their support and commitment. Communication between all departments is essential if digital transformation is to be implemented correctly.

Stay up-to-date

When a company decides to invest in digital transformation, it must be aware that it is necessary to be constantly updated on technological trends and innovations. Artificial intelligence is the biggest trend for the next few years, according to a Gartner study released in 2016. It is believed that more and more the customer relationship through digital means will be done using chatbots. Using cloud storage is another big trend. According to a survey by IDC, by 2020 about 67% of software spending will be related to cloud storage tools.

Get expert help

The shift from an analog paradigm to a digital paradigm can be quite complex for companies that don’t have the experience they need. In these situations, it is advisable to hire external support. Specialized companies have more experience and more technical knowledge on the subject and will be more prepared to face the challenges that have come up along the way. However, you have to evaluate the costs: adopting a ready-to-use solution will certainly cost less than developing the tool internally. On the other hand, it is essential to know all the needs of the company, because existing solutions may not be able to meet all the requirements of your company.

Always work with goals

Following the market trend is very positive, but it can be detrimental if you don’t know what your business objectives are with the adoption of digital transformation. It is important that you know your goals well and that they are specific, realistic and measurable, because only then can they be achieved. Digital transformation can help you achieve a wide range of goals: win new customers, retain current customers, optimize team performance, and more.

Find the 7 Deadly Sins of the Digital Age

Digital transformation is one of the themes of the moment and it is impossible for a company to go alongside this revolution. Companies are continually looking for digital solutions that facilitate their business processes and that are capable of responding to all their needs. However, it is not always easy to adapt a company’s work to a digital reality and there are many errors that complicate business performance. In today’s article, let’s talk about the 7 deadly sins of the digital age and give tips to avoid in your business!

Don’t plan the implementation of technologies

Before starting to implement a digital strategy it is essential to assess the needs of the company and the main objectives that the company intends to achieve with the change. Digital transformation is not the cure for all business problems, but if implemented correctly it will help improve performance and increase success. Often companies make the mistake of adopting all the technologies they find without effectively planning the digital path they want to go through.

Complicate all processes

Most companies complicate the way they work. The digital transformation brings with it the agile methodology, which intends to increase the quality of service to the Customer. The chosen software should be intuitive and fairly easy to update, so that users can use it without having to resort to specialized technicians. When choosing software, effectiveness and simplicity should be the most important factors to consider.

Don’t involve all employees

Often, employees resist change and this is because they feel they are not involved in the whole process of digital transformation. It is important to show the whole team the advantages of change, especially advantages directly related to the work of each one. Communication is essential if digital transformation is well implemented.

Don’t integrate digital transformation into global strategy

This transformation should be part of the company‘s overall strategy, because only then it will succeed. It is essential to know where the company intends to go, design a transformation process and integrate that plan into the company’s overall strategy. Teams should work together towards modernizing processes

Don’t rely on the CEO’s support

It is important to have the support of the leadership and their commitment to the implementation of the digital strategy. Leadership must be committed to increasing the knowledge of its employees and actively participating in the dissemination of the new culture. It is only through good examples that employees will feel committed and willing to adopt a new philosophy of work.

Don’t equip the team with new skills

Digital transformation has brought the need to train employees to new skills. It is very important that teams are formed for this new way of working because otherwise they will feel frustrated that they are not able to embrace the new challenges of the industry.

Don’t elect a responsible person for the transformation

The responsible person for digital transformation must work towards implementing this new philosophy of work in a continuous and consistent manner. Although this process is common to the entire organization, it is important that there is a person responsible for digital transformation that coordinates all activities and involves all people.

5 Advantages of digital transformation for your business

Find how digital transformation can help your business

Digital transformation is revolutionizing the business world and goes far beyond of eliminating paper in companies. This is a technology-enhanced process that should fit into the company’s strategy. Digital transformation is a complex and time-consuming process, but the advantages it brings to companies are vast. In this article, we will explore the top 5 advantages of digital transformation for your business!

Increases efficiency and productivity

Entering data manually, lack of inter-departmental communication, and delayed processes limits final production. These aspects are conditional for efficiency and can be eliminated with the use of appropriate technologies. Replacing manual processes with automated workflows ensures complete control over business activities. Adopting tools such as Multipeers that allow you to analyze business data in real time will eliminate delays in the reports and productivity will be greater.

Increases competitiveness

Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and more intuitive task. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business. With a more organized and fluid structure, the company will gain a competitive position compared to its direct competitors.

Improves customer satisfaction

Technology enables customers to become closer to brands and establish a stronger loyalty relationship. With the use of social networks, nowadays it is possible to make a presence in the daily life of potential clients through sharing on social media and special offers. Companies are also adopting the sending of special offers by SMS and e-mail, which makes the customer feel special. On the other hand, e-commerce also makes the customer more satisfied. Anytime and anywhere, we can easily purchase products, so adopting online stores is an essential strategy for anyone who wants to win in today’s competitive and digital world.

Opportunity to innovate

When companies implement digital transformation in their business, they are able to include improvements in their processes, thus promoting innovation. They also have greater scope to innovate their products and services because the inclusion of new technologies allows them to include significant improvements in their offer.

Reduction of costs

The main concern of managers is always to find ways to reduce business costs. Digital transformation, particularly the use of cloud services, enables companies to significantly reduce their operating costs. Using this technology allows you to reduce or even eliminate your local IT infrastructure, decrease the volume of impressions and hold meetings via Skype, eliminating long travel expenses.

Technology has come to stay and if we know how to use it, we can make the most of its benefits. A company that doesn’t adapt to the digital world we live in, will see its success quite compromised!

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