5 Myths about digital transformation you need to eliminate right now

Digital transformation can mean profound changes in an organization. When applied correctly, it can bring huge benefits to the company and result in increased profits and reduced expenses. Digital transformation is a process that must be well analyzed before its implementation, because a wrong decision when applying this concept can seriously damage the company. Digital transformation is surrounded by myths, that is, preconceived ideas that make businessmen look suspiciously and fearfully at this wave of change. In today’s article, we present some of the advantages of digital transformation and 5 myths that you need to eliminate right now!

Main advantages

Increased competitiveness

Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and more intuitive task. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business.

Improved customer satisfaction

Technology enables customers to become closer to brands and establish a stronger loyalty relationship. With the use of social media, nowadays it is possible to make a presence in the daily life of potential clients through sharing and special offers. Companies are also adopting the sending of special offers by SMS and e-mail, which makes the customer feel special.

Opportunity to innovate

When companies implement digital transformation in their business, they are able to include improvements in their processes, thus promoting innovation. They also have greater scope to innovate their products and services because the inclusion of new technologies allows them to include significant improvements in their offer.

Reduction of costs

The main concern of managers is always to find ways to reduce business costs. Digital transformation, particularly in the use of cloud services, enables companies to significantly reduce their operating costs. Using this technology allows you to reduce or even eliminate your local IT infrastructure, reduce the volume of impressions and hold meetings via Skype, eliminating long travel expenses.

Demystifying preconceived ideas…

Myth 1: Digital transformation is a unique function of IT

The modernization of how technology is applied in the enterprise is a responsibility of all sectors and not just the IT sector. This process of transformation must begin at the top of the organization, which defines the strategy to be adopted by top managers. It is necessary that the example comes from the superior management so that later the changes apply in the other areas. All areas are affected by digital transformation, as sales, marketing, production and many other activities are “victims” of the change that this transformation brings. The IT department is important in this process, as it should support all areas.

Myth 2: Digital transformation only applies to large companies

Transforming the business, the processes, the approach and the relationships so that they evolve is already indispensable for the success of the companies. Small businesses are not left out of this new paradigm. Well-implemented digital transformation can help small businesses grow significantly as it improves processes and reduces costs. This cost savings can then be applied to investments that make the company evolve faster.

Myth 3: Digital transformation is the best way for all companies

When a concept is in vogue, one easily falls into the mistake of thinking that since it is fashionable it is suitable for everyone. However, digital transformation is a complex process that goes far beyond simply updating software. This new way of working is not a standard recipe that can be followed by all companies and therefore it is fundamental to evaluate the impacts that this transformation will have for the business, evaluating risks and expenses.

Myth 4: Digital transformation will reduce many jobs

Unfortunately, this is one of the most common myths with regard to technology. There are still many people who think that the evolution of technology will transform the World in a place populated by robots that will perform our functions. Nothing is more wrong than this thought. Although digital transformation uses artificial intelligence, there must be human resources capable of dealing with this intelligence and adapting it to the true reality of the company. Digital transformation aims to reduce monotonous work, fine-tune processes, and improve company results. Human interaction in companies is absolutely imperative, so it is completely unfounded to think that people will be discarded at the end of their implementation.

Myth 5: Digital transformation ends at the moment of its implementation

Implementation is just the beginning of a journey through the digital world. Digital transformation must be seen as a continuous process, since it is necessary to constantly evaluate the reality of the company and the business scenarios that exist at each moment. Only in this way can you find the right tools to improve business processes.

Digital transformation in business is increasingly a necessity and is no longer seen as just a fad. Nowadays, a company that doesn’t exist online is almost as if it did not exist and is easily surpassed by the competition. Digital technologies have redefined the way companies do business, changed how we relate to customers and how we communicate. Forrester research reveals that big business owners expect 47% of total sales to be influenced by digital media by 2020. It’s time to turn your business! Are you prepared for this transformation?