5 Trends in data security

The year 2018 is nearing of its end and it is, therefore, time to speak of tendencies. Data security is an issue that is increasingly in need of attention, especially in this year marked by the entry into force of the new general data protection regulation. Keeping an eye on the trends in this area is the first step to being able to protect your data in the best way possible and to ensure that confidential business information is not exposed. In today’s article, we present 5 trends in data security!

Information Security in the Cloud

Cloud has been gaining more and more fans all over the World. Using cloud solutions ensures greater mobility and a wider choice of options. However, we can not make the mistake of putting the information in the Cloud so that it stays protected. Because Cloud storage enables company files to be viewed on any mobile device, it is critical to ensure that these devices stay protected. Storing business information in the Cloud is very important to keep information secure, but it is not enough to ensure this: it is mandatory to ensure that the devices are all protected.

Creation of policy for use of technology resources

Technology is part of everyday life for all employees of a company and this is a risk to data security. It is necessary to define how technological resources can be used in the work environment, through the creation of standards for the use of removable devices, the opening of personal e-mails, among other factors considered relevant. The use of a pen with a virus, for example, can contaminate a company’s entire network, compromising information security.

Secure passwords policy

It is believed that 90% of passwords are vulnerable and can be discovered quite easily. The password is the main resource for a user to access a system, so it is essential that it is strong and secure. It should be changed quite frequently (it is advisable to change it every 90 days). Thus, the company should create a document with rules on the creation of passwords, as this area is often seen with little seriousness, which can compromise the security of the business.

Data backup

This should be a common practice and mandatory in all companies, but in many cases there is no policy of any kind regarding data backup. In order for a company to ensure that your information stays safe, you need to frequently perform backups of your information. This backup must exist in several environments, so that in case of a computer attack the information remains protected. It is also advisable to use a data recovery system in the Cloud, such as RAAS. Thus, in case of extreme attacks, it is possible to recover all the information that was the target of the attack.

Tailored security solutions

The cybersecurity market is evolving into a new paradigm of solutions as they resolve the specific “pains” of each client. With companies increasingly demanding information security, IT solution providers are starting to offer more personalized approaches, taking into account the size and complexity of each company’s IT infrastructure. A more personalized approach will allow companies to adopt solutions exclusively tailored to their needs.

HR KPIs: 5 Important Metrics to Measure HR Department Effectiveness

Any company dreams of a bullish performance, right? To do this, it is necessary to establish the KPIs (key indicators) that will reveal the real performance of the business areas, so that the company can verify which areas are performing satisfactorily and which need to be improved. In the area of ​​human resources (HR), for example, it is no different. Want to know which are the main HR KPIs? Stay with us!

Top 5 HR KPIs


In HR, it is a metric that reveals the amount of input and output of employees in a given time frame.

A high turnover rate may reveal that your company is not providing an adequate work environment – whether in the climate, benefits or salary – and so the employee stay rate is so small.

High turnover can also mean that HR is failing in the talent management process and is not recruiting people with the right profiles for the company.

The turnover is expensive for an organization, because in addition to spending on terminations, the company also needs to conduct new selection processes and stop production while new employees are not hired.

Organizational climate

Organizational climate is the quality of the work environment, perceived by the employees of the company.

To check whether this climate is pleasant (or not) HR must conduct an organizational climate survey.

The result of this climate research should be one of the most important KPIs of HR, as it reveals if the work environment is perceived as pleasant by the employees.

This research may reveal:

  • If there is clarity of objectives on the part of the leaderships.
  • If the relationship between members of the same team is healthy.
  • If the employee considers that the company has an adequate physical structure.
  • Among others.

When climate research reveals a perception of poor environment by employees, it is up to HR to take the necessary steps to reverse this scenario.


This complicated and big word is one of the biggest nightmares of a human resources department.

It is a Latin term that means “absence.” For HR, it is nothing more than a KPI that indicates the absence rate in the work environment by employees.

This absence may be justified (for reasons of health or personal problems) or unjustified.

When it is justified, HR should seek to understand how it can assist the employee to return to his or her normal work routine. Therefore, it is common for companies to offer benefits such as medicine and health insurance to avoid absenteeism for health reasons.

When absence is not justified, absenteeism may reveal demotivation or abandonment of the job post, becoming another problem that we have discussed previously: turnover.

Absenteeism also serves to indicate delays or failure to meet the planned workload.

Accidents at work

According to data from the International Labor Organization, every 15 seconds, 160 workers are victims of work-related accidents around the world.

In companies that work with manual production or transport of cargo, for example, one of the most important roles of HR is to enable employees to know how to proceed in case of work accidents and, more importantly, to avoid them.

Therefore, a very important indicator to measure the success of your HR is the number of days without a work accident.

Training and Development Indicators (T & D)
One of HR’s most important roles is to train and develop employees for the organization.

However, this is a practice that involves many costs and time, so it is very important to prove the effectiveness of training and development practices.

And how to do that?

One of the alternatives for HR is to follow employee learning through an online training platform, which can even help reduce the cost and time spent on T & D practices.

Such a platform can provide some very important data, such as: hours spent per employee in training, management of skills of each professional profile, progress of employees on each learning path, and more.

Twygo, our online training platform, can help you with this metric and many others. It can: assist in training to prevent accidents at work, assist in improving the organizational climate, and more. Contact Twygo to know more!

Guestpost by Twygo

What are the main mistakes made in implementing a management system?

A management system has numerous advantages for a company and when it is well implemented can bring a large increase in profit. However, an error committed during its implementation can be fatal to its success. In this article, we cover the main mistakes made in implementing a management system and leave some tips for you not to make these mistakes!

Lack of planning

Planning should be the watchword in all areas of a business and in all the changes that are implemented. The lack of planning is a very serious mistake, because it is at this stage that the objectives of the implementation must be defined and without those objectives the whole implementation loses its purpose. In the planning phase, an implementation schedule should be drawn up so that no phase gets lost along the way.

Give too much importance to price

A management system can be expensive and so many managers make the mistake of only thinking about the price when choosing the system for your company, leaving aside other more relevant factors. It is very important to take into account the characteristics of the company that provides the management system and the ability to connect to various data sources.

Not knowing the real needs of the company

Managers sometimes fall in love with a management system, but they do not fully understand what benefits their implementation can bring to the business. There are such good salespeople who manage to sell management systems to managers who do not really need them. It is fundamental that there is a previous diagnosis of the real needs that the company has, because only based on this diagnosis is that the management system will be well chosen and well implemented.

Make the system official without testing

Before issuing the new management system and making it official in the company, it is very important to carry out several tests, because only then will failures and improvement points be found. If you leave early for action, the probability that the system does not please your users is very high.

Do not perform IT maintenance

The implementation of a new management system will affect the IT infrastructure of the company, so after its implementation the company should be available to change its methods of IT maintenance. Therefore, some tasks should be added, such as performing software updates, improving network infrastructure and creating new forms of access.

Do not uninstall old systems

When a manager is accustomed to a management system, he shows a certain reluctance to move to a new system and tends to postpone the use of the new tool. Thus, when a new system is installed, the old system must be uninstalled. Only with the uninstallation of the old tool will the team become accustomed to the new management system.

Lack of employee training

When a new tool is implemented, it is very important that employees receive training on the new management system, because only in this way will they be able to follow the change effectively. Many managers implement the solution, but they do not care about training, which is a big mistake, because they will not be able to get the most out of the system.

What is the true impact of technology on the day-to-day business?

Technology has changed the way we live and how we work. It is practically impossible to imagine a day’s work without using technological tools. The use of technology is causing disruption in all industry sectors and is relevant to all businesses. It is the present of companies and is also their past, given that in one way or another, for several years concepts and tools related to the digital world have been applied in our organizations. Cloud computing, Big Data, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, mobility, among other concepts, are no longer new. Nonetheless, today, in order for a company to remain competitive and remain relevant in the market, a holistic approach is needed that includes not only interactions with customers but also addresses the internal challenges of organizations and their structure , with all these concepts integrated into a business digitization strategy, since only when worked together do they have a true value for the organizations. In today’s article, we want to answer the question: what is the true impact of technology on companies’ daily lives?

Greater effectiveness in management

Technology improves internal corporate communication, helping to reduce organizational noise. Whether through ERP’s or real-time analysis tools such as Multipeers, the management area comes out to win with the proper use of the right technological tools.

Reduction of costs

With more efficient management, the company will be able to reduce costs and increase the level of its performance. With the use of technological resources, it is easier to follow the return of each investment made in the company, which allows a better orientation of future investments, thus avoiding losses that compromise the financial health of the organization.

Better relationship with customers

Technology has a strong influence on the way companies relate to customers. In addition to more traditional forms such as email and phone, you can now contact the customer through various social networks and through WhatsApp. All this allows a faster response to the needs of each customer, which will make him become faithful to the brand. Nowadays, the current consumer is very demanding, so it is essential that companies adopt the most appropriate tools to communicate with them.

Effective control of operations

Automating a company’s procurement processes through technology ensures that all actions taken are in compliance with established standards. All actions related to purchases must be introduced in a digital environment so that it is possible to consult your history whenever there is a need to know what happened with a particular purchase.

Higher yield

The right partnership between the man and the machine allows for a greater income in the day-to-day. It also allows eliminating costs with excess labor, since it is possible to easily optimize the work of the collaborators. The technology also allows automating bureaucratic work, so it helps employees become more motivated.Learn about the advantages of a BAM system and learn how you can make the most of this tool!


Learn about the advantages of a BAM system and learn how you can make the most of this tool!

Digital transformation: how to start?

We live in a digital age and businesses can no longer escape this new reality. Digital transformation is no longer a planning for the future: it is the present of companies. Nowadays, for a company to remain competitive it is necessary to have a solid foundation of technology. Cloud computing, Big Data, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, mobility, real time information, among many other technological concepts are part of the day-to-day business of companies around the world. All these concepts need to be integrated into a business digitization strategy, because when worked together they are much stronger than if analyzed individually. In today’s article, we leave you with some tips on where to start implementing a digital transformation strategy!

Analyze the market in detail

The company should start by checking where it is on the digital maturity curve. It should also verify at what point of maturity the direct and indirect competitors meet. In the past, digitization was seen only as a way to reverse the loss of profit. Nowadays, digital transformation is seen as an opportunity for growth.

Evaluate your current business status

At this stage, you need to make an exhaustive assessment of how digital or analog your business is (this analysis covers products, services and company assets). You need to check whether the company is easily digitized or whether it takes a lot of financial and human resources to get the company’s assets from tangible to intangible. After this assessment, it is necessary to plan the scenarios for change, analyzing strengths and weaknesses and market needs, in order to find financially sustainable possibilities to begin the digitization process.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and realize their needs

You need to know your customers and understand how they are interacting with the market, what needs they present and what kind of solutions they are looking for. Based on this knowledge, it is easier to direct the offer and add value to it. You should find ways to reach your customers by digital means, for example, see if they communicate through social media, read newsletters or listen to podcasts. Digital communication is increasingly the preferred communication channel for consumers. Through this mapping, it is possible to develop much more effective segmentation strategies, since it focuses on the real needs and characteristics of consumers.

Define a strategy with specific dates and actions

After analyzing all the aspects related to the market and the company itself, the next step is to use the data to draw up a strategic plan, which includes all the phases of the digital transformation to be applied in the company. The starting point is always different for each business, since each company has its own specific characteristics. Priority should be given to weaknesses in relation to the competition and using the company’s strengths to stand out.

Prepare the company for change and involve the entire organization

A traditional company tends to be at the center and to treat its customers only as consumers of its products, without actually realizing the importance that the customers have in the evolution of the business. A traditional-minded company looks at digital technology only as a support to operations and there is no great concern for innovation. A transition to the digital world requires investment, time, and a well-defined strategy, since this is the only way to take concrete actions. In this era of change, it is critical that business leaders prepare their employees for scanning. This preparation can be done through training actions that enable employees to realize the true importance and benefit of moving to a digital paradigm.

Apply the change in the actions of the day to day

It is not enough to say that we want to change. Do not just set a plan that ends up forgotten in the bottom of a drawer. Employees need to feel involved in the change process and it is essential that the example be given through daily actions. Using technology in actions that were once more “traditional” and automating processes are the first steps to prove that the company has effectively entered the digitization phase. It is only through superior examples that employees will feel motivated to apply the new business philosophy as well.


Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and intuitive task, because communication between all areas of the company is facilitated. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business. With a more organized and fluid structure, the company will gain a competitive position compared to its direct competitors.

How to increase the operational intelligence of your business

Operational intelligence is a new way of analyzing the business and finding answers to the challenges that businesses face every day. This concept is closely tied to technology and addresses data analysis so that they can make decisions based on real-time information. The main benefit of using operational intelligence is the ability to address problems and opportunities at the very moment they arise (in some cases, it is possible to anticipate trends and problems, solving them before they wreak havoc on the business). This makes managers make decisions more conscientiously and based on reliable information, which in turn will increase the effectiveness of the business, leading to better results. But how to increase the operational intelligence of your business? That’s what this article is all about! Check out our tips!

Automate everything you can

One of the most important advantages of operational intelligence is the automation of tasks. The more automated the job is, the more time employees will have to make the business more productive. Automation can range from the simplest to the most complex tasks. At the marketing level, we can automate a welcome email to a new newsletter subscriber or even a thank-you email for a purchase in our online store, for example. Automation eliminates the most annoying tasks employees have to perform, leaving them free for more important things.

Use a CRM

CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management and is used by thousands of companies to manage their relationship with current and potential customers. This software aims to protect the business information of a company. At the same time, a CRM helps identify the best actions and the best time to contact the customer, in order to boost the sale. Likewise, it allows you to evaluate objectives and evaluate the sales team. Well-used CRM software helps increase a company’s productivity and reduces the likelihood of error by human resources. Reducing mistakes allows sales to be made simpler, and as a result, the company wins, as it sees its profits increase. CRM allows no contact with a potential customer to get lost, thus ensuring that everything is done for the sale to take place.

Use a real-time monitoring system

When you know exactly what is going on in your business, it is much easier to make the right decision. Analyzing your business in real time will give you all the inputs you need so you can consciously decide on the best course to take. The reports with a few days present outdated information, which does not correspond to the actual state of the company at that time. Therefore, often the decisions made are mismatched and do not benefit the business. Monitoring the business in real time will change this scenario, because you will have reliable information in your hand and will be able to make better decisions. Analyzing data in real time is increasingly a reality in companies around the world. Business happens at a very fast pace and it is essential that you know what is happening in your company to make the most appropriate decisions for your business. Download our e-book and learn how a BAM tool can help you manage!

Software for people management: 5 solutions for your company

In such a connected world, where information flows so fast, whoever does not invest in technology to automate and streamline processes within the company lags behind. Nowadays there are several technological solutions for various areas of business administration. In this text we will show you the top five solutions in people management software for you to adopt today.

Good reading!

1- Recruitment and Selection Software

The system of recruitment and selection of people management is historically marked as a long and bureaucratic process. However, nowadays, companies tend to have a very high turnover of employees and therefore cannot wait months between the departure of one professional and the entry of another to replace it. To circumvent this bureaucracy, there are people management software that already do this process simply and quickly. These software automate the whole process of recruitment and selection: from job posting to online interviews and issuing notices and notifications to those selected. This type of tool is suitable for all companies wishing to expedite the recruitment and selection process.

2- Web point

It was the time of the registration of the point of worksheet or spreadsheets, nowadays it is much easier to manage the hours of work of its employees through an electronic point software online. These tools help HR managers from control of input and output of employees to other issues such as time banks and vacation, generating important indicators for people management. In addition, they don’t demand the costs that the installation of a physical point requires, being the perfect choice for companies that cannot spend much, but want to modernize the form of registration of the point of the collaborators. And the best thing is that these solutions are within the labor laws of each country.

3- Remote Work Solutions

Remote work is an increasingly present situation in companies, and can help in matters of quality of life, productivity and organizational climate. But for this it is necessary to adopt a tool that enables this remote work, which has some functionalities, such as: possibility of distance communication, file sharing, assignment of tasks, online agenda and much more. Adopting a specific software for the home office is safer and contributes to the non-fragmentation of information. In addition, these software allow managers and HR professionals to verify the activities performed, even at a distance.

4- Time recording tool

Timekeeping software allows employees to record the hours worked according to the tasks performed, indicating the time they spent on each one. This tool helps HR to make cost sharing between the different projects that the employee executes and to measure what takes more time of his day.

5- EAD platform for training employees

Employee training and development (T & D) is one of the key demands of a people management industry. T & D practices are responsible for effectively providing employee development and helping them to achieve their strategic objectives and, consequently, their vision for the future. However, many companies find it difficult to make training and development happen because it involves reconciling the time of T & D employees, managers, and trainers, or even having the logistics of moving people to a specific place to do so. And some softwares can help with this, such as: distance learning (EAD) platforms for training and employee development. With them it is possible to host content in the online platform, so employees can access at any time or place. These platforms can also issue complete reports on employee performance, helping the people management area to measure whether training is being done and whether it is working. And the best thing is that all these solutions can be found in the cloud, making the information security of your company easier!

If you liked these solutions, you will also like to know Twygo – EAD Platform for training employees. Talk to us, it will be our pleasure to help you!

Guestpost by: Twygo

6 tips for doing business and commercial automation

Automation is increasingly present in our lives. And for those who have a business, it is more and more vital. Therefore, investing in commercial and business automation has become a necessity. However, some groups of entrepreneurs are still afraid to use tools that allow this type of work in their business.

However, we believe that this fear stems from the lack of knowledge about how business and commercial automation is done. So we decided it would be a good idea to put together 6 tips that demonstrate how this is done. In this way, knowledge allows new horizons to open up.

1) Analyze the processes and tasks of your company

Many people think that business and commercial automation is just about hiring a service that performs this kind of work. It is elementary that automating processes and time-consuming tasks will bring more efficiency and productivity. However, which sectors, areas or tasks tend to earn more from this?

Therefore, it is important to analyze the processes and tasks and define what will bring the greatest cost / benefit. That way, you can focus on what’s most needed in the short term. As a result, you will be maximizing your productivity without unnecessarily raising any kind of cost.

A good tip for analyzing such processes and tasks efficiently is to use a business management system. The software is able to automate all your management and still offer complete reports on various sectors of your company.

2) Choosing the Right Technology

There are several types of technologies in the process automation and commercial market. They bring diverse functionalities and each seeks to meet the demands it sees fit.

That way, after analyzing your needs, you need to choose the technology that solves them. There is no point in having an extensive mapping of what needs to be automated and making decisions that do not go against problem solving.

3) Planning is necessary

With the mapping done and the technology chosen, it’s time to plan the implementation. This phase is very relevant and prevents redundancies and problems that put the automation project at risk. For an automation process to be efficient and productive, it is necessary to know all the parameters involved beforehand.

So, without proper planning, to provide the parameters, everything that has been done can collapse. Therefore, a good planning avoids modifications in the implementation phase that will be costly or that can damage the final result. And clearly, no one wants to implement something in their company that will not bear fruit.

4) Understand how business and business automation impacted other similar businesses

It is very common for people to embark on what everyone else is doing. And this is not only valid for personal life, business as well. There may be a very large movement of automation in the companies around you, but this move is only valid if you are on the same scale or niche as yours.

Therefore, seek to understand the impact that the automation projects are bringing to those who are in their area of ​​operation. That way, you will understand how to understand the impacts in a more feasible way and can extrapolate what will happen to your company if you choose this path.

5) Be honest about the project with your collaborators

It is very important to be honest about automation projects with your employees. Those who are working tend to see automation as an enemy. Like someone who will steal your jobs. And this kind of environment can end up hurting everyone involved.

Therefore, adequately explain to your employees the reasons, motives, benefits and impacts that what is being done will bring. It is important to make it clear that automation is coming to help rather than replace.

6) Look for tools according to the current scenario of modern life

With social networks and smartphones, it was simpler to track everything closer.  So look for tools that allow you to track information in real time and on any type of platform.

That way, you can keep track of vital business information from wherever you are. And we know the importance that being well informed can bring in any area of ​​your life. From knowing better about how to change your business to even the most trivial things.

Guestpost by: Gestãoclick

The main advantages of centralizing access to information

Technology has changed the way we live and how we work. In an increasingly technological and digital era, companies need to focus on increasing their competitiveness and productivity. In the past, company information was contained in paper documents, often disorganized. With the advent of technology, Excel files have brought greater organization to companies, but quickly became obsolete as business began to have larger and more sophisticated requirements. Nowadays, companies prefer software that allows them to centralize all the information of the business in a single platform, as is the case of Multipeers. It is critical that companies know how to make the most of these tools, as this has many benefits. The integration of business information is a necessity and a reality so that you have a 360 view of everything that happens. In today’s article, we talk about the main advantages of centralizing access to information!

More organisation

When all the information of a company is centralized in a single point, everything becomes more organized. If everything works correctly, there will not be lost or forgotten information anywhere in the company and it is possible to maintain order of information in a practical way. It is important to organize all the information that already exists and also create rules for the input of new data. Where new information exists, it must be categorized and organized, which will contribute to the structuring of the data. All this makes it easier to find any necessary information, as well as ensuring greater data security.

Greater integration of departments

Internal communication is a very important area in companies, but unfortunately it is one of the most underestimated. The departments of a company need each other to function properly, so it is essential to establish a relationship between them consistently. The big problem so far was that each department had its own “language” and way of organizing the information and this made the other departments unable to fully understand what was happening in each sector. With the centralization of information it is possible to unify the communication and favor the relationship between different departments. By using a single platform and creating rules for entering and categorizing new data, you can communicate more clearly.

Easy information consultation

The information provided by BAM tools comes in a consolidated way so that your query is easier and faster. You can choose to get the information through bar charts, multi-series charts, meters, among many other options. The information can be displayed using the most appropriate presentation, improving the analysis that the user can make of each indicator. In addition, each indicator is fully customizable according to business needs. When using the desktop, in the case of Multipeers, you can also use the ticker tool, which allows you to divulge external or internal news, messages and alerts, thus allowing all employees to be aware of what is important in the organization, which means that everyone is able to contribute to effective decision-making.

Reduction of the probability of human error

Manual processes are more susceptible to errors than automated processes. By using a BAM tool it is possible to free collaborators for other tasks and will be able to automate the most repetitive and annoying tasks. This ensures that there is no need to constantly update data and consult reports. Everything is previously defined by you and nothing will fail. The more steps you automate the more time you will have to focus on other important things to improve the business.

Possibility to analyze the business in real time

Knowing what is happening in real time in each department of the organization is crucial so that you can make effective and conscious decisions. Softwares like Multipeers allow you to analyze all the information of your business, from the most diverse sources of data, in a single dashboard, in a simple and interactive way. Having all the business information in one place allows you to make better time management and make the right decisions for the future of your company.


Having a broader view is key to being able to keep up with the business and make the right decisions. In today’s hectic business day-to-day and with the ever-increasing demands of consumers, knowing the market is a must-have weapon to win. Download our business monitoring e-book and learn how a BAM system can help your business grow steadily!

How to set challenging and realistic business goals?

Knowing how to set business goals is the first step to a successful path. When we have a defined goal, it is much easier to design a strategy and define what actions are necessary to achieve our goals. Any business needs established goals, because it will be based on them that the whole performance of the company is defined. Unfortunately, many managers do not understand the importance of business goals and start working without having a plan. This is one of the main reasons why companies often do not survive. Business objectives provide a lot of information about the company and to that extent make decision making more efficient and easier. Managers often complain about the lack of information about the company in order to be able to decide consciously and these performance indicators gain a prominent role in making decisions about the future of the company. Managers can only make assertive and sound decisions if they have a full knowledge of the business reality, so it is essential to monitor the fulfillment of the objectives in real time. And nothing better than KPI’s to provide all that knowledge. In today’s article, we leave you some important tips for setting challenging and realistic business goals!

Be specific

The more specific a goal is, the easier it is to find actions to achieve them in a short amount of time. Business goals should be simple, so it is much easier to manage them. An example of this goal is “updating the website quarterly”, which is easy to understand which means updating the website in January, April, July and October. A business goal that says “increase the number of proposals sent” is very vague and gives us no clue as to what we should do to reach it. Thus, it is preferable to use a goal that says “get 3 new customers per month”. It is a much simpler goal and it tells us the time interval. Business goals should be simple, so that the entire team is able to understand them. If you get too complicated, you risk not being able to extract any useful information from your analysis. And if the employees do not understand the indicator can be unmotivated, which harms the whole performance of the company.

Be realistic and objective

We all want to be the greatest entrepreneurs in the world, but there are obstacles that go with that and we have to have that awareness. When you set business goals too high, the risk of falling is much greater. And as the goals are harder to reach, you will be frustrated to realize that you cannot achieve them. You must set realistic goals that are appropriate to the reality of your business. If you do not have a great investment capacity at the moment, you will not be able to define as a business goal to increase the team by 10 employees. Business goals must be established according to the reality of the company at the moment, since only then will it be able to achieve them.

Set rigid deadlines

When there is no deadline for accomplishing a particular task or goal, it is more likely that it will drag on in time and eventually be forgotten. It is essential that you set a deadline to achieve a particular business goal, because only then will you be able to define a timeline and assign necessary actions over time. The stated deadline should be like the business objective: specific and realistic. It should not set too short or too long a deadline, as both cases may cause demotivation on the part of those responsible for achieving the objective.

Do a regular review of business goals

Business goals should be reviewed regularly and should be adapted as the changes are verified in the company. Long-term business goals should be monitored so that you can verify that all the actions required to comply are being carried out. Business goals are not static and it is not mandatory that they remain unchanged. Whenever necessary, you should change and update them, and in more extreme cases, you can even eliminate them if you find that they no longer fit the way the company works. A goal that yesterday was quite important, today may have lost some of its importance. Companies are living and dynamic organisms and as such changes must be monitored in all areas of the company. Evaluate at least every three months whether the indicators that have “assets” are the most appropriate given the period the company is going through. However, care must be taken not to make the mistake of changing or eliminating business goals just because it is difficult to achieve them.