5 Tools that facilitate communication between departments

Most companies are concerned with communicating effectively abroad, but often forget to communicate internally. Internal communication is the basis of all the action of the company, because if the various departments don’t communicate with each other, it is impossible to give an image of cohesion to the public and it becomes very difficult to achieve the objectives. In business day-to-day work, it is not always easy to communicate with all colleagues, but there are tools that facilitate this task. Today we present you 5 tools that facilitate communication between departments!

Google Drive and/or Dropbox

Working with these platforms greatly improves communication and team interaction as documents are worked in the cloud and are automatically saved, making it much easier to share among all team members. The use of these tools also ensures that documents are not lost in pen drives and external disks, and are always safeguarded in the cloud.


Whatsapp is a very important tool for work teams because it allows us to create groups, exchange opinions and share documents. As it is a tool to be used in the mobile phone, we can be aware of everything that happens, even if it we are physically absent from the office.


Slack is widely used by technology companies. In this application you can chat individually, create groups, teams and share files. It also allows integration with other tools such as Dropbox, Google Analytics or Twitter. It also allows creating questionnaires within the application, facilitating the exchange of ideas and the sharing of opinions by all members of the company.


This tool is essential for anyone who sends lots of emails per day to teams. Bananatag is an add-on to the email box, which indicates whether the messages were delivered, which emails were opened, and who clicked on the links and attached attachments. This tool can be integrated in Outlook, Gmail and the most used email services.


This is a task management and monitoring application. It is divided into tables where tasks can be defined by teams. It is also possible to create task lists and assign them to each employee. Throughout the execution of the tasks, the status of each item is updated, being very easy to see at what point of execution each task is.

Extra tip:

Multipeers is a business monitoring system that allows you to analyze what is happening in the company. It is a BAM system that gives us information about the state of each department, as it condenses information from the various data sources into a single platform. In this way, it is easier for managers to know what goes on in each department, improving communication among all and allowing improvements and corrections to be applied!

7 applications that all entrepreneurs should know

Applications that will make life easier for entrepreneurs

To undertake is the word of the decade. It is increasingly common for practitioners to opt for remote work or even to seek the freedom to start their own business. With so many tools available, this is a goal that has become more achievable and today it is possible to think about growing in the market and leverage its results, with the help of technology, which allows the entrepreneur to go beyond without wearing too much. And in today’s article, we will introduce the 7 applications that every entrepreneur needs to know. Check it!

1- Dropbox

First of the list is Dropbox, which is a very interesting application for the backup and file sharing service. His proposal is quite interesting, although it doesn’t replace a more complete management platform, for example. But, sharing is very secure and its use in tablets and cell phones is very simplified and doesn’t weigh in the memory of the device. It is available for Android, iOS and also Windows Phone. You can try its free version.

2 – Evernote

Evernote is very nice to have installed on your phone, because it is like a digital paper pad, with the advantage of being able to insert notes in both text, images and even audios. In the midst of day-to-day running, it is a very viable solution because it opens quickly, doesn’t weigh in the handset’s memory and produces notes that can be shared with other users. It’s available for Android and iOS for now. The most basic plan is free, but there is also the plus version that gets paid.

3 – Expensify

Expensify is an application that allows you to import expenses from your bank account or even enter them manually. It is great for dealing with finances in a simpler way and use for more personal expenses. For small business owners it may be a simpler solution to have a financial control when you are on the street, for example, and avoid spending the money that is intended for the company. The application has several great options for sending expenses, even photos of invoices. It is available for Android, iOS and also for Blackberry. It has the free version and a paid version.

4 – Qipu

Want to remember to pay the tax and other fees of your microenterprise? Qipu helps in this direction, in a very interactive way, reminding you of the small obligations you have to fulfill. It will send notifications and alerts and it will be impossible to forget them. Available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone, Qipu is a great application to have on your phone, since it doesn’t take up much space and is very simple to learn its features.

5- Any.do

Any.do is a very interesting application for microentrepreneurs. With it you can manage your most important tasks, set your goals and your main professional goals. It’s a way to motivate yourself and never forget what your path is. In addition, these goals can be shared, which will give you extra energy to fulfill them. Available for Android and iOS. There is the free and paid version that can be purchased with monthly or quarterly plans, according to your needs.

6- ManagementClick

In addition to all these applications, it is important to have in your company the application of ManagementClick which is commercial management software, which optimizes your business tasks and unites the sectors in one place. Remember that technology is there to help you and bring more comfort and productivity and using it with intelligence is fundamental.

7 – Canva

Canva is a free graphic design software, easy to use and completely online (no download required). Created less than 5 years ago and with 11.4 million users in 179 countries, this tool has been a real success among marketers. 8 designs are created every second with the Canva.

The management system for small businesses offers inventory control, financial control, sales control, issuing electronic invoices among several indispensable features for anyone who wants to control a company with a click.

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7 Management tools that all business owners should use

In busy day-to-day business, it is not always easy to manage all projects and tasks. Fortunately, there are applications and management tools that simplify life if they are well used. In this article we present you 7 applications and management tools that all entrepreneurs should use!


Dropbox is a service for storing and sharing files. Its concept is based on Cloud Computing and through this service (free to a space limit), you can create a virtual folder on your computer that will be stored in the cloud and share it easily with anyone you want. You can modify and work on the folder as if it were a normal folder and all the files are protected even if something happens with the computer.

PDCA Cycle

The PDCA cycle is a fundamental management tool for your company because it follows 4 indispensable steps for its good operation and efficiency. The acronym PDCA means to plan, do, check, act). Applying this technique to all tasks and departments of a company ensures the optimization of resources and the constant improvement of individual and collective performance.

Analysis of KPIs

A KPI – key performance indicator – is a value that demonstrates if the company is achieving its main objectives. The company can and should have well-defined KPIs. In the same way, each department and employee must know their KPIs so that they can work towards their goals and help the company to grow. “If we don’t know where we are going any way is good”: in this way, it is indispensable that each employee knows his role in the company so that he can guide his daily work in order to reach all his objectives.


MindMeister is an online mind map that lets you add ideas to a layout so that all your thoughts related to a particular project are organized on the screen so you can make decisions more easily. It is a practical and quick way to organize information.


Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the management software that manages the entire enterprise and is the most basic tool a business should have. ERP controls all of your company processes and is a very important tool to manage and decide with confidence.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics lets you review the status of your website. In today’s world, where we all live online, the website performance level is an essential indicator for measuring business success. This tool is free and easy to use and allows you to know the number of visits, origin of visits, most viewed pages, among many other indicators that will allow you to improve your website.

Real-time data analysis

The business world is increasingly accelerated and it is essential that a manager knows, at every moment, what is going on in his company. Analyzing reports with a few days means having a reactive action to the events, which can cause damages to the company. Thus, real-time data analysis is increasingly essential in the business world. Multipeers is a BAM system that allows you to analyze the business to the minute, through a platform where all the information of the company, from the diverse sources of data is found. This allows faster and highly effective decision making.


Learn about the advantages of the BAM system and find how these tools can help your business!