IT management: 4 essential indicators in your company

Having defined KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make more informed decisions. The IT area is one of the most important in any business, as it supports all the activity of the company. In today’s article, we cover 4 essential IT metrics in your business!

Performance of applications

This is one of the most important IT metrics, and for this purpose it is necessary to use constant monitoring tools that evaluate the performance of the applications in the end user’s perspective. Companies increasingly rely on the management of their IT assets to specialised companies that guarantee security, high performance and permanent availability.

Average offline time

This KPI is used to analyse the average time an IT device or infrastructure was not available. It is a metric known as MDT (mean down time). This metric tells us all the time that the service was not available, either because of minor problems, malfunctions, among others. This value is obtained by adding the time the system was not available dividing by the number of occurrences in that period.

Average service time

Another very important metric is the average time that professionals take to respond to requests placed in the service desk. The faster the service and the resolution of the situation, the better the IT performance.

Uptime Index

This is one of the most important IT metrics. It tells us how long IT applications have been available to users, so the longer it is, the better the IT structure performs. It is essential that the company’s technological infrastructures are always available so that productivity rates remain constant.


BAM tools such as Multipeers allow you to track KPIs continuously and in real time. Analysing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives, effectively increasing the degree of achievement of the objectives. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.

The importance of information: tips for never losing your data

Business information is one of the most important assets in companies today. Business data consists of information about suppliers, customers, competition, strategies, among other documents that must be kept confidential. If these data are not stored properly, they may be lost or exposed to the outside, compromising safety and confidentiality. This type of situation is very damaging to the image of the company, so it is necessary to follow rules and strategies that allow to keep the data safe and private. Find 5 important tips to never lose your company data!

Make backups frequently

Nowadays all the information (or practically all of it) is digitized so it is vital to reinforce data security. It is necessary to keep backup copies in at least two different locations and it is advisable that one of these locations be in the Cloud because it is very unlikely to lose data that are hosted on the web in this type of services. Establish a backup routine so you don’t run the risk of not recovering the latest documents. Cloud services let you set the backup frequency you want in a timely manner.

Automate everything you can

If you have well-defined processes and well-established rules, it will be easier to optimize the work and leave a part of it delivered to the machines. Repetitive work is boring for the developer and to free him from routine processes is a way to leave him free to perform other functions. In addition, automated processes are faster than manuals. Automate backup and recovery frequencies.

Create a security policy

A survey carried out by the Ponemon Institute states that 73% of information technology users ensure that exposure of company data is due to internal errors, negligence or deliberately by employees. To avoid this, it is fundamental to create a security policy that includes e-mail retention (a good example is Office 365), that is, you can define that all emails that contain the word “login” must pass through a Moderator before being sent. Another important point is to define which documents are public, confidential and secret. It is also important that this policy includes penalties for those who fail to comply. In this way, employees of the company will feel more motivated not to make safety mistakes.

Use encryption in files

Files containing important and confidential information must be encrypted in order to ensure that only authorized persons can access the information. There are free solutions that allow you to put this functionality in the files, but it is advisable to do an exhaustive search on the best and safest ones, in order to choose the right tool.


A virtual private network (VPN) is a type of private connection that uses a public network to access your company data. It contains a connection encryption that prevents data interception and IP tracing. This is the safest way to access corporate data through public networks such as hotels and airports.

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