5 Practical Tips for Better Time Management

Time is limited and you need to know how to use it to the best of your ability. Managers face the daily challenge of managing their day by prioritizing tasks, delegating roles and making decisions in few time. In an age where business data is multiplying daily, managing time is critical to achieving good results. In today’s article, we present 5 practical tips for better time management!

Set realistic goals

If you don’t know where you are going, any path will do. It is very important to set goals and work as a team to achieve them. Objectives must be measurable and realistic, otherwise they will only contribute to demotivate employees. If you commit to doing many more tasks than are humanly possible in X hours, you will not be able to complete your day on time and will become unmotivated.

Track real-time KPIs

Key performance indicators are very important for more assertive and thoughtful decision making. They act as a thermometer that tell us the degree of results obtained in certain areas. Through BAM software such as Multipeers, it is possible to analyze KPI compliance in real time. The life of your business happens now, so it is essential to follow every second what happens to your business! Only then can you be one step ahead of the competition. And making decisions quickly and with all the data “on the table” will help you save time solving bad decisions in the future!

Delegate Tasks

There are professionals who have great difficulty delegating tasks because they fear that the end result will not be as good as if it had been done by themselves. Wanting to do everything yourself is a big mistake because there will be something that will be less well done. It is essential that you have complete confidence in your team so that you can delegate tasks of quiet conscience.

Learn to say no

Saying yes to all requests and always being available to others can become a serious problem. Block some time a day so as not to be interrupted, especially if you have more delicate and difficult tasks to perform. This way you will be more focused and at the end of the day you will feel the difference in the results achieved.

Define deadlines

Parkinson’s law tells us that the ability to concentrate will be greater the less time available to perform a task. It is not advisable for the deadline to be too close to the date you submit a job, but it is crucial that you can meet the deadline you have set for yourself.

7 KPI’s That All Businesses Must Have

KPIs are fundamental elements for the proper functioning of a company. They allow us to understand where our goals are and guide us towards the company to achieve good results. Although each company has its own reality, there are KPIs common to all areas. In today’s article, we present the 7 KPIs that every business should have.

Number of proposals submitted

The number of proposals submitted is important to understand how many potential customers really expressed an interest in buying something from our company. The number of proposals submitted must always be based on the total number of contacts made.


ROI stands for return on investment and is the return on investment made. This value is the result acquired with the investment made. It is a very important KPI for maintaining the financial health of the company.

Market share

Market share means the participation of a company in its market. This value can be found through measurement of invoicing, number of customers, among others.

Cost per Lead

This is a value widely used in the digital world, which is increasingly gaining weight in the business world. Cost per lead is the sum of marketing action spend divided by the leads generated through these actions.

Application Performance

This is one of the most important IT metrics, and for this purpose it is necessary to make use of constant monitoring tools that evaluate the performance of applications from the end user perspective. More and more companies are entrusting the management of their IT assets to specialized companies that ensure security, high performance and permanent availability.

Avg. Offline Time

This KPI is used to analyze the average time that an IT device or infrastructure was not available. It is a metric known as mean down time (MDT). This metric tells us all the time that the service was not available, either because of minor problems, malfunctions, among others. This value is obtained by summing the time that the system was not available to divide by the number of occurrences in that period.

Average cost per employee

This indicator shows us how much, on average, each company employee costs us. It is obtained after summing all personnel expenses (salary, food allowance, holiday and Christmas allowances, state contributions, among other expenses) and dividing by the total number of employees of the company.

Get to know the importance of indicators management

Indicators are fundamental to the good performance of a company. It is the indicators, or KPIs, that tell us what state the business is in and whether we are actually meeting the previously established goals. Based on company performance indicators, managers can make more assertive and informed decisions. BAM tools like Multipeers allow you to keep track of KPIs continuously and in real time, allowing you to pay greater attention to meeting your goals, effectively increasing the company’s degree of success. Let’s understand in today’s article how important is the management of corporate indicators!

Company strategy known by everyone

“If we don’t know where we are going, any path is good,” so it is very important for companies to know where they are going and for each employee to know the work they are supposed to do. If we are unaware of the results we must achieve with our work, we can do anything, and this is possibly not in line with the overall goals of the organization. Defining the indicators of each employee and linking to the monitoring system is essential for obtaining a global and integrated view of the company’s state and performance.

Making the right decision

The indicators give us a lot of information about the company and to that extent make decision making much more efficient. Managers often complain about the lack of information about the company to make a conscious decision and these performance indicators play a prominent role when making decisions about the future of the company. Managers can only make assertive and correct decisions if they have a complete knowledge of the business reality. And nothing better than updated management indicators that are appropriate to the reality of the company.

Give us real numbers about the state of the company

Indicators allow for measurable results. And this is very important in a company, because numbers don’t lie and help us understand where we go wrong and where we get it right. It is not enough to have a subjective knowledge about the company’s results: it is necessary to know objectively the true values ​​of the organization. By analyzing the KPIs it is possible to redefine strategies and change what is not giving positive results.

Increase sales and improve overall business performance.

When well defined and implemented, management indicators help drive sales. When there are definite goals and rewards associated with achieving them, the tendency is for employees to strive even harder to achieve their goals. This creates healthy competition between the different salespeople and in the end the company gains from increasing sales.

5 Tips to Set Good Performance Indicators for Your Business

Business performance indicators, or KPIs, are an essential tool to ensure that your business is moving in the right direction. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make more informed decisions. In today’s article, we present 5 tips for setting good performance indicators for your business!

Simplify indicators

KPIs should be simple so that the entire team is able to understand them. If you get too complicated a KPI runs the risk of not being able to extract any useful information from your analysis because it will not be understandable by your team. And if the employees do not understand the indicator can be unmotivated, which harms the company’s performance.

Define able indicators to evaluate

For an indicator to be well defined, it is necessary to measure it simply or quickly, that is, it must always opt for quantitative and non-qualitative indicators. In the case of qualitative indicators, there is a high probability of a subjective evaluation. For example, instead of aiming to improve sales, set an indicator on the conversion rate to sales with a set value range. It will be easier to see if the goal of the indicator is being achieved.

Conduct thorough analysis before setting indicators

There is no miracle recipe with regard to indicators. There are indicators that fit one type of business, but that do not make any sense in other areas of activity. Defining indicators only to be defined will create harmful noise to employees’ performance and this will have a negative impact on the company’s final results.

Make this process dynamic

An indicator that yesterday was quite important and completely adequate to the reality of the company, today may have lost its relevance. Companies are living and dynamic organisms and as such changes must be monitored in all areas of the company. Evaluate at least every three months whether the indicators that have “assets” remain the most appropriate for your business.

Involve the whole team in the definition

It is much simpler to get people to collaborate if they are present when defining the indicators they should reach. The teams know their reality better than the top managers, so it is advisable to count on the collaboration of each team when defining the indicators of each department. In this way, each employee will feel involved in the process and, consequently, will be more motivated to achieve the desired goals!

Why should I adopt a real-time data analysis tool?

Real-time information is a necessity and an asset in organizations. With each passing day more data is generated and it becomes increasingly difficult to analyze the information in a correct way, reason why it is fundamental to facilitate the access to it. In many companies, decisions are still made based on reports with a few days, which makes the company reactive. In today’s business world, if a company wants to survive and succeed, it has to take a proactive stance. Therefore, adopting tools that allow the analysis of data in real time is a growing need. In today’s article, let’s see why your company should adopt a real-time data analysis tool!

More successful decisions

A company that has all the condensed information in one place can make better and more assertive decisions. In addition, decisions are made in a timely manner, which favors the business. In a company where the information is spread by various software and databases, it is difficult to gather the data needed to decide in a short time. Using Multipeers, all information from the various data sources is on the same platform, which dramatically reduces the time for decision making.

Setting up business alerts

Business monitoring software such as Multipeers allows the definition of business alerts so that you are advised whenever a situation goes beyond your usual standard. Wherever you are, you will be notified by SMS or email about any changes to your previously set standards and you can act immediately, even before there are serious damages to the organization. This proves to be a huge competitive advantage because it enables immediate action and prevents negative consequences for the business.

Immediate identification of opportunities

With real-time analytics you can identify opportunities right at the moment they appear, allowing you to stay one step ahead of the competition. A change in demand for a product, for example, could lead you to launch a specific campaign, which will increase sales and improve overall results. This represents a major competitive advantage over the competition.

Lower probability of mistakes

The use of real-time data analysis systems reduces communication failures and speeds data consolidation, thereby reducing the likelihood of making business-critical errors. All company information will be condensed only in one place, which makes analytical processes more agile and efficient, making all processes more fluid and efficient.

Business Info Query Anywhere

Almost all real-time information management programs offer the possibility of being used on mobile devices. Therefore, it is possible to be in a meeting or a trip and have real and updated information about the state of the business. This is a very important advantage, since increasingly your business is where you are, so it is vital that you always have access to the most up-to-date information about your company!

Find the main industrial indicators and know how they can help you in your day-to-day

“What can not be measured can not be controlled”: this phrase makes perfect sense in the business world and, increasingly, managers are aware that it is necessary to evaluate each of their actions. Only with an effective follow-up of everything that goes on in a business it’s possible to apply improvement measures and achieve high levels of performance. KPI – key performance indicators – are fundamental in the process of managing, evaluating and continually improving a business. In today’s article, let’s talk about key industrial indicators and explain how they can help you in everyday life!

Production Indicators

In any industry it is fundamental that there is continuous production monitoring, in order to analyze its efficiency and uptime. Production indicators, when properly applied, help to reduce production costs, improve productivity levels and increase profitability. Some of the most commonly used production indicators are the number of products produced, the downtime of a machine or a collaborator and hours worked in production.

Order Indicators

These indicators give us information about stocks, liquidity, inventories, among other aspects. These are indicators that allow us to have an overview of what we have at the moment for sale, which applications are still to be completed and what our financial profitability is. The main indicators of this type are: turnover, percentage of unfulfilled orders, index of inventory for sales and percentage of orders delivered on time.

Economic indicators

The economic indicators are transversal to all activities and have a very significant weight for the industry. These indicators give us all the information regarding the financial health of the business. The main indicators in this area are: contribution margin, profit percentage, economic break-even point, EBITDA, average ticket and amortizations.

How can these indicators help me on a daily basis?

  • Relevant information for conscious decisions: KPIs provide a lot of information about the company and to that extent make decision making more efficient and easier. Managers often complain about the lack of information about the company in order to be able to decide consciously and these performance indicators gain a prominent role in making decisions about the future of the company. Managers can only make assertive and sound decisions if they have a full understanding of business reality. And nothing better than KPI’s to provide all that knowledge.

  • More realistic and more easily met objectives: analyzing the performance of a company on a constant basis ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives. An efficient process must be planned and controlled. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.

  • More knowledge about business strategy: it is essential that each employee of the company or organization knows their KPIs and that they are updated with some frequency. “If we do not know where we are going, any way is good”: the same goes for companies. If we are not aware of the results we should achieve with our work, we can do anything, and this may not be in line with the organization’s overall objectives. Defining the indicators of each employee and connecting to the monitoring system is essential for obtaining a global and integrated view of the state of the company and the performance of each one. It is also important to mention that each employee should have access only to the indicators that are important for the continuation of his work, so as to have a more focused and organized day-to-day.

Having a broader view is key to being able to keep up with the business and make the right decisions. In today’s hectic business day-to-day and with the ever-increasing demands of consumers, knowing the market is a must-have weapon to win. Download our business monitoring e-book and learn how a BAM system can help your business grow steadily!

How to transform your company data into relevant information?

Companies generate a large amount of data daily. These data will be the inputs needed for effective and conscious decision-making, so it is vital that managers are able to extract the most value from them. It is important for companies to define an integrated information strategy, otherwise the data will not have the required value. In today’s article, we leave you with some tips to transform your company’s data into relevant information!

Data vs. Information

First and foremost, you need to distinguish between data and information. Although they are connected, these concepts don’t have the same meaning. Data is all information and initially does not bring any value to the company, as they have not yet been filtered or interpreted. They are data with potential. Already the information is a set of data that have already been categorized and it is already possible to extract useful information. The important thing in this process is to be able to distinguish what can be used with relevance and what does not have any kind of value.

Get to know the state of your business at all times

The day-to-day of a manager is quite busy and it is humanly impossible to keep up with all the situations that happen in the business. It is very important to have a real-time business monitoring system that allows you to set business alerts so that you are advised whenever any important situation requires immediate intervention. Multipeers is a BAM system that allows you to define business alerts that warn you whenever a situation requires your attention. In this way, you will always be aware of the events of your business and will be able to decide in good time. Many of the decisions are made based on reports a few days late, which makes the company have a reactive and non-proactive action. With Multipeers you can always be ahead of the competition. This is one of the most effective ways to turn data into relevant information!

Create efficient planning

For more complex, and especially long-term, decisions, you need to carefully plan each step to be taken considering all the pros and cons of each situation. A very efficient technique is the 5W2H tool, an acronym of 7 questions, in English, that serve as a basis for developing good strategic planning.

  • What (what will be done?)
  • Why (why will it be done?)
  • Where (where will it be done?)
  • When?
  • Who (who will be made?)
  • How (how will it be done?)
  • How much will it cost?

Use KPIs to evaluate actions

Defining business indicators in a conscious way is fundamental to being able to analyze the business objectively. It is essential that the indicators analyzed show managers the way forward in order to correct errors and apply new strategies. KPIs should be simple so that the entire team is able to understand them. If you get too complicated a KPI, you run the risk of not being able to extract any useful information from your analysis. If employees do not understand the indicator, they can become unmotivated, which harms the company’s performance. A KPI should be analyzed frequently because only with constant monitoring can we understand if we are correctly executing the company’s strategy and generating value with our activity. You should always opt for indicators that can be measured easily and frequently so that you can make day-to-day decisions based on reliable and up-to-date information.

Use dashboards in your day-to-day business

A dashboard visually displays the most important information about the business. In case of using a tool like Multipeers, the information is updated permanently and automatically, so that you have at your disposal the most current information on everything that happens in the company. By using a dashboard, you can easily see if your business goals are being met. Linking KPIs with day-to-day activities is essential if individual and global goals are to be achieved more simply. The dashboard is a very important tool in that it presents the data and organizes it so that the manager can analyze them objectively and so that he can extract as much information as possible.

What can KPIs do for the management of a company?

Having defined KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make more informed decisions. BAM tools such as Multipeers allow you to track KPIs continuously and in real time. Analyzing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives, effectively increasing the degree of achievement of the objectives. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs. In today’s article, let’s realize what KPIs can do for running a business!

Clear knowledge about business strategy

It is essential that each employee of the company or organization knows their KPIs and that they are updated with some frequency. “If we don’t know where we are going, any way is good”: the same goes for companies. If we are not aware of the results we should achieve with our work, we can do anything, and this may not be in line with the organization’s overall objectives. Defining the indicators of each employee and connecting to the monitoring system is essential for obtaining a global and integrated view of the state of the company and the performance of each one. It is also important to mention that each employee should have access only to the indicators that are important for the continuation of their work, so as to have a more focused and organized day-to-day.

Allow to evaluate the company quantitatively

KPIs allow measurable results to be achieved. And this is very important in a company, because the numbers do not lie! It is not enough to have a subjective knowledge about the results of the company. It is necessary to know objectively the true values ​​of the organization. Through the analysis of KPIs it is possible to redefine strategies and change what is not giving positive results. It is essential that KPIs are evaluated on a frequent basis, since only in this way can they have a significant impact on the life of the company.

Increase the performance of the sales department

When well defined and implemented, KPIs help drive sales. When there are defined goals and rewards associated with their implementation, the tendency is for employees to work even harder to achieve the stated goals. This creates healthy competition between the different vendors and in the end the company comes out to win with the increase in sales!

Make decision making more efficient

KPIs provide a lot of information about the company and in that way make decision making more efficient and easier. Managers often complain about the lack of information about the company in order to be able to decide consciously and these performance indicators gain a prominent role in making decisions about the future of the company. Managers can only make assertive and sound decisions if they have a full understanding of business reality. And nothing better than KPI’s to provide all that knowledge.

Improve achievement of objectives

Analyzing the performance of a company on a constant basis ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives. An efficient process must be planned and controlled. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.


Defining business indicators in a conscious way is fundamental to being able to analyze the business objectively. It is essential that the indicators analyzed show managers the way forward in order to correct errors and apply new strategies. KPIs should be simple so that the entire team is able to understand them. If you get too complicated a KPI, you run the risk of not being able to extract any useful information from your analysis. If employees do not understand the indicator, they can become unmotivated, which harms the company’s performance. A KPI should be analyzed frequently because only with constant monitoring can we understand if we are correctly executing the company’s strategy and generating value with our activity. You should always opt for indicators that can be measured easily and frequently so that you can make day-to-day decisions based on reliable and up-to-date information. Finally, it is important to note that not all indicators are for all companies. There are indicators that fit one type of business but don’t make any sense in other areas of activity. Defining meaningless or useful indicators will only create harmful noise to employees’ performance and this will have a negative impact on the company’s bottom line.

The importance of BAM tools for decision making

Making decisions for the future of the business is a daunting task for managers. Often, they don’t have all the necessary information to analyze situations objectively, which complicates to a large extent correct decision-making. In the day-to-day fulfilled in which they live constantly, the lack of time to evaluate the operations of the company is a major enemy of the decision-making. The large amount of information that currently exists is also a concern for companies, which increasingly find it difficult to deal with this information and manage it so that better decisions are made. BAM tools are used to increase the effectiveness of the business and to obtain all the data to make the right decisions. Let’s talk about the importance of BAM tools for decision making!

The information is delivered in real time

Business life happens now, every moment, and it is essential that you know what is going on with your business. Decisions based on a few days’ reporting are always reactive and risk being overtaken by a competition that is quicker to act. Knowing everything that goes on in real time with your business is essential so you can make timely decisions and have a proactive stance in the market.

Quick and intuitive query

The information provided by BAM tools comes in a consolidated way so that your query is easier and faster. You can choose to get the information through bar charts, multi-series charts, meters, among many other options. The information can be displayed using the most appropriate presentation, improving the analysis that the user can make of each indicator. In addition, each indicator is fully customizable according to business needs. When using the desktop, in the case of Multipeers, you can also use the ticker tool, which allows you to divulge external or internal news, messages and alerts, thus allowing all employees to be aware of what is important in the organization, which means that everyone is able to contribute to effective decision-making.

Immediate perception of problems

The real-time information provided by BAM tools informs us at the moment about the state of things, which allows us to know in good time what is going wrong, so that we can solve the situations. With this new management model, it is not necessary to resort to old reports to find out why something went wrong, because we are alerted immediately.

No need for clicks

BAM tools update permanently and automatically, so there is no need for user intervention. Instead of being the user looking for the information, it is the information that, in an autonomous way, finds the user. Business monitoring is a simple and intuitive process.

The best human resource KPIs your business can have

Without people, companies are nothing, and the internal public is one of the most important in organizations, since it is this that makes companies grow and evolve. People Analytics is the process of collecting, organizing and analyzing employee behavior data in order to contribute to decisions made in the company, anticipating trends and adjusting strategies. This term is increasingly important to companies and is expected to grow in importance over the next few years, which means that more and more data on employees exists and there is a need to do something useful with that data. KPIs help us work on information and gain insights for decision making. In today’s article, we present the best human resource KPIs your business can have!

Employee turnover rate

It indicates the number of employees who leave and enter the company, during a certain period. For the company, this index should be as low as possible because it means there is retention of talent. A high index may indicate a low attractiveness of the company in relation to the competition.


Absenteeism measures employee absence rates and indicates the actual reasons for absences or delays. Absenteeism may be linked to poor working conditions, such as ergonomics in the company or bad environment in the team.

Turnover Costs

In order to calculate this indicator, it’s necessary to include all the expenses with the payment of the contractual terminations and to add all legal and procedural costs. It is also necessary to add the expenses with the replacement of the professional who left, besides the investment in training.

Ratio between extra hours and worked hours

This indicator is linked to the concept of productivity and demonstrates the relationship between the amount of overtime (paid or accumulated in the time bank) and total hours worked. It’s an important indicator for analysing the overload, operational capacity and labor allocation.

Employee satisfaction index

This index is calculated by collecting opinions from employees, who can respond to surveys where they show their satisfaction on a numerical scale. The higher this level, the better the human resources area will be and the greater the motivation of employees to work.

Average cost by employee

This indicator shows us how much it costs, on average, each employee of the company. It is obtained after adding all personnel expenses (salary, food allowance, holiday and Christmas allowances, contributions to the State, among other expenses) and divided by the total number of employees of the company.