How to make the right decisions in my company?

Como tomar as decisões certas na minha empresa?

The life of a company manager is full of challenges, contingencies and responsibilities. Errors are not well accepted and each one of them has important consequences for the operation of the business. The success of the company depends on the numerous decisions that must be taken daily. Making assertive strategic decisions today has become a major differentiator and increases competitiveness and chances of success. It is no longer acceptable to rely solely on the “feeling” of the manager. But faced with so many difficulties, how to make the right decisions for the company? It certainly is with a lot of planning and with the use of tools that provide reliable information for the business. That way you minimize the chances of making mistakes. Accurate and up-to-date data are needed to make clear analyzes of the sociopolitical scenario, growth rates, competition, and many other items that have major impacts on the decision.

Identify the problem

One of the biggest mistakes of managers who make wrong decisions is the lack of knowledge and investigation of the situation altogether. Without this care, the decision taken may not be the most appropriate, leading to even more problems or new errors. It is important to devote a little time and effort to understand the starting point of the problem and to seek alternatives that can solve it. Often the question presented is only the consequence that another situation which, if not resolved, will continue to generate losses.

Have good performance indicators

The indicators show what is working or not at the company. It is imperative that you be able to rely on the figures presented and that they be updated. It is also important to choose those that are important to your business, as there are many indicators, but not all will demonstrate data relevant to your business. To make this information effective, you must rely on the technology and use data capture software to ensure the agility and accuracy of the information. They have business intelligence capabilities to “pan” the information relevant to your business and present it in a user-friendly manner, making it easier to interpret.

Use a business management system

With more of this technology help you simplify the registration and data organization process. The online ERP system gathers all the information recorded and allows the manager to generate personalized reports, in real time, as well as projections such as cash flow. With these data the analysis of possible scenarios becomes much easier and this helps in making decisions. Having accurate data without the risk of human failure allows a clear view of what your business needs. For example, by having stock control software you gain time in managing your inventory and accuracy of information.

Create efficient planning

For more complex, and especially long-term, decisions, you need to carefully plan each step to be taken considering all the pros and cons of each situation. A very efficient technique is the 5W2H tool, an acronym of 7 questions, in English, that serve as a basis for developing good strategic planning.

  • What (what will be done?)
  • Why (why will it be done?)
  • Where (where will it be done?)
  • When?
  • Who (who will be made?)
  • How (how will it be done?)
  • How much will it cost?

Count on your work team

For some decisions, especially those involving work processes and creativity, it is very important to involve your team of employees. Hold a brainstorming meeting, and ask your employees to think outside the box, finding creative and workable solutions to the problems encountered.

Follow the processes

Once you have made the decision to be made, and have defined the actions that need to be done, you must continue to follow the processes to make sure that everything is going as it should be. To this end, reliable performance indicators continue to be of great importance in ensuring that analyzes are faithful to events. If it is necessary to appoint another person to be responsible for the conduct of what has been planned, make sure that it is reliable, and still be aware of what is happening. Remember that you are responsible for making decisions and will be charged, sooner or later, for them. With these tips you will certainly be able to make important decisions for your company more quickly and objectively, and you will be assured that the choice will be the best for your business.

Guestpost by GestãoClick

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