Get to know the importance of indicators management

Indicators are fundamental to the good performance of a company. It is the indicators, or KPIs, that tell us what state the business is in and whether we are actually meeting the previously established goals. Based on company performance indicators, managers can make more assertive and informed decisions. BAM tools like Multipeers allow you to keep track of KPIs continuously and in real time, allowing you to pay greater attention to meeting your goals, effectively increasing the company’s degree of success. Let’s understand in today’s article how important is the management of corporate indicators!

Company strategy known by everyone

“If we don’t know where we are going, any path is good,” so it is very important for companies to know where they are going and for each employee to know the work they are supposed to do. If we are unaware of the results we must achieve with our work, we can do anything, and this is possibly not in line with the overall goals of the organization. Defining the indicators of each employee and linking to the monitoring system is essential for obtaining a global and integrated view of the company’s state and performance.

Making the right decision

The indicators give us a lot of information about the company and to that extent make decision making much more efficient. Managers often complain about the lack of information about the company to make a conscious decision and these performance indicators play a prominent role when making decisions about the future of the company. Managers can only make assertive and correct decisions if they have a complete knowledge of the business reality. And nothing better than updated management indicators that are appropriate to the reality of the company.

Give us real numbers about the state of the company

Indicators allow for measurable results. And this is very important in a company, because numbers don’t lie and help us understand where we go wrong and where we get it right. It is not enough to have a subjective knowledge about the company’s results: it is necessary to know objectively the true values ​​of the organization. By analyzing the KPIs it is possible to redefine strategies and change what is not giving positive results.

Increase sales and improve overall business performance.

When well defined and implemented, management indicators help drive sales. When there are definite goals and rewards associated with achieving them, the tendency is for employees to strive even harder to achieve their goals. This creates healthy competition between the different salespeople and in the end the company gains from increasing sales.

Find the main industrial indicators and know how they can help you in your day-to-day

“What can not be measured can not be controlled”: this phrase makes perfect sense in the business world and, increasingly, managers are aware that it is necessary to evaluate each of their actions. Only with an effective follow-up of everything that goes on in a business it’s possible to apply improvement measures and achieve high levels of performance. KPI – key performance indicators – are fundamental in the process of managing, evaluating and continually improving a business. In today’s article, let’s talk about key industrial indicators and explain how they can help you in everyday life!

Production Indicators

In any industry it is fundamental that there is continuous production monitoring, in order to analyze its efficiency and uptime. Production indicators, when properly applied, help to reduce production costs, improve productivity levels and increase profitability. Some of the most commonly used production indicators are the number of products produced, the downtime of a machine or a collaborator and hours worked in production.

Order Indicators

These indicators give us information about stocks, liquidity, inventories, among other aspects. These are indicators that allow us to have an overview of what we have at the moment for sale, which applications are still to be completed and what our financial profitability is. The main indicators of this type are: turnover, percentage of unfulfilled orders, index of inventory for sales and percentage of orders delivered on time.

Economic indicators

The economic indicators are transversal to all activities and have a very significant weight for the industry. These indicators give us all the information regarding the financial health of the business. The main indicators in this area are: contribution margin, profit percentage, economic break-even point, EBITDA, average ticket and amortizations.

How can these indicators help me on a daily basis?

  • Relevant information for conscious decisions: KPIs provide a lot of information about the company and to that extent make decision making more efficient and easier. Managers often complain about the lack of information about the company in order to be able to decide consciously and these performance indicators gain a prominent role in making decisions about the future of the company. Managers can only make assertive and sound decisions if they have a full understanding of business reality. And nothing better than KPI’s to provide all that knowledge.

  • More realistic and more easily met objectives: analyzing the performance of a company on a constant basis ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives. An efficient process must be planned and controlled. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.

  • More knowledge about business strategy: it is essential that each employee of the company or organization knows their KPIs and that they are updated with some frequency. “If we do not know where we are going, any way is good”: the same goes for companies. If we are not aware of the results we should achieve with our work, we can do anything, and this may not be in line with the organization’s overall objectives. Defining the indicators of each employee and connecting to the monitoring system is essential for obtaining a global and integrated view of the state of the company and the performance of each one. It is also important to mention that each employee should have access only to the indicators that are important for the continuation of his work, so as to have a more focused and organized day-to-day.

Having a broader view is key to being able to keep up with the business and make the right decisions. In today’s hectic business day-to-day and with the ever-increasing demands of consumers, knowing the market is a must-have weapon to win. Download our business monitoring e-book and learn how a BAM system can help your business grow steadily!

IT management: 4 essential indicators in your company

Having defined KPIs is essential to the good performance of a company. KPIs are key performance indicators that tell us what state the business is in and how far (or near) we are from meeting the stated goals. Based on the indicators and the company’s performance, managers can make more informed decisions. The IT area is one of the most important in any business, as it supports all the activity of the company. In today’s article, we cover 4 essential IT metrics in your business!

Performance of applications

This is one of the most important IT metrics, and for this purpose it is necessary to use constant monitoring tools that evaluate the performance of the applications in the end user’s perspective. Companies increasingly rely on the management of their IT assets to specialised companies that guarantee security, high performance and permanent availability.

Average offline time

This KPI is used to analyse the average time an IT device or infrastructure was not available. It is a metric known as MDT (mean down time). This metric tells us all the time that the service was not available, either because of minor problems, malfunctions, among others. This value is obtained by adding the time the system was not available dividing by the number of occurrences in that period.

Average service time

Another very important metric is the average time that professionals take to respond to requests placed in the service desk. The faster the service and the resolution of the situation, the better the IT performance.

Uptime Index

This is one of the most important IT metrics. It tells us how long IT applications have been available to users, so the longer it is, the better the IT structure performs. It is essential that the company’s technological infrastructures are always available so that productivity rates remain constant.


BAM tools such as Multipeers allow you to track KPIs continuously and in real time. Analysing performance consistently ensures that more attention is paid to meeting the objectives, effectively increasing the degree of achievement of the objectives. Continuous performance monitoring plays a key role in planning and subsequent control because it provides information on processes developed by the organization. The effectiveness of any control strategy depends to a large extent on the correct suitability of developed performance metrics and KPIs.

7 indicators to evaluate the financial health of your business

We have already talked about the importance of indicators for business success, but it is never too much to remember that having defined KPIs is a fundamental part of a company’s management strategy. These business metrics allow for closer monitoring and better management of the level of success of the actions performed. There are thousands of possible indicators for each business and it is very important to know which indicators to choose to always follow the financial health of the business. In today’s article, we present the 7 most important indicators to assess the financial health of your business!

Net profit

It’s one of the most important values ​​for any company. We’ve reached this amount after adding up the entire billing volume and deducting costs and expenses.


Liquidity is the ability to turn an asset into cash. The faster the conversion, the more liquid an asset is. This indicator assesses the ability of the company to pay employees and suppliers.


EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes Depreciation and Amortization and is a way of calculating how much a company generates of resources only with its operation, that is to say, before subtracting the value of the taxes. The formula for achieving EBITDA is Net Operating Income + Depreciation + Amortization. This is a very important value for companies looking for investors and serves as a comparative point with other companies in the same industry.

Cost per lead

This figure shows us how much it costs the company to acquire a lead. We get the value after dividing the amount of money invested in digital marketing by the number of leads generated. Studies report that the cost per lead generated through digital marketing is about 61% lower than the leads generated by traditional marketing. Knowing how much it costs us to generate a lead is essential so that we can redistribute the investments and improve the results.


ROI means return on investment and measures the end result of an investment: it relates all the expenses involved in a share to the profits made by that same share. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows: ROI = Net Profit (Total Investment Profit – Cost of Total Investment)/Cost of Investment. If the ROI is greater than zero, it means that the investment was positive for the company. If it has negative values, there was a loss.

Net Profit Margin

The profit margin represents what the company plans to profit from in return for what has been invested. In addition to calculating net income to obtain the net profit margin, companies must stipulate a value that is in accordance with what the market is willing to pay for their product. If the expectation of profits is well above normal there may be problems with future planning.

Market Share

Market share means the participation of a company in the market in which it is located. This value can be found through billing measurement, quantity of customers, among others.


KPIs are of vital importance to companies because they measure process performance and by analyzing collected information work to improve future action.

7 KPIs required for marketing managers

Get to know the most important KPIs to measure your marketing results

Measuring digital marketing results is mandatory if you want to identify areas that need improvement and if you want to have a great performance. By analyzing your marketing results frequently, you will have a more global view of the business and be able to make more conscientious decisions. The marketing world is extremely vast and it is not always easy to know which are the most important indicators for the business. In this article we present you 7 mandatory digital KPIs for marketing managers!

Website traffic: visits

This metric is essential and shows how many visits you had on the website in a given time frame. It is important not to confuse this metric with the number of people who visited the site: this value tells us how many visits users made to your site, and the same person may have entered the site 10 times or more. This indicator is critical to the success of the sales funnel because the more visitors you have, the greater the likelihood of generating leads and sales. You can easily find this value in the Google Analytics dashboard.

Number of organic visits

Within the number of visits to the website, the number of organic visits stands out. Organic visits are those that come to your site through search engine search. People can get to your site because it appeared in the results when there was a search for a certain keyword. So the more organic visitors you have, the better positioned your site will be. This also means that the keywords you are using are the right ones for your business and the ones your target audience uses.

Conversion rate

Having lots of visits on the website is very important and means that our site is performing well and is showing up in the search engines. However, it is not enough that the visitor navigates the site and leaves it without leaving us a contact or without buying something. The conversion rate lists the number of visitors to the website with the number of visitors who make a purchase. It is a very important indicator because it allows us to realize if our site is really intuitive.


ROI means return on investment and measures the end result of an investment: it relates all the expenses involved in an action to the profits made by that same action. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows: ROI = Net Profit (Total Investment Profit – Cost of Total Investment) / Cost of Investment. If the ROI is greater than zero, it means that the investment was positive for the company. If you have negative values, there was a loss.

Cost per lead

This KPI shows us how much it costs the company to get a lead. We get the value after dividing the amount of money invested in digital marketing by the number of leads generated. Studies indicate that the cost per lead generated through digital marketing is about 61% lower than the leads generated by traditional marketing. Knowing how much it costs us to generate a lead is essential so that we can redistribute the investments and improve the results.

Visits generated by social networks

If your company is committed to communicating through social media, you should always measure the impact it has on your website and business. It’s no use posting good material in the company profiles if it doesn’t translate into visits and sales. Weekly you should measure how many visits you had from each social profile and should invest more in those that more visits generate through the website. If a social media doesn’t generate any visitors, you should consider whether it is worthwhile to continue investing time in this profile.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate shows us the percentage of visitors who were only on one page of your site. The higher this fee, the worse it will be for you because it means that there were many visitors giving up quickly of your site. This may mean that your site is not appealing or has little relevant information. Whenever this value is too high, you should invest time in improving the website. Otherwise you may lose many business opportunities.

Increasingly it is essential to keep track of the state of the business and the marketing situation of the company in real time. Marketing has been gaining more importance in the business world due to the great competitiveness that exists today in the markets. Want to know how you can keep track of your business in real time? Get to know Multipeers today!

The importance of managing indicators for your company

Even the best products and services don’t support a company by itself. That is, you can market something that is very attractive to your target audience, but it takes a lot more to keep a business thriving. Therefore, the administrative knowledge is fundamental, since they have useful and efficient tools.

Among them, the management of indicators is extremely important to know if your company is going the right way and, if not, what can be done to get the business back on track. The point is that while offering quality products and services is imperative to the success of your business, it is not enough.

Other companies may also have the same quality in what they offer, noting that fierce competition is a reality of the vast majority of sectors of the economy. In this way, it is necessary to know the market, the target audience, know where to sell, how to sell and, above all, what are the objectives of your company.

It is no use having the mission written on a sign hanging on the wall of the office or the company’s website; it is essential that all employees are aware of the goal and know how to achieve the proposed goals. It is in this context that the indicators enter, being that they refer to the numbers that can be used to measure the performance of your business in the market.

With these indicators in hand, it is possible to manage them, that is, to make decisions based on what they indicate. From this, a decision is never a shot in the dark, because it is given through concrete data, without considerations or intuitions.

What are the indicators in a company

The indicators in a company are data that can be raised, helping in its administration, since it shows how its operations are happening. There are many types of indicators and for each company it may be interesting to measure more specifically some of them.

To better understand, check out some of the key indicators in a business:

  • Productivity Indicators
  • Indicators of productive capacity
  • Process performance indicators
  • Quality Indicators
  • Indicators of effectiveness
  • Profitability Indicators
  • Strategic indicators
  • Competitiveness Indicators

All these indicators refer to the data of a company that can be obtained through surveys, reports and other forms, allowing a deeper and more detailed evaluation of their performance in the field of activity in which it is inserted.

Often a company starts selling a number of units per month that seems sufficient, but as time passes they realize that it is not, and the company starts to lose market for example.

Similarly, the entrepreneur believes that the time a product takes to be manufactured is adequate, but not when the accounts are made and the time spent in relation to its cost is calculated. These are just a few examples of issues that are often erroneously assessed because the indicators are not used.

How to measure indicators

In a small business, the flow of daily information is likely to be quite large. So, you may wonder, but after all, how to measure the indicators? That is, how did you gather a lot of information? I mean, it is possible, but it would take a lot of time, would not it?

No, if this is done with the help of an online management system that, in addition to making the work of the team more dynamic, by allowing tasks to be simplified and better controlled, it also has tools to measure the company’s important numbers. By measuring indicators, through reports and other resources, more assertive decisions can be made.

In addition, there are software that has advanced functions to measure the indicators needed, helping the company’s management to create a strategic plan to more effectively achieve its goals. It is worth saying that to create a successful business plan it is indispensable to master all the data of a company.

Thus, it is necessary to know how much the company invoices, how much is spent on production, what are the other costs, such as raw material value, hands of works, etc. With full control of these and many other information, you can not only make the best decisions but also follow your progress and always be ready for the necessary adjustments.

About the guest author:

GestãoClick is a company specialized in offering business management software to managers who wish to make their employees’ routine more efficient. Click here and learn more about what technology can do for your business.