The main artificial intelligence trends for 2019

We are in a new era: we are currently in the age of artificial intelligence and there is no escape from it. We have all been able to detect something related to artificial intelligence in many companies and Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel, has a certainty: all companies will be affected by this new technology; otherwise they will not be able to adapt to the new reality we have already witnessed. With the approach of 2018, many experts are looking at the main trends that await us in the new year. In today’s article, we have assembled the main trends in artificial intelligence for 2019.

More sophisticated data analysis

Data are the most important assets of companies and managers need to be aware of this. By 2019 data analysis is expected to become even more important and programs and applications are used to enable data to be analyzed faster and more automatically. The goal is not to replace humans in this task, but to equip them with all the tools and information necessary for more assertive decision making. In this way, you can automate data creation, discover trends, and exchange information across departments. And all this in a faster and more objective way!

Digital Twin

This is a solution that aims to improve the processes of creation, testing and correction in the manufacture of new products. In fact, digital twins are nothing more than a copy of processes that exist in reality. That is. at the same time that a product is developed in the physical world, its creation also happens in the virtual world. In this way, it is possible to carry out tests and analyzes before the product reaches the market. The main advantages of this technology are: reduction of production time, reduction of costs, greater capacity of adaptation, better forecast of profits and improvements of the forecast of risks and reduction of errors.

Massive use of chatbots

Chatbots are the stars of artificial intelligence. They are linked to the company’s database and use common language to talk to customers. They are able to recognize names and phone numbers to predict customer behavior. They are very intelligent systems in that they store the essential information so they can refer customers to the areas they need to consult. Ryanair, for example, already uses this system to talk to customers.

Centralization of information

Artificial intelligence helps companies to interconnect all their information, which has a very important weight in management decisions and especially in the marketing area. A company that analyzes your information in real time and has all the important business information in one place will be able to make more assertive and successful decisions, which enhances the success of the business. Multipeers is therefore an increasingly necessary tool in today’s businesses.

Solidification of Blockchain

Blockchain is very fashionable due to the increasing use of crypto-coins, but its use goes far beyond that. This technology makes transaction logging much more secure. This technology has innovated in the way of recording information, which provides a new way of working with data in the web world. However, Blockchain is not only used in the world of crypto-coins. Also in the area of ​​health this technology can be used, since it allows a registry of all data movement, which increases the security of the same.

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and there is no denying it! If a few years ago when we thought of artificial intelligence “we traveled” to a distant future, today we can say that artificial intelligence is already part of our day-to-day life!

Glossary of information management: 20 terms you need to know

Managing information effectively is essential to ensure that the company can get the insights it needs to make the best decisions for the business. In an age where huge volumes of data are being generated every day, companies seek to find the best ways to deal with information on a daily basis. In today’s article, we leave you 20 terms on information management you need to know!

Descriptive analysis

This type of Data Analytics answers the question “what is happening now?”. Through the response, companies can analyze data on customer losses, sales for a particular product, and the outcome of launched campaigns. Descriptive analysis allows immediate decisions to be made with a high level of security, since the analysis is based on concrete and current data. The information coming from this type of analysis is usually displayed in graphs and tables, which allows the manager to have an overview of the processes monitored.

Predictive Analysis

Predictive analytics is an advanced form of Data Analytics that aims to answer the question “what will happen?”. It is a type of analysis that makes predictions through probabilities. This analysis is possible thanks to techniques like regression and progression analysis, pattern matching and various types of statistics. This type of Data Analytics is widely used in stock market and investment companies.

Diagnostic analysis

Diagnostic analysis will explain why something happened. This type of analysis will relate all available data and information to find patterns of behavior that may explain the results. It is an important analysis to find problems and above all to avoid repeating them in the future.

Prescriptive analysis

The prescriptive analysis is the analysis of premonition. It answers the question “what could happen if we take this action?”. This type of analysis is very important especially in the sales area. For example, “if we think about giving a 15% discount next month on the company’s lesser-selling product, the likelihood of increased sales is 40%”. The prescriptive analysis raises hypotheses about possible results of actions taken by the company. It is an essential analysis for managers, as it helps them to evaluate the best way to choose a certain strategy to solve a problem.


The backup allows you to back up data and files. If there is a computer problem and important files are lost, the only alternative is to redo the work that has been done previously. This leads to a large productivity drop. Having an up-to-date backup of the data will allow the company’s revenue to not be affected because even in the event of a computer disaster the employees will have access to the documents they need to work.


BAM stands for Business Activity Monitoring and is a tool that defines the process and technologies to be able to put information about the company’s KPIs in real time on a dashboard. What BAM does is only show in one place all the information coming from the most varied sources of data of the company, eliminating the need to consult several databases and related to know what is happening in the company at that time.

Data base

Set of related files, tables, relationships, which stores data and makes associations between them. Databases are currently the most important assets of a company.


BI (business intelligence) is a technique that helps managers plan the company’s strategy by collecting and analyzing a large volume of data to understand the company’s performance and then to decide more consciously about the future.

Big data

Big Data is the term that describes the immeasurable volume of data (structured or otherwise) that has a daily business impact. More important than the amount of data, that’s what businesses can.

Data scientist

This will be one of the most sought-after professions in the future. A data scientist is an analytical professional who has the technical capabilities to solve complex problems and has come up to deal with the huge amount of unstructured data that companies have to deal with on a daily basis. This professional creates algorithms to extract insights from the data generated by the diverse sources of information and presents them in a practical and simple format to analyze by the decision makers, who will then be able to define strategies and decide the best way for the company.


Cloud Computing is a model that allows full network access to a set of shared computing resources (networks, datacenters, storage, services, applications, among others) that can be quickly made available with minimal effort and without interaction with the supplier.


CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management, that is, Customer Relationship Management and is used by thousands of companies to manage their relationship with current and potential customers. This software aims to protect the business information of a company. At the same time, a CRM helps identify the best actions and the best time to contact the customer, in order to boost the sale. Likewise, it allows you to evaluate objectives and evaluate the sales team.

Personal data

According to the GDPR, personal data means any information relating to an individual person identified or identifiable through them (identifiable ‘by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of his / her physical, physiological, psychic, economic, cultural or social ‘).


A dashboard visually displays the most important information about the business. In case of using a tool like Multipeers, the information is updated permanently and automatically, so that you have at your disposal the most current information on everything that happens in the company.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the ability machines have to think like humans. It defines your ability to learn, reason and decide autonomously and intelligently. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a recent concept. It first emerged in 1956 by John McCarthy, a university professor who used the term to describe a distant world in which machines would be able to solve all problems that until then were solved exclusively by humans.


KPI stands for key performance indicator, that is, key performance indicator. In the business world, KPIs are quantifiable measures that serve to understand whether the company’s objectives are being met or whether the strategy needs to be modified to achieve them.

Data masking

Data masking aims at creating a structurally identical but not equal version of data. This technique creates a database with fictitious but realistic information that can be used for testing and training purposes. Data masking solutions offer a variety of sophisticated scrambling techniques to protect sensitive data, irreversibly replacing them with data that is not real, while maintaining the referential integrity of the database.


PDCA is the go to plan, do, check and act. It is a management technique linked to the improvement of a company’s processes. Its purpose is to solve problems, pointing out the causes for potential deviations and productive failures. This process makes the organization of the company more efficient in the long run and it is essential that it be applied from the moment of creation of a business, so that the improvement can be continuous.

Security policy

The security policy is a document developed by the company that records the principles of security that the company adopts and that must be followed by the employees. The security policy should be applied to all information systems, both desktop and mobile. For policy to be respected, it is essential that top managers participate in the implementation.


A VPN network is a virtual private network that transmits encrypted data as it navigates from one point to another in the Web world. Connecting through VPN enables the user to browse websites securely and privately. VPN connections are increasingly used as they allow remote access to local files and is a safe way to browse through public Wi-Fi networks.

Get to know the 4 types of Data Analytics and find how to use them in your business

It is no longer surprising that companies deal with a large amount of data, which makes it difficult to analyze them and consequently make decisions. It is now necessary to cross-reference data from a variety of data sources, gain insights, and analyze consumer and market information. In today’s article, we’ll cover the 4 types of Data Analytics that you can (and should) use in your business!

Descriptive analysis

This type of Data Analytics answers the question “what is happening now?”. Through the response, companies can analyze data on customer losses, sales for a particular product, and the outcome of launched campaigns. Descriptive analysis allows immediate decisions to be made with a high level of security, since the analysis is based on concrete and current data. The information coming from this type of analysis is usually displayed in graphs and tables, which allows the manager to have an overview of the processes monitored.

Predictive Analysis

Predictive analytics is an advanced form of Data Analytics that aims to answer the question “what will happen?”. It is a type of analysis that makes predictions through probabilities. This analysis is possible thanks to techniques like regression and progression analysis, pattern matching and various types of statistics. This type of Data Analytics is widely used in stock market and investment companies.

Diagnostic analysis

Diagnostic analysis will explain why something happened. This type of analysis will relate all available data and information to find patterns of behavior that may explain the results. It is an important analysis to find problems and above all to avoid repeating them in the future.

Prescriptive analysis

The prescriptive analysis is the analysis of premonition. It answers the question “what could happen if we take this action?”. This type of analysis is very important especially in the sales area. For example, “if we think about giving a 15% discount next month on the company’s lesser-selling product, the likelihood of increased sales is 40%”. The prescriptive analysis raises hypotheses about possible results of actions taken by the company. It is an essential analysis for managers, as it helps them to evaluate the best way to choose a certain strategy to solve a problem.


Analyzing the data is essential to meet the constant challenges of today’s competitive business world. It is no longer enough to analyze the events after these have happened: it is essential to always be aware of what is happening at each moment. Business monitoring systems such as Multipeers are essential tools in today’s business world because they allow us to analyze the second thing that is happening in the company, allowing you to act immediately without having serious consequences.

BI and BAM: understand the difference between these two concepts

BI and BAM are terms that are very present in most companies. They are not necessarily independent terms, but neither the two tools are required to operate simultaneously in the same company: each is independent. There are still many doubts about the difference between these two terms and in today’s article we will talk about the main differences between BI and BAM.

What is a BAM system?

BAM stands for Business Activity Monitoring and is a tool that defines the process and technologies to be able to put information about the company’s KPIs in real time on a dashboard. What BAM does is only show in one place all the information coming from the most varied sources of data of the company, eliminating the need to consult several databases to know what is happening in the company at that time.

What is Business Intelligence?

BI is a technique that helps managers plan the company’s strategy by collecting and analyzing a large volume of data to understand the company’s performance and from there to decide more consciously about the future.

Relationship and differences between BI and BAM

Business monitoring tools facilitate the process of extracting information and making conscious and thoughtful operational decisions. Both tools use information to improve performance. The data analysis that the BAM tools provide is very efficient because it presents the information in a simple and concise way, allowing the manager to quickly be informed about the actual and current state of the business.

Unlike Business Intelligence, BAM systems don’t talk about past or future: they focus only on the present. The BAM system will integrate all the company information in one place so that the data can be consulted anytime, anywhere. BI will add an analytical culture across all sectors of the business so that everyone is aware of the state of the business. Real-time updated and analyzed information will provide improvements across all sectors of the organization.


These two concepts work very well if applied together in the company, so that you can understand all the information of your business in a simple way. The life of your company happens now and you must know at every moment what is going on with the business. Likewise, you must equip yourself with the right tools so that you can make the most appropriate decisions for the future!

Find the relationship between data analysis and marketing management

Companies generate more and more data in their daily lives, but more important than quantity is the ability to analyze the information generated. There is currently 5 times more information than in 1987, and one of the biggest challenges for companies is to analyze data effectively so they can make decisions on the basis of reliable facts. Marketing management is one of the areas that can most benefit from the correct management of information. In today’s article, let’s talk about the relationship between data analysis and marketing management!

Create reports frequently

Data analysis should be done on a constant basis so that decisions are made on the basis of current information. Many companies make weekly reports and when they find the information this already has a few days. Ideally, you should create short, relevant and easy-to-read reports. Multipeers allows you to create simple reports, in which all users perceive information and analysis outputs. This change will positively impact the marketing actions, which will be much more controlled and effective.

To know what you want to analyze

The data are irrelevant if we don’t know what we need to do with them. It is essential to define the key metrics for analysis and to evaluate often whether the metrics we are analyzing still make sense to the business. Today, business happens at a very dynamic pace and this causes constant change. Analyzing data effectively allows us to offer better customer service because we will be more aware of what our target really need.

Customize user experience

Nowadays, the consumer is more and more demanding and it is essential to create a unique experience for each one of them. This task is only possible based on data analysis. Netflix is ​​a good example in this industry because it suggests movies and series according to the preferences and habits of each user. If you know your customer well, you will be able to provide a differentiated service and data analysis is essential in this chapter.

Real-time data analysis

Nowadays, it is no longer enough to analyze the data after a week of situations occur. Everything happens at a very fast pace and it is imperative that you analyze the data at the moment they happen. Multipeers allows you to analyze the data in real time and alerts you to situations that go beyond what was previously established as normal. Let’s imagine that you own a chair of fashion accessories and that you want every day until midday to sell X. If one day the value is outside your normal standard, Multipeers alerts you immediately so you can take actions such as launching a promotional campaign for that day.

Invest time in data analysis

Data is generated and often organized into reports that no one reads. In this case, the data loses its purpose and the organization loses the opportunity to have better results. It is very important that the marketing manager dedicates part of his time to analyzing the information, since only then it’s possible to create relevant strategies for the company.

Top 5 Benefits of Using Data Analysis for Your Sales

More than having a quality product and a competent sales team, it is essential to gather information about your business and the market and analyze them. This measure offers a number of benefits and to find out what are the top 5 benefits of using data analysis for your sales, you’ll find the following topics in this article:

  • Market knowledge;
  • More efficient marketing;
  • Greater sales conversion;
  • Decision-making;
  • Mobility of data analysis.

Knowledge of the market

There are many benefits of using data analysis for your sales, one of the main ones being to help market knowledge. After all, if you don’t understand the segment in which you act are great the chances of making mistakes. On the other hand, by being aware of its operation it is possible to always be ahead of the competition.

In this way, you can offer your target audience solutions in products and services that meet their needs, as this is one of the most assertive strategies to attract potential consumers to your business. With the knowledge of the market you can still, therefore, dictate trends and follow innovations and benefit from them.

More efficient marketing

Just as data analysis allows you to understand your industry so that you can keep up with it and stay in the middle of the competition, the study of information also enables your business to invest in more efficient marketing actions. This is one more way to win over your target audience and sell more. With the analysis of data, you can still reduce investments with marketing, since it is possible to focus on the actions that offer the best results, without spending on what doesn’t give the expected return. In times of wide variety of marketing actions that can be done, nothing better than identifying the most advantageous for your business.

Higher sales conversion

When you know the market and the most efficient marketing campaigns are carried out, a natural consequence is the greater conversion of sales. After all, selling more is the goal of every business, as it means more profit and possibility to grow your business and make it more modern. Analyzing the data also helps the team identify who are the consumers of your product and thus adjust advertising campaigns and even the product or service itself to serve them more appropriately. In addition, it allows you to understand the buying behavior of consumers and thus present your merchandise at the right time.


While analyzing data for your sales control is essential, this task can cost a lot of time for your team when it’s done without the use of the right tools. Nowadays, even small businesses work with a large flow of information and analyzing all your business data can be quite costly. With this, your team will take a lot more time to get the answers you are looking for and when that happens it may already be too late. To do so, there are tools that help in analyzing data, showing the relevant information in real time and clearly, through graphs and other resources. In addition to agility these features promote the sharing of data with all involved, making the work more organized. All of this is of utmost importance for making decisions, because without up-to-date and complete information you run the risk of not making the best choices for your business.

Mobility of data analysis

The appropriate tools for analyzing the data should still offer remote access. This advantage is useful at different times, since you and your team are not always in the company. In addition, decision-making often occurs during outside sales and in meetings outside the company. But with a system that offers data analysis mobility that can be done anywhere and anytime, you can make the right decisions whenever you need them. To perform this task and other business management activities the ERP for small and medium enterprises ManagementClick is a complete resource.

This system automates all your business data, connects industries and automates processes. Thus, in addition to dynamism, you can count on the most complete data security of your company. For margin, these softwares allow you to manage from the customer registry to complete the financial control program of your company.

Article by: GestãoClick


Find how data analysis can help you to define a market strategy

Understand how data analysis can help you define strategies

Intuition is not enough when deciding what’s best for your company. Fact-based data analysis increases the likelihood of making the best decisions for the future of your business. More and more managers are aware that analyzing data in a timely manner is a necessity in today’s business world. In this article, we’ll explain how data analysis can help you to define a market strategy.

Data from various sources provide a global view of the market

Analyzing data from various sources is essential to have complete and comprehensive information about the state of your business. It is essential that you be attentive to the market and the sources outside the organization are of the utmost importance. If you always know what is going on in the market where you operate, you will be able to keep abreast of trends and changes, being able to be one step ahead of the competition. Data analysis helps you figure out what to do next.

Analyzing the information left by the client allows to draw a real profile

It is mandatory to know the client’s profile, their needs and expectations. We can draw this profile if we are attentive to the signs that they leave in the different channels of communication with the company. In today’s digital world, we all leave clues and everything the customer does on the Internet can be relevant information for building his profile. His behavior creates statistics, which in turn create consumer behaviors. Through this data, we can improve our service for that customer, increasing their connection with the brand.

Analyzing the results of marketing actions improves its performance

Everything we do at the marketing level must be measured. Through analytics tools such as Google Analytics, you can identify which areas of the site are performing best and target efforts to those who are not performing well. At the level of social media this also applies and we should always analyze all actions. In this way, the analysis of data allows to improve the performance of marketing, which will be good for all the areas of the business.

True information increases confidence in decisions

Decisions made on the basis of actual business data will increase the confidence of managers. And this increase in confidence will be positive for business growth as the manager will be able to make tougher decisions more consciously and the risk of making mistakes will be lower.

Knowledge of competition improves our market positioning

Analyzing the actions of the competition and creating statistics with these data will give us a better perception of what our competitors do and will allow us to have a better market positioning. Real-time information is increasingly a necessity and allows us to know at every moment what is going on around us so that we can act quickly and consciously.

Multipeers is a business monitoring software that allows you to manage your business in real time. Talk to us and know the product that will change all the management of your business!

5 tips from Gartner to analyze your data in real time

Get the tips from Gartner

Gartner is the world’s largest leader in technology advice and research and supports the importance of real-time data analysis for better decision-making. “Real-time analytics can enable data science teams to perform modeling, simulations, and optimizations based on a complete set of transaction data, not just samples,” said one Gartner analyst. In this article, we present you 5 tips from Gartner to properly analyze your data in real time!

Turn time-consuming operational decisions into real-time decisions

Operational decisions are repeated very regularly in a structured way. Changing slow decisions to real-time decisions requires new methodologies. Make data readily available so that operational decisions are based on facts that are happening at the time and not based on old data.

Make frequent changes to simplify processes

Review how decisions are made in your company and find ways to improve it. Let’s use the example of the template used to approve transactions by the company’s credit card. This model is developed once in historical data and is now used to evaluate credit card transactions in real time for several weeks or months. It’s important to monitor the results to ensure that the models work correctly. If they don’t work, you need to modify the rules and analyze often to get the best possible way to decide correctly.

Use business alerts

Business monitoring systems work continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Software such as Multipeers track all events as they occur. You can and should set business alerts to be warned whenever something out of the standard considered normal occurs. In this way, you will be alerted via e-mail and/or SMS about the situations that require your attention. It ensures that you don’t lose any important information about the business and you have the possibility of acting immediately.

Be consistent with the operational method

The use of dashboards with real-time information about the company possibilities you to create a common operating framework for all employees. However, it’s possible to define which indicators each employee will receive so that he receives only the information necessary for the execution of his daily work. In this way, the company has a more organized and focused day-to-day life.

Consider decision-making as a discipline

The management of information for the correct decision making is the progress of the design of systems that make decisions. Decision-making systems are run through rule mechanisms, which are divided between software and people-real decision-makers. Look at this component as important to business success as a discipline, creating rules and working methods that allow you to analyze data correctly and decide securely.