The main artificial intelligence trends for 2019

We are in a new era: we are currently in the age of artificial intelligence and there is no escape from it. We have all been able to detect something related to artificial intelligence in many companies and Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel, has a certainty: all companies will be affected by this new technology; otherwise they will not be able to adapt to the new reality we have already witnessed. With the approach of 2018, many experts are looking at the main trends that await us in the new year. In today’s article, we have assembled the main trends in artificial intelligence for 2019.

More sophisticated data analysis

Data are the most important assets of companies and managers need to be aware of this. By 2019 data analysis is expected to become even more important and programs and applications are used to enable data to be analyzed faster and more automatically. The goal is not to replace humans in this task, but to equip them with all the tools and information necessary for more assertive decision making. In this way, you can automate data creation, discover trends, and exchange information across departments. And all this in a faster and more objective way!

Digital Twin

This is a solution that aims to improve the processes of creation, testing and correction in the manufacture of new products. In fact, digital twins are nothing more than a copy of processes that exist in reality. That is. at the same time that a product is developed in the physical world, its creation also happens in the virtual world. In this way, it is possible to carry out tests and analyzes before the product reaches the market. The main advantages of this technology are: reduction of production time, reduction of costs, greater capacity of adaptation, better forecast of profits and improvements of the forecast of risks and reduction of errors.

Massive use of chatbots

Chatbots are the stars of artificial intelligence. They are linked to the company’s database and use common language to talk to customers. They are able to recognize names and phone numbers to predict customer behavior. They are very intelligent systems in that they store the essential information so they can refer customers to the areas they need to consult. Ryanair, for example, already uses this system to talk to customers.

Centralization of information

Artificial intelligence helps companies to interconnect all their information, which has a very important weight in management decisions and especially in the marketing area. A company that analyzes your information in real time and has all the important business information in one place will be able to make more assertive and successful decisions, which enhances the success of the business. Multipeers is therefore an increasingly necessary tool in today’s businesses.

Solidification of Blockchain

Blockchain is very fashionable due to the increasing use of crypto-coins, but its use goes far beyond that. This technology makes transaction logging much more secure. This technology has innovated in the way of recording information, which provides a new way of working with data in the web world. However, Blockchain is not only used in the world of crypto-coins. Also in the area of ​​health this technology can be used, since it allows a registry of all data movement, which increases the security of the same.

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and there is no denying it! If a few years ago when we thought of artificial intelligence “we traveled” to a distant future, today we can say that artificial intelligence is already part of our day-to-day life!

Digital transformation: how to start?

We live in a digital age and businesses can no longer escape this new reality. Digital transformation is no longer a planning for the future: it is the present of companies. Nowadays, for a company to remain competitive it is necessary to have a solid foundation of technology. Cloud computing, Big Data, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, mobility, real time information, among many other technological concepts are part of the day-to-day business of companies around the world. All these concepts need to be integrated into a business digitization strategy, because when worked together they are much stronger than if analyzed individually. In today’s article, we leave you with some tips on where to start implementing a digital transformation strategy!

Analyze the market in detail

The company should start by checking where it is on the digital maturity curve. It should also verify at what point of maturity the direct and indirect competitors meet. In the past, digitization was seen only as a way to reverse the loss of profit. Nowadays, digital transformation is seen as an opportunity for growth.

Evaluate your current business status

At this stage, you need to make an exhaustive assessment of how digital or analog your business is (this analysis covers products, services and company assets). You need to check whether the company is easily digitized or whether it takes a lot of financial and human resources to get the company’s assets from tangible to intangible. After this assessment, it is necessary to plan the scenarios for change, analyzing strengths and weaknesses and market needs, in order to find financially sustainable possibilities to begin the digitization process.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and realize their needs

You need to know your customers and understand how they are interacting with the market, what needs they present and what kind of solutions they are looking for. Based on this knowledge, it is easier to direct the offer and add value to it. You should find ways to reach your customers by digital means, for example, see if they communicate through social media, read newsletters or listen to podcasts. Digital communication is increasingly the preferred communication channel for consumers. Through this mapping, it is possible to develop much more effective segmentation strategies, since it focuses on the real needs and characteristics of consumers.

Define a strategy with specific dates and actions

After analyzing all the aspects related to the market and the company itself, the next step is to use the data to draw up a strategic plan, which includes all the phases of the digital transformation to be applied in the company. The starting point is always different for each business, since each company has its own specific characteristics. Priority should be given to weaknesses in relation to the competition and using the company’s strengths to stand out.

Prepare the company for change and involve the entire organization

A traditional company tends to be at the center and to treat its customers only as consumers of its products, without actually realizing the importance that the customers have in the evolution of the business. A traditional-minded company looks at digital technology only as a support to operations and there is no great concern for innovation. A transition to the digital world requires investment, time, and a well-defined strategy, since this is the only way to take concrete actions. In this era of change, it is critical that business leaders prepare their employees for scanning. This preparation can be done through training actions that enable employees to realize the true importance and benefit of moving to a digital paradigm.

Apply the change in the actions of the day to day

It is not enough to say that we want to change. Do not just set a plan that ends up forgotten in the bottom of a drawer. Employees need to feel involved in the change process and it is essential that the example be given through daily actions. Using technology in actions that were once more “traditional” and automating processes are the first steps to prove that the company has effectively entered the digitization phase. It is only through superior examples that employees will feel motivated to apply the new business philosophy as well.


Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and intuitive task, because communication between all areas of the company is facilitated. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business. With a more organized and fluid structure, the company will gain a competitive position compared to its direct competitors.

How to increase the operational intelligence of your business

Operational intelligence is a new way of analyzing the business and finding answers to the challenges that businesses face every day. This concept is closely tied to technology and addresses data analysis so that they can make decisions based on real-time information. The main benefit of using operational intelligence is the ability to address problems and opportunities at the very moment they arise (in some cases, it is possible to anticipate trends and problems, solving them before they wreak havoc on the business). This makes managers make decisions more conscientiously and based on reliable information, which in turn will increase the effectiveness of the business, leading to better results. But how to increase the operational intelligence of your business? That’s what this article is all about! Check out our tips!

Automate everything you can

One of the most important advantages of operational intelligence is the automation of tasks. The more automated the job is, the more time employees will have to make the business more productive. Automation can range from the simplest to the most complex tasks. At the marketing level, we can automate a welcome email to a new newsletter subscriber or even a thank-you email for a purchase in our online store, for example. Automation eliminates the most annoying tasks employees have to perform, leaving them free for more important things.

Use a CRM

CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management and is used by thousands of companies to manage their relationship with current and potential customers. This software aims to protect the business information of a company. At the same time, a CRM helps identify the best actions and the best time to contact the customer, in order to boost the sale. Likewise, it allows you to evaluate objectives and evaluate the sales team. Well-used CRM software helps increase a company’s productivity and reduces the likelihood of error by human resources. Reducing mistakes allows sales to be made simpler, and as a result, the company wins, as it sees its profits increase. CRM allows no contact with a potential customer to get lost, thus ensuring that everything is done for the sale to take place.

Use a real-time monitoring system

When you know exactly what is going on in your business, it is much easier to make the right decision. Analyzing your business in real time will give you all the inputs you need so you can consciously decide on the best course to take. The reports with a few days present outdated information, which does not correspond to the actual state of the company at that time. Therefore, often the decisions made are mismatched and do not benefit the business. Monitoring the business in real time will change this scenario, because you will have reliable information in your hand and will be able to make better decisions. Analyzing data in real time is increasingly a reality in companies around the world. Business happens at a very fast pace and it is essential that you know what is happening in your company to make the most appropriate decisions for your business. Download our e-book and learn how a BAM tool can help you manage!

10 Advantages of real-time analysis for business

Companies can no longer survive if they are not always aware of everything that goes on in the business and in its market. The need for real-time information has triggered the use of BAM systems such as Multipeers, because through these tools it is possible to follow in a single dashboard everything that goes on in the business and still set up business alerts that warn the user whenever something comes out of its previously defined standard. In today’s article, we present 10 advantages of real-time analysis for business!

Better Business Decisions

When the manager knows exactly what is going on in the business, it is much easier to make the right decision. Analyzing the real-time business allows you to have all the inputs you need to consciously decide on the best route to take. The reports with a few days present outdated information, which no longer corresponds to the actual state of the company at that time. Therefore, often the decisions made are mismatched and do not benefit the business.

Faster identification of business opportunities

With real-time analytics you can identify opportunities at the moment they appear, allowing you to stay one step ahead of the competition. A change in demand for a product, for example, could lead you to launch a specific campaign, which will increase sales and improve overall results.

More efficient management of human resources

Real-time information about the company’s human resources can be a great competitive advantage for companies that want to adapt to change faster. The monitoring systems provide immediate data on the distribution of employees in different sectors of the company, as well as updated information on their availability. This makes team management much more efficient.

Setting alerts to act immediately

Business monitoring software like Multipeers allows you to set up business alerts. Wherever you are, you will be notified by SMS or email about any changes to your previously set standards and you can act immediately, even before there is any harm to the organization. This proves to be a huge competitive advantage because it enables immediate action.

Use various data sources

With the use of a system of analysis in real time it is possible to aggregate in a single system all the information relative to the company. In this way, access to information becomes much easier and intuitive, reducing the time previously spent to gather information from various sources. The manager will make life easier and will be able to act more quickly.

Early detection in productive processes

A failure in the production process can mean serious problems with customers, suppliers and partners if it is not detected and corrected in time. Monitoring the production process in real time allows identifying any faults and their correction. In this way, any deviations will be corrected in a timely manner and will avoid major problems for the company.

In-depth knowledge about customers

With the use of tools that make it possible to analyze the data in real time, it is possible to immediately perceive the client’s preferred medium, its needs and the problems it presents. This information guarantees a more personalized service and according to what the customer really needs.

Makes business processes more agile

As real-time information management programs present the information in a condensed and ready-to-analyze form, the need to make extensive reports will disappear. In this way, employees who previously had this responsibility will have more time available for other tasks, which will certainly contribute to an increase in productivity. Real-time analysis eliminates more bureaucratic tasks, which makes the company more agile.

Reducing the risk of making mistakes

The use of real-time data analysis systems reduces communication failures and accelerates data consolidation. All company information will only be in one location, which makes analytical processes more agile and effective. Thus, the probability of communication failure becomes very low, which contributes to more assertive decision making.

Consulting business information from anywhere

Almost all real-time information management programs present the possibility of being used on mobile devices. Therefore, it is possible to be in a meeting or a trip and have real and updated information about the state of the business. This is a very important advantage, as more and more your business is where you are, so it is essential that you always have access to the most current information about your company!


Analyzing data in real time is increasingly a reality in companies around the world. Business happens at a very fast pace and it is essential that you know what is happening in your company to make the most appropriate decisions for your business. Download our e-book and learn how a BAM tool can help your management!

The main obstacles to effective decision making (and possible solutions!)

Making decisions for the future of the business is a complicated task for managers and requires a lot of commitment from them. A lot of times, business leaders and departments d’ont have all the information they need to analyze situations in an objective way, which greatly complicates effective and rapid decision-making. On a day-to-day basis in which companies are constantly living, the lack of time to evaluate the company’s operations is one of the biggest enemies of correct decision-making. Today, companies generate data every day and the vast amount of information that exists is also a concern for companies as it is not easy to manage all sources of information and it is even more difficult to get the most important insights from each from them. There are many obstacles that prevent decisions to be made quickly and consciously and it is about these obstacles that we are going to discuss in this article. And we will also present possible solutions for each of them!

Obstacle 1: there is no information in real time

Business life happens now. In each moment information is generated and this information will have an impact on company’s life, so it is fundamental that a manager is always aware of what is happening. The reality, however, is that in most companies the information is spread by various software and it is not possible to have immediate access to all the data. This will have a negative impact on decision making. Decisions based on a few days’ reporting are always reactive and the company runs the risk of being outdone by a competition that is quicker to act.

Solution: BAM

BAM tools such as Multipeers are essential in today’s business world because they allow you to condense all information from a wide range of data sources into one platform. The ability to access information in real time changes everything because it is the guarantee that we are always working based on the most current information that exists. Decision-making is made easier because there is no need to resort to lengthy and old reports to decide what to do next. With information so accessible, the likelihood of making bad decisions is much lower, which certainly increases the efficiency of companies. In addition, Multipeers also allows the creation of business alerts that advise managers about anomalous situations that require their attention. This fact makes it possible for managers to carry out their day-to-day tasks in a quiet way as they know they will be alerted when something strange happens. This allows a corrective action to be taken immediately, ensuring prompt resolution of problems.

Obstacle 2: lack of mobility

Business mobility is a growing trend and in many industries is already a reality. However, there are still many companies that are not able to adapt to this new way of working and this makes employees have to be in the office to access the e-mail and to meet with their teams. Companies are still not very receptive to this new trend because they are afraid that mobility is synonymous with a greater probability of loss of credentials of access to the network, which in general results in the leakage of information abroad. Fortunately, more and more technology is moving towards making systems and networks more secure and practically inviolable.

Solution: use of the right tools

Employees and managers must always have access to the most important information about the business, since only then will they be able to make effective and timely decisions. Cloud computing has facilitated labor mobility by enabling important business documents to be consulted anywhere and for effective decision-making. Switching the corporate email system to a cloud-based solution is also very important for increasing business mobility. Videoconferencing tools were the first tools to enable enterprise mobility and are now moving to a large scale for mobile platforms, which significantly increases the scope of mobility. We are now able to use Skype and Hangouts on mobile devices, allowing you to have meetings anytime, anywhere in the World.

Obstacle 3: lack of planning

Companies often don’t spend the due time in planning their activity and this will obviously have negative consequences over time. Business planning is essential if the company’s action is to succeed. Setting realistic goals and ways to reach them is a very important part of business, because we can only succeed if we know well where we want to go.

Solution: plan and involve the entire team

At least every six months, it is crucial that managers meet with their teams and analyze what has been done so far and, based on the result of that analysis, the company’s course should be traced to the following months. However, it is very important that there is always a plan B. As good as planning is and the goals set are the most appropriate for the company, you have to take into account that things can go wrong, because the business world is very susceptible to changes and unforeseen events. Therefore, it is necessary to always have an alternative plan. Having a B plan makes emergency situations easier to deal with. Many managers don’t think of alternatives when they make a decision and end up harming the business if the decision they make doesn’t have the desired effects.

Analyzing data in real time is increasingly a reality in companies around the world. Business happens at a very fast pace and it is essential that you know what is happening in your company to make the most appropriate decisions for your business.

Get to know the advantages of the BAM system and learn how these tools can help your business!

Everything You Need To Know To Build An Effective Business Plan

A business plan is a very important management tool because it acts as a guide that will direct all our activity. The business plan helps to define the objectives and actions needed to realize them, reducing risks and increasing the likelihood that everything will work out. However, the business plan is much more than a set of ideas: it is a document created from the intensive analysis of the market. In today’s article, we leave you some tips to build an effective business plan!

Choose the right methodology

On the Internet you will find “recipes” ready for business plans, which tell you that you have to analyze the market, define mission and values, among other things. However, these standardized methodologies don’t address all the aspects that have to be addressed! You can start by using methodologies you find on the Web, but you should always tailor them to the real needs of your business.

Get to know your audience

This is one of the most important steps of the business plan. It is essential to know the needs of your target audience. As good as your product is, if the public does not need it it will not be able to win in the market. Study the habits of your target, namely lifestyle, level of education and its characteristics. Sometimes it is at this point that business plans die because if the entrepreneur realizes that their target does not need their product, it is not worth continuing to work on that idea. The key to product success lies in the ability to deliver what the audience needs.

Bet the difference

In an age where there are so many products and services it is not very easy to innovate and create new things. However, you can not offer what all companies offer the same way they do, otherwise you will not be able to stand out. It is necessary to go beyond the obvious to stand out in the competitive market of today. This part of the business plan exists research and dedication so as to be able to find a prominent point in your product or service.

Always have a plan B

The scenario that all entrepreneurs want is for the business to be a success. However, they must be prepared to face difficulties and to spend moments of greater tension. It is essential that your business plan be realistic and that it is in accordance with the political and economic scenario of the moment. You should anticipate favorable and unfavorable plans, because in this way you will be better prepared to face all the difficulties that arise along the way.

Define business metrics

It is essential that you constantly measure the success of your enterprise and in this part KPIs (or business metrics) play a very important role. You should focus on metrics that indicate the state of your business and these should be based on metrics of productivity, quality, ti, marketing, among others.

Defining business indicators in a conscious way is fundamental to being able to analyze the business objectively. It is essential that the indicators analyzed show managers the way forward in order to correct errors and apply new strategies. Multipeers offers you a set of 50 KPIs essential for 360º management of your business. Download our e-book!

The importance of BAM tools for decision making

Making decisions for the future of the business is a daunting task for managers. Often, they don’t have all the necessary information to analyze situations objectively, which complicates to a large extent correct decision-making. In the day-to-day fulfilled in which they live constantly, the lack of time to evaluate the operations of the company is a major enemy of the decision-making. The large amount of information that currently exists is also a concern for companies, which increasingly find it difficult to deal with this information and manage it so that better decisions are made. BAM tools are used to increase the effectiveness of the business and to obtain all the data to make the right decisions. Let’s talk about the importance of BAM tools for decision making!

The information is delivered in real time

Business life happens now, every moment, and it is essential that you know what is going on with your business. Decisions based on a few days’ reporting are always reactive and risk being overtaken by a competition that is quicker to act. Knowing everything that goes on in real time with your business is essential so you can make timely decisions and have a proactive stance in the market.

Quick and intuitive query

The information provided by BAM tools comes in a consolidated way so that your query is easier and faster. You can choose to get the information through bar charts, multi-series charts, meters, among many other options. The information can be displayed using the most appropriate presentation, improving the analysis that the user can make of each indicator. In addition, each indicator is fully customizable according to business needs. When using the desktop, in the case of Multipeers, you can also use the ticker tool, which allows you to divulge external or internal news, messages and alerts, thus allowing all employees to be aware of what is important in the organization, which means that everyone is able to contribute to effective decision-making.

Immediate perception of problems

The real-time information provided by BAM tools informs us at the moment about the state of things, which allows us to know in good time what is going wrong, so that we can solve the situations. With this new management model, it is not necessary to resort to old reports to find out why something went wrong, because we are alerted immediately.

No need for clicks

BAM tools update permanently and automatically, so there is no need for user intervention. Instead of being the user looking for the information, it is the information that, in an autonomous way, finds the user. Business monitoring is a simple and intuitive process.

The Importance of 360 Vision for Your Business

A good manager should know everything that goes on in your business. Having a global knowledge of each of the areas of activity of a company is essential so that the best decisions can be made for the future of the business. In the hectic day-to-day business that management leads, it’s not always easy to keep up with all the business activities, but this lack of knowledge can be fatal to the company. Having a 360 vision is imperative to know all the employees with whom you work and all the activities that are carried out in the company. In today’s article, we address the importance of 360 vision for your business!

Better knowledge of Human Resources

When there is a great deal of knowledge about all the company’s employees, it is easier to keep employees motivated and retain the best talent in the company. It is essential that managers know the needs and motivations of their employees, since only then will they be able to offer them the necessary conditions to make them feel good in their place of work.

Real-time analysis

Business life happens now, every moment, and it is essential that you know what is going on with your business. Decisions based on a few days’ reporting are always reactive and risk being overtaken by faster competition to act. Knowing everything that goes on in real time with your business is essential so that you can make timely decisions and have a proactive stance in the market.

Easier decision making

When there is effective knowledge about everything that goes on in the business, it becomes much easier to make the right decisions for the company. Only with an overall knowledge of the state of the company is that managers are able to consciously decide so that the company can grow in a sustained manner.

Continuous improvement

A 360 view allows you to search for constant improvements. Constantly analyzing everything that goes on in the company allows mistakes to be found more easily and improvements are made in business processes and these improvements will be reflected in the company’s overall results.

Extra tip:

BAM tools like Multipeers make decision making more effective because they prevent errors from occurring since they eliminate the need to collect data from many platforms. Because they have a simple and interactive interface, all information is presented in a practical and interactive way, providing all the information in one place, giving the manager all the data he needs to make the right decisions.

The best tools for an effective decision making

All managers face the daily challenge of making decisions. In such a busy market and where information flows at a very fast pace, it is not always easy to have the right information at the right time, which complicates the decision-making process. It’s essential that managers equip themselves with the appropriate tools to enable them to make objective and assertive decisions. In today’s article, we talk about the best tools for an effective decision making!

Cloud Storage Solutions

Mobility is a growing trend and in many sectors is already an everyday reality. Employees and managers should have easy access to the most important information about the business, because only then will they be able to make effective and timely decisions. Cloud computing has facilitated labor mobility by allowing important business documents to be consulted and edited anywhere. This will contribute for an effective decision making.

Real-time information tool

The day-to-day of a manager is quite busy and it is humanly impossible to keep up with all the situations that happen in the business. It’s very important to have a real-time business monitoring system that allows you to set business alerts so that you are advised whenever any important situation requires immediate intervention. Multipeers is a BAM system that allows you to define business alerts that warn you whenever a situation requires your attention. In this way, you will always be aware of the events of your business and will be able to decide in good time. Many of the decisions are made based on reports a few days late, which makes the company have a reactive and non-proactive action. With Multipeers you can always be ahead of the competition.


The KPIs relate to the previous point. A KPI – performance indicator – is a value that demonstrates whether the company is achieving its primary goals. The company can and should have well-defined KPIs. Likewise, each department and employee must know their KPIs so that they can work towards their goals and help the company grow. “If we doN’t know where we are going any way is good”: in this way, it’s indispensable that each employee knows his role in the company so that he can guide his daily work in order to reach all his objectives. With Multipeers, you can track KPIs in real time.

PDCA Cycle

PDCA is the go to plan, do, check and act. It is a management technique linked to the improvement of a company’s processes. Its purpose is to solve problems, pointing out the causes for potential deviations and productive failures. This process makes the organization of the company more efficient in the long run and it is essential that it be applied from the moment of creation of a business, so that the improvement can be continuous. Based on this tool, it’s possible to make more effective decisions because there is a greater knowledge about the company.

What is the impact of real-time analysis on business?

Business is happening at a very fast pace today, which means that managers need to monitor in real time everything that happens in companies, otherwise they will lose relevant information that is needed for conscious decision making. Nowadays, it is no longer advisable to only analyze reports that are a few days late: the market demands that you always keep abreast of what happens in your business. In today’s article, we will realize what the impact of real-time data analysis is for business.

More efficient decision making

When you know exactly what is going on in your business, it is much easier to make the right decisions. Analyzing your business in real time will give you all the inputs you need so you can consciously decide on the best course to take. The reports with a few days present outdated information, which doesn’t correspond to the actual state of the company at that time. Therefore, often the decisions made are mismatched and don’t benefit the business. Monitoring the business in real time will change this scenario, because you will have reliable information in your hand and will be able to make better decisions.

Possibility of correcting deviations in operational processes

A failure in the production process can mean serious problems with customers, suppliers and partners if it is not detected and corrected in a timely manner. Keeping track of the production process in real time allows us to identify any failures and their correctness, without letting the process with a problem drag to its final stage. Thus, even if there are problems in the production phase, it will be easier to avoid that these problems have an impact on the final result.

Using multiple sources of data and content

With the use of a system of data analysis in real time it’s possible to aggregate in a single system all the information related to the company. In this way, access to information becomes much easier and the time previously spent to gather information from various sources is reduced. There will no longer be a need to open multiple programs to understand what happened at a given time.

Ability to set business alerts

Business monitoring software such as Multipeers allows you to set up business alerts whenever there is a deviation from what is considered normal within your company. Wherever you are, you will be notified by SMS or email about any changes and you can act immediately, even before there is damage to the organization. This proves to be an enormous competitive advantage because it enables immediate action, even before there are consequences for the company’s processes.

More efficient people management

Real-time information on human resources can be a great competitive advantage for companies that want to adapt to changes. The monitoring systems provide immediate data on the distribution of employees in different sectors of the company, as well as updated information on their availability. Thus, it becomes easier to manage teams and optimize the work of employees, increasing the collective income.