5 Tools that facilitate communication between departments

Most companies are concerned with communicating effectively abroad, but often forget to communicate internally. Internal communication is the basis of all the action of the company, because if the various departments don’t communicate with each other, it is impossible to give an image of cohesion to the public and it becomes very difficult to achieve the objectives. In business day-to-day work, it is not always easy to communicate with all colleagues, but there are tools that facilitate this task. Today we present you 5 tools that facilitate communication between departments!

Google Drive and/or Dropbox

Working with these platforms greatly improves communication and team interaction as documents are worked in the cloud and are automatically saved, making it much easier to share among all team members. The use of these tools also ensures that documents are not lost in pen drives and external disks, and are always safeguarded in the cloud.


Whatsapp is a very important tool for work teams because it allows us to create groups, exchange opinions and share documents. As it is a tool to be used in the mobile phone, we can be aware of everything that happens, even if it we are physically absent from the office.


Slack is widely used by technology companies. In this application you can chat individually, create groups, teams and share files. It also allows integration with other tools such as Dropbox, Google Analytics or Twitter. It also allows creating questionnaires within the application, facilitating the exchange of ideas and the sharing of opinions by all members of the company.


This tool is essential for anyone who sends lots of emails per day to teams. Bananatag is an add-on to the email box, which indicates whether the messages were delivered, which emails were opened, and who clicked on the links and attached attachments. This tool can be integrated in Outlook, Gmail and the most used email services.


This is a task management and monitoring application. It is divided into tables where tasks can be defined by teams. It is also possible to create task lists and assign them to each employee. Throughout the execution of the tasks, the status of each item is updated, being very easy to see at what point of execution each task is.

Extra tip:

Multipeers is a business monitoring system that allows you to analyze what is happening in the company. It is a BAM system that gives us information about the state of each department, as it condenses information from the various data sources into a single platform. In this way, it is easier for managers to know what goes on in each department, improving communication among all and allowing improvements and corrections to be applied!

5 reasons for your company to invest in integrated management systems

Integrated management systems are being increasingly used in organizations, as they allow a global management of the company through the integration of different departments and sources of information. These systems consist of a set of interconnected parts to produce results, transforming a strategy into operations. These systems seek the continuous improvement of all the organization’s processes, in order to maximize performance. In this article, we present you 5 reasons for your company to invest in integrated management systems!

Integration of all information

Are you aware of how many systems, Excel files and software you currently use to control your business? Most companies don’t use an integrated management system and they have independent ways of dealing with information. This way of working impairs management and decision-making, as there is no overall knowledge of the state of the company and if the manager wants to know everything in detail, he will have to consult a large number of sources of information, which consumes a lot of time. The use of this type of systems will integrate all areas of the company and reduce administrative errors. It will also provide managers and decision makers with a 360-degree view.

Reducing costs and increasing profit

This is the advantage that most pleases all managers! Operating efficiency increases after the implementation of an integrated management system, so the company will have more opportunities to focus on customer relationships and to develop innovations to stand out from the competition. The productivity of employees increases and the quality of services provided as well, so the profit will be greater in the short term. There is also a lower probability of error, so the long-term costs will be lower.

Better management of human resources

Possibly, many of your company‘s employees perform daily tasks that can be automated. Many employees perform day-to-day administrative tasks that don’t add value to the company. In doing this, it is common for employees to feel unmotivated. Integrated management systems allow people to perform more strategic and relevant tasks, which enhances their work and improves their performance!

Greater financial follow-up

You can no longer manually track your company’s finances, and you will certainly have plenty of Excel files and digital documents that make this task easier. However, in an integrated system, you can keep track of your costs and earnings, and you don’t have to manually enter financial data because the system has access to all of your company’s data sources, eliminating the need for human intervention.

Improvement of all processes

A company that uses an integrated management system can standardize processes, eliminate manual processes and shorten the execution time of tasks. In the end, the advantage will be global and the company will achieve better results!

Download our e-book and learn how a BAM system can help you better manage your business!

Black Friday: Tips for Buying Online Safely

Black Friday is right there and the information about spectacular discounts and must-see shopping comes from everywhere! It is vital to ensure the security of your online transactions on this busy day, as the probability of occurrence of computer attacks is much higher on special days. In today’s article, we leave you the most important tips for buying online safely on this Black Friday!

Search in anonymous mode

Companies often install cookies on your computer and they know that you have already searched for a particular product and will send you notifications to maximize the purchase. On a day when searches are higher, it is advisable to search products anonymously, otherwise you risk receiving dozens of advertising notifications in the days ahead. To navigate in anonymous mode in Google Chrome, for example, just open the browser and click Ctrl + Shit + N.

Have a good antivirus

This is a tip to apply on a daily basis, but at this stage it is imperative to ensure that your antivirus is up and running properly to prevent malicious users from gaining access to your sensitive information.

Don’t use public networks

You should never make an online purchase connected to a public network. These situations greatly facilitate the work of those who want to steal sensitive data and use it for negative purposes. Even if you see a product with a spectacular discount on a public computer, it is safer to wait and purchase through your personal computer or even through your smartphone.

Check site security

Prefer sites that comply with the SSL certificate (usually “http” appears before the website address and the lock symbol is active). This code allows the encryption of content and is usually used in websites that need to ensure security in data transfer, such as online stores and banking institutions. A website with SSL certificate allows the transfer of data between the server and the visitor’s terminal in an encrypted way, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data.

Don’t open suspicious emails

If you receive an email that promises very high discounts and prices below the market average, avoid opening the links and never provide personal data. Many hackers use this technique to attract users and thus have access to their personal data. If the email has a brand name, it is safer to go to the brand site through the browser and verify that the email information is true.

Be very careful with offers via SMS

Messages on the phone and through WhatsApp may contain links to viruses and refer you to fake pages. In recent times, there has been a spread of messages via Whatsapp with fake discounts that cause serious problems for users. If you receive something like this, delete the message without clicking anything!

Black Friday is an opportunity to get what you want at a more affordable price, but you should not be fooled by the discounts and neglected online security. Make sure you protect your information on all your devices!

Top 5 Worst Errors in Your Business’s Annual Strategic Planning

The end of the year is always a very important time for companies, as well as measuring the actions and results of the year that ends, it is also time to plan all the actions of the following year and to define the strategy that will guide the direction of the company in the next 12 months. This is not an easy task and requires dedication and commitment on the part of managers and decision makers. Sometimes mistakes made in the strategic planning of the company are responsible for the less positive results of the following year. In this article, we present the 5 worst mistakes in your company’s annual strategic planning so you can avoid them!

Lack of reflection about the year ending

Many companies make the mistake of only presenting values ​​in the annual reports, without making an interpretation of the data that they have ahead. Rather than saying that goal X has not been met, you need to do a deep analysis until you find the reason why the goal was not achieved. The past of business is a very important teacher for your future as it teaches us not to make the same mistake twice.

Lack of continuous monitoring

The decisions in the companies, in the vast majority of cases, are taken based on reports with a few days, which makes the company’s action reactive and not proactive. More and more it is necessary to monitor the business in real time, because only this way it is possible to take immediate corrective measures. Companies should analyze their planning on an ongoing basis and not just at certain times. Softwares such as Multipeers, which allow us to analyze all the company’s actions in real time, are a reality that is increasingly present in companies around the world.

Lack of communication

Lack of communication is one of the major mistakes made in companies. Managers often forget to clearly communicate their intentions to all members of the company, which makes many employees not know what the annual goals are and drive them to work unfocused. Always communicating annual planning in a clear and objective way is a rule for all companies that wish to be successful.

Wrong priorities

Companies have the ultimate goal of achieving the highest possible profit, but a series of steps have to be taken to achieve maximum profit and income levels. One of the major mistakes made in planning is the incorrect definition of priorities. Many managers list as their top priority goals that will never be met unless we pursue other goals.

Lack of information

Lack of information in companies is a very serious problem. Managers to make a conscious decision need to consult a large number of sources of information, which makes this process time consuming and tiring. The use of business monitoring tools such as Multipeers allows the manager to have all the real-time information about the company on the Desktop and on his mobile device, being much more informed when deciding.

Top 5 Benefits of Using Data Analysis for Your Sales

More than having a quality product and a competent sales team, it is essential to gather information about your business and the market and analyze them. This measure offers a number of benefits and to find out what are the top 5 benefits of using data analysis for your sales, you’ll find the following topics in this article:

  • Market knowledge;
  • More efficient marketing;
  • Greater sales conversion;
  • Decision-making;
  • Mobility of data analysis.

Knowledge of the market

There are many benefits of using data analysis for your sales, one of the main ones being to help market knowledge. After all, if you don’t understand the segment in which you act are great the chances of making mistakes. On the other hand, by being aware of its operation it is possible to always be ahead of the competition.

In this way, you can offer your target audience solutions in products and services that meet their needs, as this is one of the most assertive strategies to attract potential consumers to your business. With the knowledge of the market you can still, therefore, dictate trends and follow innovations and benefit from them.

More efficient marketing

Just as data analysis allows you to understand your industry so that you can keep up with it and stay in the middle of the competition, the study of information also enables your business to invest in more efficient marketing actions. This is one more way to win over your target audience and sell more. With the analysis of data, you can still reduce investments with marketing, since it is possible to focus on the actions that offer the best results, without spending on what doesn’t give the expected return. In times of wide variety of marketing actions that can be done, nothing better than identifying the most advantageous for your business.

Higher sales conversion

When you know the market and the most efficient marketing campaigns are carried out, a natural consequence is the greater conversion of sales. After all, selling more is the goal of every business, as it means more profit and possibility to grow your business and make it more modern. Analyzing the data also helps the team identify who are the consumers of your product and thus adjust advertising campaigns and even the product or service itself to serve them more appropriately. In addition, it allows you to understand the buying behavior of consumers and thus present your merchandise at the right time.


While analyzing data for your sales control is essential, this task can cost a lot of time for your team when it’s done without the use of the right tools. Nowadays, even small businesses work with a large flow of information and analyzing all your business data can be quite costly. With this, your team will take a lot more time to get the answers you are looking for and when that happens it may already be too late. To do so, there are tools that help in analyzing data, showing the relevant information in real time and clearly, through graphs and other resources. In addition to agility these features promote the sharing of data with all involved, making the work more organized. All of this is of utmost importance for making decisions, because without up-to-date and complete information you run the risk of not making the best choices for your business.

Mobility of data analysis

The appropriate tools for analyzing the data should still offer remote access. This advantage is useful at different times, since you and your team are not always in the company. In addition, decision-making often occurs during outside sales and in meetings outside the company. But with a system that offers data analysis mobility that can be done anywhere and anytime, you can make the right decisions whenever you need them. To perform this task and other business management activities the ERP for small and medium enterprises ManagementClick is a complete resource.

This system automates all your business data, connects industries and automates processes. Thus, in addition to dynamism, you can count on the most complete data security of your company. For margin, these softwares allow you to manage from the customer registry to complete the financial control program of your company.

Article by: GestãoClick


Find how to choose the best management system for your company

A management software is an important work tool and is a great ally of the productivity and competitiveness of any organization. Choosing the best software is not an easy task as it is not enough to go for the most popular choice on the market. It is essential that the software is the right for your business and it is not always easy to figure out which one will be the best choice. In today’s article, we leave you some important tips for choosing the best management system for your company.

Initial Evaluation

Before leaving for the market, it is advisable to do the homework. Determine the company’s software needs and take into account the opinions of many employees, especially those who will handle the software on a daily basis. Only after you are aware of what you really need you will be prepared to choose the best solution.

Prefer an easy implementation

Software that is very complicated to deploy and which takes a long time to install will not be intuitive and easy to use. Your main objective is to find a software that facilitates your daily work, so avoid the very complex software, because these require a lot of training time for the employees and this damages the collective income.

Be careful about safety

A management software will know everything about your business. The confidential information will be placed there, so it is mandatory to choose software that guarantees the protection and security of your information. If you choose Software as a Service (SaaS), you should carefully review the vendor’s backup policy and if you choose a product installed on a local server, you will need a team that will frequently monitor the security of the information.


It is fundamental that you choose a software that can be integrated with several applications because in this way you will get a global and integrated view of everything that goes on in the business. The software is transversal to the entire company, so it is fundamental that it can encompass all areas of the activity.

Choose a mobile version

The World is increasingly mobile and in companies this reality is no different. Everywhere, we can check emails and even attend meetings with people on the other side of the World. Before purchasing the software, check that there is a good mobile version.

It is essential to have a good software to ensure that your business will succeed. It is advisable to connect your software to a business monitoring system such as Multipeers, because in this way you will be able to analyze the business in real time and receive specific alerts whenever any situation requires your attention and intervention!

Find how to deal with changes in consumer behavior in recent years

Consumer behavior: key changes and tricks to deal with it

The consumer has changed a lot in recent times and technology is the main “guilty” of this change. The constant daily access to the Internet has transformed the way we buy and how we relate to brands. Increasingly, today’s consumer seeks to solve their problems quickly and efficiently, which forces companies to keep abreast of new market needs in order to act proactively. Today we are all more demanding, more informed and less patient. In this article we will give you some tips on dealing with changes in consumer behavior in recent years!

Multi-channel Communication

The current consumer is no longer satisfied with a single way of communicating with the company. Given the multiplicity of conversation platforms, customers expect to have several alternatives available to contact the company. As they seek immediate response, they now prefer chatbots, Whatsapp, or any other instant chat platform.

Create empathy

The current consumer likes to be heard and needs to feel that their doubts and complaints have been heard. Listen carefully to what he has to say to you and then repeat what he said in order to get the clear message that you understood his problem. Ask clear and objective questions about what he feels and show him that he is committed to finding solutions. The current consumer wants to be treated as unique and not as another member of a large group.

Offer interesting content

We currently receive dozens of emails per day with the most varied offers. Most of the information we receive is not really useful and its destination is going to the Trash folder. So, many companies spend a lot of time producing campaigns that will not have any return because they don’t care about what their target audience really needs and only focus on the dissemination of their products and services. The trend is to create valuable and really important content for the consumer. Articles about your area of ​​expertise, a news funnel or an e-book are good ways to create a stronger bond with your target consumers. Keep in mind that talking about yourself and your brand will be too egocentric and new consumers will not tolerate such brands.

Clearly define policies

It is essential to know how to proceed if there is a complaint. If you have a clothing store, you must clearly state how the exchange policy works. If you have a company that provides telecommunications services, it should be clear when explaining how to contact technical assistance. Informing the customer of everything is the first step to avoiding problems in the future. In an era in which people share experiences online (especially bad experiences), it is necessary to avoid any situation that may lead to disagreement with the client.

Never make the customer wait

This is our last tip and one of the most important. The current consumer doesn’t allow waiting. He wants an instant response to his problem and it is only with complete knowledge of the market and current needs that companies can effectively respond to situations. Analyzing the business in real time helps you to fully understand the current state of a business. That’s why software like Multipeers gain increasing importance.

What is data management and why you should start using it today?

Data-driven management: everything you need to know

The terms Big Data and Analytics have brought a new challenge for managers: using the data to support their decisions. If decisions were made in the past based on feelings and a forecasting perspective, today they need to be taken based on true and up-to-date data, because only in this way companies can prosper in a market as competitive as the one we have at the moment. In today’s article we will talk about data-based management and realize why your company should start using it today!

What is data-based management?

The speedy pace of business today forces managers to make strategic decisions at all times and with great urgency. Decisions define the success or failure of companies and therefore a data-based management is essential to reduce risk in the decision-making process and contribute to the business success.

Data-driven management is one that is guided by the large amount of information circulating throughout the organization every day. The data comes from internal and external sources, such as customer profiles, market analysis, competition analysis, quotes, among many other information. Managing on the basis of concrete data is a very important step in deciding correctly.

Why should I manage based on the data?

First of all, managing on the basis of data is essential to making the right decisions. Data-driven management must rely on business monitoring solutions, such as Multipeers, because this way you will always have the most up-to-date information about your company. A delay in decision making can mean the loss of business, especially in the current market where everything changes so quickly. Information is the most important asset in today’s businesses and needs to be managed in the best way possible.

Besides being important to have updated data to decide, managing based on real information allows you to set concrete performance indicators to evaluate the performance of your company. Knowing the actual performance level of an organization allows you to discover failures and improvement points, maximizing the company’s performance to the fullest.

Data-driven management also helps companies to reduce operational costs by being able to more easily identify the company’s most-spending sectors. Based on the information gathered, managers will be able to change processes to reduce costs.

Finally, real-time data-based management allows you to identify changes and failures at the exact moment they occur, and it is possible for the manager to act immediately.

Business information is one of the concerns of current managers because there is already the awareness that knowing is power and only with a concrete knowledge about the operations of the company and the market is that you can beat the competition.

Download our e-book about business monitoring and meeting objectives and learn how real-time data management can help your business grow!

The main advantages of document management for companies

Document management: find the main advantages for companies

Document management is essential for the correct functioning of a company. Nowadays, there is more and more data in companies, which delays quick access to information, leads to loss of documents and complicates decision making. The implementation of a document management system allows companies to manage their unstructured information. In this article we will talk about the key advantages of document management for companies!


A document management system allows paper documents to be scanned, giving rise to electronic documents that are classified and available according to certain criteria. In this way, it will be much easier to consult invoices and contracts, for example.

Control of information flows

With a document management system it is easier to guarantee information security because there is knowledge about where it is. With these systems, it is also possible to define processes and ensure that they are fulfilled from the moment a new document arrives at the organization until its treatment and cataloging.

Reducing costs and increasing productivity

This is the advantage that most pleases the managers. As there is greater speed in the availability, access and treatment of documents, employees are free to perform other tasks that bring productivity to the company. The reduction of costs is a consequence of this increase of productivity. Another factor contributing to savings is the reduced need for storage space, which is a heavy expense in most businesses.

Facilitated search

Document management systems provide a search engine capable of performing document searches for its content or features, instantly locating it, anytime, anywhere. Documents can also be connected to business monitoring systems such as Multipeers, making them important data sources for decision making.

Reduction of number of documents

The use of specialized software in process automation is essential for organizations and allows to reduce the number of documents. The advantages are immense, starting with the ease in finding the information until the decrease (or even elimination) of the use of paper in the companies.

Lower risk of information loss

Paper documents are harder to catalog and more likely to get lost. With the great volume of information that comes to companies on a daily basis, it becomes humanly impossible to manage all the available data. With the use of a document management system it is easier to save the information and ensure that no important data is lost.

The current economic situation means that companies have as their main objectives to increase productivity and reduce costs. The technology, when well used, is an important ally of business management and contributes on a large scale to better levels of income.

Get to know the importance of internal communication for meeting the objectives

Internal communication is made up of interactions, information exchanges and relationships within a company. Internal communication is often undervalued because managers are not always aware that the employees of a company are the first public of an organization and that they must be informed about the current state of business so that they can act in order to fulfill the objectives required. In today’s article we are going to talk about the importance of internal communication for accomplishing the goals!

Eliminating the semantic barriers

In a company we all speak the same language, but we don’t always understand the linguistic used. An organization is made up of people of different backgrounds and if we use a very technical language we run the risk of not getting the message we want to pass. Internal communication helps to ensure that this awareness exists and that messages are always passed in simple, objective language. This is the only way that employees will understand the state in which the company is and what they will have to do to help them achieve their goals.

Increasing competitiveness of teams

Competitiveness in the right dose is very positive in order to increase the delivery of employees in the performance of their duties. Knowing the goals of everyone and of the company in a global way allows employees to be stimulated to achieve their goals.

Better working environment

Internal communication transforms the organizational climate, improving interpersonal relationships and impacting very positively on the company’s productivity, making the whole business more profitable. When there is good communication, people communicate more easily with each other, exchanging ideas and finding solutions more quickly.

More knowledge

When there is an effective internal communication policy, it is easier to form collaborators because they exchange information between them and share knowledge. In a company that encourages good communication, employees will not be afraid to say “I don’t know” and will be able to learn from more experienced professionals.

Better financial results

In addition to all the advantages that effective internal communication brings to the company, the financial results of the organization also undergo very positive changes. A study carried out by Tower Watson revealed that companies that have effective communication had a 47% appreciation in the stock exchange over a period of 5 years, and this result is much more positive than in companies that don’t invest in internal communication.