Find the relationship between dashboards and decision making

Making the right decisions for the business is not an easy task and the decisions that managers make can irreversibly influence the direction of a company. To be able to make the right decisions, managers need to have the best tools available so that they can base their choices on concrete, objective and realistic data. Dashboard is one of the most important tools today, since it allows managers to be always up to date on everything that goes on in the business. In this article, we’ll cover the relationship between dashboards and decision making!

But after all, what is a dashboard?

A dashboard visually displays the most important information about the business. In case of using a tool like Multipeers, the information is updated permanently and automatically, so that you have at your disposal the most current information on everything that happens in the company.

How Dashboard Helps in Decision Making

  • Group information from all company sources

In this field, you cannot to have a dashboard too “full”, that is, with information that is not relevant to your decision making. This will only create visual noise and complicate your analysis. You should create an easy-to-read dashboard with only the data that really matters to you.

  • Constant evaluation of the business

One of the main advantages of using dashboards is that you can constantly analyze the present and past of your business. With a dashboard, it’s easy to analyze company history and find patterns of past behavior that will help you make present-day decisions that do not compromise the future!

  • Always present business objectives

By using a dashboard, you can easily see if your business goals are being met. Linking KPIs with day-to-day activities is essential if individual and global goals are to be achieved more simply.

  • Identify deviations quickly

Managers are not always able to identify deviations in work routines in a timely manner, which compromises business productivity. The dashboard will aggregate the history of the company’s operations and can set defaults to detect deviations and anomalies in real time. Thus, the system is able to perceive that something is not right and to promptly alert it so that it can act before it becomes a serious problem.

How to Monitor Business Processes with BAM Tools

BAM tools like Multipeers are increasingly needed in companies around the world. Business Activity Monitoring enables companies to monitor in an objective and permanent manner all the business processes that are happening in the company. This tool allows monitoring the business processes against the management indicators generated by it. Through a dashboard, managers can get a complete, real-time view of all information relevant to the company’s operation, easily identifying production failures, deviations from established goals, and business opportunities. The information is presented in a graphically clean and interactive way, making the reading and assimilation of information extremely simple. In this article, we’ll talk about how you can monitor business processes with BAM!

The information is provided in real time

The life of your company is happening now. It is critical that you have direct visibility into what is happening at each moment in each area of ​​the organization. BAM tools capture real-time data from different sources of information and present them instantly in the format you choose.

Interactive dashboards for better understanding of information

The information provided by BAM tools comes in a consolidated way so that your query is easier and faster. You can choose to get the information through bar charts, multi-series charts, meters, among many other options. The information can be displayed using the most appropriate presentation, improving the analysis that the user can make of each indicator. In addition, each indicator is fully customizable according to business needs. When using the desktop, in the case of Multipeers, you can also use the ticker tool, which allows you to divulge external or internal news, messages and alerts, thus allowing all employees to be aware of what is important in the organization.

Centralized management for greater efficiency

BAM tools allow you to obtain a solid administration platform that collects data from a variety of sources. Multipeers is highly customizable and allows the distribution of processed information in a variety of ways, such as interactive graphics, widgets, meters, RSS tickers among many others.

Information from multiple sources of data

BAM tools interact directly with all your data sources such as databases, web services, MDX, Microsoft Excel, RSS feeds, multimedia content, email, applications, among others. You can even build your own connectors using the provided API so that no information from your organization is lost.

No need for clicks

BAM tools update permanently and automatically, so there is no need for any user intervention. Instead of being the user to meet the information, it is the information that the user finds autonomously.

The most important IT metrics for your business

The KPI’s are used to facilitate the identification of problems and to realize in what state of the fulfillment of the objectives the company is. When they are well used, they have a great impact on the results of the business. In the area of ​​IT, it is very important to use appropriate metrics so that managers in this area can improve the performance of the infrastructures that support the organization. In today’s article, we’ll cover the most important IT metrics for your business.

Uptime Index

This is one of the most important IT metrics. The index of uptime is the technological applications index and the higher the value, the better the performance of the IT structure. It is essential that the company’s technological infrastructures are always available so that productivity rates remain constant. It is unanimous that the ideal uptime should be 99% and for this it is necessary for the IT team to work with high performance methods to ensure constant availability.

Average wait time on the service desk

Another very important metric is the average time that the professionals take to respond to the requests placed in the service desk. The faster the service and the resolution of the situation, the better the IT performance.

Performance of servers

Servers are very important elements for a company, because it is there that all the necessary resources are centralized so that the whole structure is in operation. This is one of the most important IT metrics. You need to use server management methods and use constant monitoring forms. More and more companies entrust the management of their servers to specialized companies that guarantee security, high performance and permanent availability.


Return on investment is an important metric in any area and the more the IT area grows within a company, the more important it becomes to evaluate the return on investment. It is sometimes very difficult to show the profitability of an investment made in the area of ​​technology and that is why process automation has been gaining more space within organizations. The more automated the IT area is, the easier it will be to prove that you can anticipate problems and avoid system failures.

Average offline time

This KPI serves to analyze the average time an IT device or infrastructure was unavailable. It is a metric known as MDT (mean down time). This metric averages all the time the service was unavailable, for whatever reason: light problems, malfunctions, among others. This value is obtained through the sum of the time the system was unavailable to divide by the number of occurrences in that period.

Real-time marketing strategies for your business success

Consumers are increasingly demanding and less patient: they want to find solutions and want to find them now! Nowadays, it is no longer enough to launch good content or a good marketing campaign: you have to be the first to have the idea that will solve the problems of consumers and offer something really different. The “now” is the trend of the moment and because of this rush to have solutions come up concepts such as real-time marketing. In today’s article, we are going to talk about real-time marketing strategies for the success of your business.


An event launching a product with real-time monitoring of consumers’ opinions on social media is a great way to find out how much people are receptive to the new offering. It is no longer enough to make a report after the event happens. It is necessary to accompany the second what consumers are thinking about the new product in order to fine-tune strategies.

Location-based advertising

Nowadays, many companies already advertise their services based on location. Through the GPS system, consumers receive information about restaurants, hairdressers and other services near the area where they are. In this way, it is much easier to get the attention of potential customers because they are in the vicinity of the service.

Analysis of consumption forecast

This strategy is widely used in e-commerce. Anyone who enters into online stores realizes that there is an intelligence behind that tells us related or complementary products regarding our searches. The goal of this real-time marketing strategy is to conduct cross selling and increase the average value of the purchase. Process automation, integration with databases and analysis of these data are essential tools for implementing this strategy.

Real-time data analysis

Launching campaigns and promotions is important to promote products and brands, but if there is no real follow-up in real time it is not possible to take the insights needed to make decisions. BAM tools like Multipeers are imperative in today’s business reality, as they allow you to analyze in real time what goes on in each of the business areas. Through a simple, informative dashboard, you can see if a product’s sales are increasing because of a specific campaign.

5 mobile applications that will help you run your business

The smartphone is one of the best friends of managers, because it is through this little device that we do many of our daily actions. Nowadays, the business world is not restricted to the walls of the office and entrepreneurs should have access to all business information from anywhere. There are many mobile applications that make life easier for managers and are true allies of good decisions. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 5 mobile applications that will help you run your business.


The mobile version of Multipeers is a great help for managers. Multipeers is a BAM system that allows you to analyze the business in real time through a dashboard that shows all company information from the different data sources that exist in it. The manager can have this information on his mobile phone and easily notice the state in which the business is, and can make decisions instantly.

Google Drive

Google Drive lets you share files online, with real-time syncing. It allows integration with other Google tools, such as Gmail. This way, anywhere you can access and edit your documents in a simple way, from a mobile device. Any changes you make to your documents are automatically saved. You will no longer have to ask them to send you that report you need for the next meeting!


WhatsApp is a very important tool for the work teams, since it allows the creation of groups, exchange of opinions and document sharing. We can keep track of everything that happens, even if you are physically absent from the office. In addition to chatting, WhatsApp also allows you to make phone calls for free (as long as there is Internet access) and share documents and pictures.

Corporate Email in the Cloud

Changing the corporate email system to a cloud-based solution is very important to increase business mobility. These solutions facilitate communication between the various departments of the company, because the information becomes accessible even when using tablets and smartphones. Using e-mail on mobile devices allows for a faster and more efficient response, which contributes to greater management efficiency.

Office 365

Office 365 is a solution in the Cloud that offers features for creating Excel documents, texts and presentations. All these documents are essential to perform the administrative tasks and communication of any business. With Office 365 you can create and edit documents anywhere, giving business mobility to the business. Access to this tool is by user account and there is no need to install the program on all devices that the company uses.

BI and BAM: understand the difference between these two concepts

BI and BAM are terms that are very present in most companies. They are not necessarily independent terms, but neither the two tools are required to operate simultaneously in the same company: each is independent. There are still many doubts about the difference between these two terms and in today’s article we will talk about the main differences between BI and BAM.

What is a BAM system?

BAM stands for Business Activity Monitoring and is a tool that defines the process and technologies to be able to put information about the company’s KPIs in real time on a dashboard. What BAM does is only show in one place all the information coming from the most varied sources of data of the company, eliminating the need to consult several databases to know what is happening in the company at that time.

What is Business Intelligence?

BI is a technique that helps managers plan the company’s strategy by collecting and analyzing a large volume of data to understand the company’s performance and from there to decide more consciously about the future.

Relationship and differences between BI and BAM

Business monitoring tools facilitate the process of extracting information and making conscious and thoughtful operational decisions. Both tools use information to improve performance. The data analysis that the BAM tools provide is very efficient because it presents the information in a simple and concise way, allowing the manager to quickly be informed about the actual and current state of the business.

Unlike Business Intelligence, BAM systems don’t talk about past or future: they focus only on the present. The BAM system will integrate all the company information in one place so that the data can be consulted anytime, anywhere. BI will add an analytical culture across all sectors of the business so that everyone is aware of the state of the business. Real-time updated and analyzed information will provide improvements across all sectors of the organization.


These two concepts work very well if applied together in the company, so that you can understand all the information of your business in a simple way. The life of your company happens now and you must know at every moment what is going on with the business. Likewise, you must equip yourself with the right tools so that you can make the most appropriate decisions for the future!

5 Tips to Make Your Business Smarter

Get-together data, analyzing them and applying them in business correctly is synonymous with having a smarter business. Technology is an indispensable resource to make the business smarter and more agile. Only with the use of technology you can follow everything that goes on in the company and make the right decisions for business continuity. In today’s article, we will leave you 5 important tips to make your business smarter.

Analyze the data

We live in the information age and this is nothing new to anyone. Whoever analyzes the data correctly is one step ahead of the competition as it is able to anticipate trends and predict market fluctuations. Big Data and Analytics are increasingly used in companies around the world, because they are tools that allow you to analyze the data for the most diverse purposes. Tools like Multipeers are increasingly needed in business as they allow you to analyze business information in real time.

Cloud Storage

Companies today are forced to have greater flexibility to access their documents even outside the workplace. Cloud storage is a widely used option today as it allows people to access and edit documents from anywhere in the World, with an Internet access.

Data security

Information security has never been as important as it is now, especially at a time when the new general data protection regulation is just in place. Computer attacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, so companies must equip themselves with the right tools to protect their information. Companies should educate employees so they are aware of the need to protect data and must have demanding data backup policies so they can recover their information even in the event of a disaster.

Automation of tasks

Business intelligence is constantly looking for automate tasks so that employees are available for other functions that cannot be accomplished using technology. Companies can adopt a Business Process Management (BPM) system in order to automate tasks and information flows. CRM is a tool that can also be adopted by companies, since it improves customer service processes. In addition to faster execution of tasks, the automation of tasks greatly reduces the likelihood of human error.

Financial management

The appropriate technological tools allow the company to identify points of improvement in its management and to eliminate wasted resources. It is essential that there be a good financial management, because only this is the continuity of the business is guaranteed. Software that integrates information across all departments will make decision processes more agile and more effective, as there is in-depth knowledge about the real state of the business.

Find how technology eliminates bureaucracy

We live in an age where everything is urgent and reducing (or even eliminating) bureaucracy is one of the big business goals. Restructuring processes and saving time are the big business goals when it comes to eliminating bureaucracy. The technology brings numerous benefits in this area and it is more than known that the excess of formalism delays the development of any company. In today’s article, let’s talk about how technology eliminates corporate bureaucracy!

Scan all

Excessive paperwork is a big business enemy because you spend a lot of time looking for information in folders and files. If everything is scanned and organized on a disk, it’s much easier to find the information we need. In addition, we save time that we can take advantage of to perform other important tasks.

Privilege the use of the Cloud

Storing your data in the cloud has many advantages, namely being able to access files at any moment from anywhere. Using this technology reduces the need to invest in equipment and enables the practice of home office.

Optimize meetings

Meetings are often more time-consuming than necessary, which is a waste of time. There is already software that allows you to plan your meetings, so that they don’t last longer than is strictly necessary. Likewise, it is possible to hold meetings through Skype and other similar programs, which eliminates the need for everyone to be physically present.

Use enterprise applications

Use WhatsApp to talk to all employees and to improve cross-departmental communication, start using Uber to make it easier to call a car and pay for it, use task management tools so everyone knows what each department is doing do. In this way, communication improves and the number of steps to complete a process drastically decreases, reducing bureaucracy.

Use real-time management software

Business monitoring software such as Multipeers allows you to analyze your business in real time, through a dashboard that compiles all information from the most diverse sources of information. In this way, it becomes much easier to know what is going on in the company and to make decisions consciously.

Use Office 365

Office 365 is a solution in the Cloud that offers features for creating Excel documents, texts and presentations. All these documents are essential to perform the administrative tasks and communication of any business. With Office 365 you can create and edit documents anywhere, giving business mobility to the business. Access to this tool is by user account and there is no need to install the program on all devices that the company uses.

Practical tips for optimizing your business management

Managing a business is never an easy task. There is a lot of data involved, a lot of decisions to make, and a lot of human resources to deal with. Optimized management is a guarantee that the business will remain sustainable, so it is very important to know how to manage all the resources of a company. In today’s article, we’ll leave you some practical tips to optimize the management of your business!

Invest in internal communication

Internal communication is often neglected, but it is one of the most important areas in a company because it deals with the main public of an organization: its human resources. It is important that there is fluidity in the transmission of messages, as well as transparency in the work environment. It is essential to implement business management channels and/or applications that facilitate communication between the various departments.

Use an ERP

ERP management systems are used to improve the management of business resources and relate the data and processes in one place. Through the use of tools of this type, it is possible to integrate all sectors of the company so that the decision making is easier and more objective. The use of an ERP also allows the reduction of non-strategic costs and the creation of a greater competitive advantage.

Track KPIs in real time

Key performance indicators are very important for more assertive and thoughtful decision-making. They work like a thermometer that tell us the degree of results obtained in certain areas. Through BAM software such as Multipeers, you can analyze KPI compliance in real time. The life of your business happens now, so it is imperative to follow, every second, what goes on with your company! Only in this way you will be able to be one step ahead of the competition.

Get to know the market and your customers well

It sounds like a very basic tip and that everyone knows, but the truth is that it is here where many companies fail. It is crucial that companies are well aware of the market they are in, so they will not be surprised by unexpected fluctuations. Likewise, it is imperative that companies know well what the public is communicating and that they know the specifics of their target audience. Only in this way can you create a message that meets the needs of the target.

Set realistic goals

If a company doesn’t know where it wants to go, any way is good. The establishment of realistic objectives is the guiding line of the company and is the map that will guide all the work of the collaborators. For an objective to be positive for the company, it must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and challenging.

7 tips to reduce IT costs

Information technologies are essential for companies that want to ensure a good operational routine. Companies are increasingly computerized and we live in an increasingly technological environment. Therefore, it is imperative to invest in information technology. However, many managers consider these investments to be very high and this mindset ultimately makes companies obsolete. In today’s article, we present 7 tips to reduce IT costs while maintaining all organizational efficiency!

Delete the software licenses you don’t use

Software licenses are often expensive and companies often pay for software they don’t use. Thus, it is advisable to regularly review all the software licenses the company pays for and analyze their real importance to the business. Not worth paying for software that is never used!

Form the collaborators

Often companies make the mistake of not properly training employees to use a particular software. This will cause people to make mistakes repeatedly and the company incurring superfluous costs. Training the workforce to properly utilize technology tools ensures greater process efficiency, increases productivity, and dramatically reduces IT costs.

Automation is the way

Many tasks in the area of ​​information technologies are quite repetitive. Automating processes is a way to reduce IT costs, as it is not necessary to highlight a collaborator to be exclusively dedicated to monotonous tasks. Automation reduces the time that the tasks take to execute and decreases the probability of human error.

Cloud Storage

The Cloud has come to stay and is very useful for reducing IT costs related to data storage. Transferring the entire IT infrastructure to the cloud is a way to reduce costs and increase the security of company information. In addition, by using this storage method, the manager can access information from anywhere in the world and from any device.

Privilege SaaS

Using software as a service can change your entire IT area. SaaS is a secure, simple and remotely managed solution. Equipment maintenance costs are eliminated because the service provider is responsible for this maintenance. Using the software in this way is one of the trends of the future and is already used by many companies.

Use fewer servers

Many companies use multiple servers, all with low individual performance and high costs. To minimize this problem, it is advisable that these servers be replaced by more powerful ones that concentrate all processes. Often companies use 5 servers and if they used only one they would have lower costs and better results.

Use videoconferencing

This is one of the easiest ways to reduce IT costs. Meetings can be held using videoconferencing technology as this reduces travel, accommodation and food costs. In addition, videoconferencing meetings are usually of shorter duration, which frees employees to perform their responsibilities and, as a result, the company’s productivity increases.