Find what software can do for your business

Learn the advantages of business management software

The era of paper documents has come to an end and manual processes are less and less used in companies. Several software has become part of the day-to-day business of thousands of people in large, medium and small businesses. Business management and monitoring software allows you to automate processes and decrease the probability of mistakes. But do you really know what the right software can do for your company? In this article, we will introduce you to the main advantages that software has for your business.

Improve customer relationships

A CRM is a very important software for the management of the sales force. Through the adoption of software of this type, it is possible to measure results, evaluate actions and campaigns and have a closer and direct contact with the client.

Data integration

A correct integration of data between different departments is the basis of an organized and effective management. With financial software, the manager is able to gather all the company’s data in one place and control the access between employees. In this way, it is possible to make more conscious and effective decisions because there is a global and integrated view of all the data.

Real-time business indicators

Real-time business monitoring software, such as Multipeers, allows managers to have all company information available in real time on a single dashboard. They also allow the definition of business alerts that warn the user whenever a situation requires their attention. In this way, decision-making is always based on current and reliable information, which guarantees successful decisions!

Organization of financial information

With financial software it is possible to organize all the information related to the company accounts. Many companies end their activity shortly after opening and this is due to the difficulty in organizing the company accounts. Opting for a financial information management software from the beginning is the first step to a successful walk.

Constant Innovation

If the company opts for a SaaS system is guaranteed that it will have the software constantly updated. The company does not have to worry about these issues because it is the responsibility of the SaaS supplier. This type of solution also has the advantage of being completely adapted to the reality of the company, being able to respond in a timely manner to all your needs.

Reduction of costs

With the adoption of software, costs related to manual processes are reduced or even eliminated. In this way, productivity increases because accomplishing tasks and daily goals is easier.

The world is computerized and there is no escaping this new reality. Companies need to adapt to new management tools to become more competitive and win in today’s competitive marketplace!

The biggest financial mistakes that can ruin your business

Get to know the biggest financial mistakes that can harm your business

In the business world, the margin for error is very small. However, all managers eventually go wrong at some point in their lives and some of these mistakes can be fatal to the survival of the company. In this article we present you the biggest financial mistakes that can ruin your business.

Lack of discipline

Entrepreneurs initially control the company’s expenses and are disciplined with expenses. Over time and with the accumulation of work, they end up skulking in this field and accumulate budgets to approve and invoices to pay. It’s fundamental that every day the businessman take some time to dealing with these issues. In this way, work will flow more easily and there will be no accumulation of tasks.

Don’t pay all bills on time

Lack of liquidity often leads to delay of bills’ payment. This is a very common mistake because failure to pay within the set deadline will lead to greater problems in the future. At the level of suppliers, you may have difficulties in working with them later and at the level of Bank credits may obstruct access to credit in the future. The ideal is to use a software that allows you to keep track of all expenses in real time, so as not to let you accumulate accounts.

Invest in the wrong areas

As a rule, entrepreneurs have enough capital to invest, but often apply money in areas of little relevance to the company. There is also the idea that it isn’t necessary to invest in marketing, for example, and this leads to the company’s products or services being little publicized, resulting in low sales and few profits. This mistake happens a lot when the entrepreneurs don’t properly research the market and end up not knowing the sector of activity in which they are, making mistakes that may be irreparable in the future.

Lack of planning for low seasons

All businesses have prosperous times and less happy times and you have to be prepared to face them. Many companies don’t prepare adequately for the times when they are going to have less profits and they forget that even at these times there are financial commitments that have to be fulfilled (salaries, payments to suppliers, payments of services, among others). Companies should always have in mind that they need to have a comfortable capital so that they can face the bad moments with calm and tranquility.

Poor time management

Time is money. This is especially true in the area of ​​business, and entrepreneurs often spend more time in meetings than they actually need. A meeting should happen only when there is a clear objective and when you know clearly what you want to decide at that moment. Meetings are important, but in some companies they happen too often and take too long, which leads to productivity declines that impact the company’s in the short and long term.

These are the biggest management mistakes made in companies. Dealing with so much information and responsibility isn’t easy, but it’s essential that the entrepreneur doesn’t get lost in the middle of all the tasks he has to do. The good health of the company depends on your organization and management ability!

7 Tips to organize your management

Learn how to have a more organized management

The market is increasingly competitive and consumers are becoming more demanding. To have success in today’s business world is necessary to have an efficient and organized management. Managers handle a lot of information and many processes, which can sometimes lead to a very fast pace of work. In this article, we’ll show you 7 essential tips for managing your business and your day-to-day business in a more organized way.

Facilitate access to information

In most cases, companies use a variety of data sources to compile information. Besides being a time consuming process, it’s a process that can have errors and failures frequently. Having the consolidated information in one place is fundamental to minimize the risk of errors and also to facilitate the work of managers. Software such as Multipeers allows you to consult company-wide information from a wide range of data sources in one place. Having all the information in one place allows you to save time and ensure the reliability of your data.

Analyze the data and make reports

It’s important to analyze business data and compile it into easy-to-read reports. This information should be distributed by the people who need it to work so they know the state of the business so they can invest in the areas that need the most attention. One of the mistakes most committed by managers is to make complex and lengthy reports that aren’t read by anyone. Information should be compiled and organized as simply as possible because reports are very important tools in one company and should be understandable throughout the organization.

Learn to set priorities

All managers always have a lot of tasks to accomplish and it’s crucial that they know how to scale their importance. The urgent tasks are those that cannot be foreseen or that are already very close to their deadline. They are the most important and must be completed before all others. Important tasks need time to be realized and, finally, circumstantial tasks are those that aren’t urgent at the moment and can be done when you are freer from work. Good prioritization allows important tasks not to become urgent.

Use memory-friendly applications

Technology exists to help us and there are free applications that are very useful to remind us of the tasks we have to do. Applications such as Evernote and Google Calendar are very useful in day-to-day situations because they facilitate the execution of our work through alarms that remind us of what we have to do.

Set deadlines

Parkinson’s law tells us that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. It isn’t advisable for the deadline to be very close to the date of delivery, but it is critical that you be able to meet the deadline you set for yourself.

Be realistic

When we want to do everything, we end up doing nothing. It isn’t good creating a giant to-do list for a day and getting to the end of that day with almost all the tasks to do. This will leave you frustrated and unmotivated. It’s advisable to create a task list with fewer tasks than you think you can do throughout the day to do it calmly and with focus. At the end of the day, you will realize that you did what you had committed to.

Plan, plan and plan!

Planning ahead in advance is one of the most important steps in managing a business and your day-to-day life more easily. Plan short- and long-term and make easy-to-read timelines that are flexible if you need to change anything. There are those who say that if we don’t know where we are going, any way is good and this applies also to management. The planning of our tasks is the map that will guide us towards success!

Find the most frequent Cloud Computing mistakes

Find the Mistakes to Avoid in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing means that you don’t need a place to access files and programs: everything is done in the cloud through an access to remote servers. However, it’s necessary to take into account that there are vulnerabilities in this type of technology and that some errors can have great operational and financial implications for the companies. Get to know in this article the main mistakes made in Cloud Computing!

Lack of planning by managers

You must decide which files and programs will migrate to the cloud. Likewise, it’s necessary to always have a prepared Plan B: if the Cloud service fails, how can employees continue to work? Activating a disaster plan and frequently doing backups are two good options to minimize impacts if something goes bad.

Failure to define accesses

In order to ensure the privacy and security of your information, different levels of access must be defined for different users. It isn’t advisable that all employees have free access to all of the content in the Cloud. To ensure data security, each employee must have access only to the information he needs to perform his work.

Lack of security concern

Nothing is a hundred percent foolproof and one of the major disadvantages of cloud technology is that a company’s data and files run the risk of being unprotected. Security issues should be planned at an early stage at the time of transition from the location to the cloud. Really sensitive information shouldn’t be migrated abroad. However, cloud technology is proving to be more and more secure, and security-related risks will be increasingly reduced.

Having an unsuitable Internet service

Cloud technology calls for good Internet access. If there isn’t a good server and a good data connection, access to the cloud will be more time consuming and complicated. The tendency is to blame the Cloud Computing services but problem is internal.

Wrong choice of Cloud Computing service

There is the general and erroneous idea that any Cloud Computing service is perfect for a company. However, a Cloud Computing service is just like any other and should be chosen according to the specific needs of the company.

Technology and business management: main changes

Get to know the main changes that technology has brought to the management

The technology is here to stay and its evolution is getting faster and faster. Companies need to adapt to change so they will easily be outdone by competition. In today’s business world, day-to-day routine is dominated by machines, which in most cases represents higher levels of productivity and lower costs. In this article we will present you the key changes that technology has brought to business management.

Reduction of time spent dealing with administrative issues

Administrative issues consume a great deal of time in companies but they are strictly necessary for the proper functioning of organizations. However, thanks to management software and process automation, today it’s easier to manage the administrative part of a company, automating processes and freeing up human resources for other tasks.

Better time management in the commercial area

One of the most recurring complaints of commercials is the lack of time. Trips to a meeting are often time consuming and this causes a waste of time without a real production. Due to the technology, it’s possible to make a meeting via Skype and videoconference, which eliminates the time spent on travel. Meeting in person is essential, but in a first phase the face-to-face meeting can be replaced by a “remote” meeting. CRM systems also allow professionals in the commercial area to have a more organized day-to-day life, which is an indispensable tool for their work.

Growth of digital marketing

The current consumer lives online. If before we only surfed the Internet through computers, nowadays, due to the growing of the use of mobile devices, we can “live online”. Thus, companies have increasingly bet on digital marketing, investing in appealing and responsive websites and communicating products and services through social networks. Digital marketing brings very positive results to companies because it’s easier to target the audience we want to reach as well as create a stronger relationship with the customer.

Deeper study of competition

Nowadays it’s very easy to know what our competition is doing. The market is no longer static or closed and companies are aware that with the great use of Internet they can no longer live without communication. Nowadays, through websites, blogs, social networks and newsletters, we can always be aware of what our main competitors are doing.

Business monitoring and follow-up

Thanks to business monitoring systems such as Multipeers it’s possible to analyze the status of the business at any moment. In this way, decisions are based on up-to-date information, which makes them more aware and effective. Analyzing the business in real time through appropriate performance indicators has changed the whole way of running a business. Nowadays, it isn’t necessary to access reports that are difficult to read and analyze, because all information about the company can be available on the desktop and on mobile devices.

5 tips from Gartner to analyze your data in real time

Get the tips from Gartner

Gartner is the world’s largest leader in technology advice and research and supports the importance of real-time data analysis for better decision-making. “Real-time analytics can enable data science teams to perform modeling, simulations, and optimizations based on a complete set of transaction data, not just samples,” said one Gartner analyst. In this article, we present you 5 tips from Gartner to properly analyze your data in real time!

Turn time-consuming operational decisions into real-time decisions

Operational decisions are repeated very regularly in a structured way. Changing slow decisions to real-time decisions requires new methodologies. Make data readily available so that operational decisions are based on facts that are happening at the time and not based on old data.

Make frequent changes to simplify processes

Review how decisions are made in your company and find ways to improve it. Let’s use the example of the template used to approve transactions by the company’s credit card. This model is developed once in historical data and is now used to evaluate credit card transactions in real time for several weeks or months. It’s important to monitor the results to ensure that the models work correctly. If they don’t work, you need to modify the rules and analyze often to get the best possible way to decide correctly.

Use business alerts

Business monitoring systems work continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Software such as Multipeers track all events as they occur. You can and should set business alerts to be warned whenever something out of the standard considered normal occurs. In this way, you will be alerted via e-mail and/or SMS about the situations that require your attention. It ensures that you don’t lose any important information about the business and you have the possibility of acting immediately.

Be consistent with the operational method

The use of dashboards with real-time information about the company possibilities you to create a common operating framework for all employees. However, it’s possible to define which indicators each employee will receive so that he receives only the information necessary for the execution of his daily work. In this way, the company has a more organized and focused day-to-day life.

Consider decision-making as a discipline

The management of information for the correct decision making is the progress of the design of systems that make decisions. Decision-making systems are run through rule mechanisms, which are divided between software and people-real decision-makers. Look at this component as important to business success as a discipline, creating rules and working methods that allow you to analyze data correctly and decide securely.

Mobile Devices: Competitive Advantages for your Business

Find the major advantages of mobile devices for your business

The trend is global: people are increasingly using mobile devices. Nowadays, we prefer to access Internet through these devices and its evolution allows us to access it from anywhere in the World. At a personal level, there is no doubts about the modifications and advantages of mobile devices, but in the company level we don’t have yet a clear vision about the impact of mobility. In this article, we present you some advantages of mobile devices for the business world.

New communication channels for services and products

Social networks have changed the way we view the world. If a few years ago they were only regarded as tools of leisure, nowadays social media are gaining a very growing importance in the business world. Companies increasingly choose to communicate through Facebook and Linkedin pages and profiles on Instagram because their potential customer are in these platforms. The current consumer lives online and thanks to the paid ads on these platforms, nowadays it’s possible to target very well the audience that we want to reach and reaches it in a relatively simple way.

External and internal communication easier

Through a mobile phone, you can respond to an email from a customer from anywhere in the world, without having to wait to get to the office. This facilitates communication and reduces the response time. Nowadays, it’s also possible to create and to edit documents on mobile devices, which makes work more efficient and with faster results. You can also participate in geographically distant meetings by accessing Skype on a mobile device, for example.

Ecommerce growth

It’s now possible to shop online from anywhere. Mobile devices have made e-commerce a more constant presence. Nowadays, the online stores already have the concern of creating a responsive website to all the screens of presentation. Many small businesses still choose to sell their products through profiles on Facebook and Instagram.

Greater freedom and greater productivity

With mobility, it’s possible for workers to work from anywhere and at any time, so that they aren’t limited and forced to work from the office. This makes the creativity and motivation increase and consequently you will feel a growth in productivity. Employees feel that there is less pressure and there is greater freedom, thus increasing their motivation and involvement with the company.

Mobility has changed the way we view the business world and the way we do our work. The advantages are immense, but we must not let ourselves be addicted to technology and we must have offline moments, in which we disconnect from the digital world!

The importance of real time information in Business

Find the need for real-time information currently

The evolution of technology makes changes happen at an ever-increasing speed and in today’s fast-paced business world, every second counts. Being constantly updated ensures speed and efficiency in decision making, and it helps creating competitive advantages that will result in an increased value for company.

Markets are becoming more competitive and consumers, as they are more informed than before, are increasingly demanding and are looking for solutions in a practical and fast way. Nowadays, everyone “lives on the run” so that acting late in the business sector may imply a loss of profit. Let’s imagine the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

Antonio has a store chain of decoration that usually has very good results, regardless of the time of year. However, in week 30 of year Y, sales decreased dramatically. Antonio uses a traditional management system and analyzes the data always at the end of the week and was very surprised when found that the values ​​were so low. He wondered why sales so suddenly dropped and found that his most direct competitor had made a 20% discount campaign in that week. Antonio decided to launch a campaign for the following week that offered a 30% discount. However, as people had already seen their needs resolved, they didn’t buy at Antonio’s stores.

Scenario 2

João has a store chair of decoration that normally has good results, regardless of the time of year. However, in week 30 of year Y, sales decreased dramatically. João uses a business monitoring system (BAM) so he realized that something was happening on the first day of the week. He wondered why sales were lower than usual and found that his most direct competitor was running a 20 percent discount campaign. He made an appointment with the sales and marketing teams and quickly defined that they would launch a campaign that offered a 30% discount. After promoting the campaign, sales increased and there was no drop in the company’s monthly profit.

According to the scenarios presented above, we can said that having a BAM system is beneficial to the business because it allows you to detect problems immediately and act instantly. Business intelligence systems are essential to ensure effective follow-up of business events. Access to real-time information allows you to “take a picture” of the exact status that business is, which greatly influences decision-making and processes flow easier and don’t compromise company’s productivity.

Data available in real time presupposes the possibility of carrying out immediate analyzes, which brings with it obvious benefits: dynamism and speed for the management of operations and greater efficiency for the decision process.

Having business intelligence is knowing how to react to change, managing processes confidently, based on accurate information. In order to get the most benefit from real-time analysis, it’s necessary to define the most relevant indicators for the business and, consequently, optimize operational aspects. Managing a business proactively with very positive results is increasingly possible due to the range of available tools in the market.

The impact of the Internet of Things on business

See how the Internet of Things influences the business world

The Internet of Things has the power to change the way we live and the way we work. Nowadays, the cost of accessing the Internet is very low compared to the beginning of the technology era. Mobile devices are becoming more appreciated and more devices are built with network connectivity. All of these conditions create the ideal scenario for the Internet of Things.

In a very simplified way, Internet of Things aims to connect any device to the Internet. According to Gartner, by the year 2020 there will be more than 26 billion devices connected to the network. At home, this concept aims to make life easier for people, but its application will also have impact in the business world.

Real-time Marketing

With the Internet of Things it’s possible to collect data about consumers in real time, anticipating their needs and creating strategies and campaigns that satisfy them. Real-time data collection is far more effective than exhaustive market research.

Equipment maintenance

The Internet of Things can be used to convey information about the wear of a company’s equipment, thus helping with maintenance issues. It’s also possible to recognize faults early in the production process, which allows the problem to be repaired immediately, preventing more serious complications in the future.


The connection of logistics equipment with the Internet of Things helps companies to increase their efficiency in customer service, and it’s also possible to deliver faster and increase customer satisfaction.

Application in Data Center

In industries, the Internet of Things proves to be very useful since it’s possible to measure temperature and humidity levels. The sensors are integrated with network and system monitoring tools and, if stipulated values ​​are exceeded, alerts are generated to take corrective actions.

Greater security care

Companies need to ensure that information shared between devices connected to the network remains secure and with so many devices connected at the same time, the need for security is even greater than before. Companies will therefore need to find professionals capable of providing this security, which will result in a more effective management and a greater protection of all information.

The application of Internet of Things are endless and every day new discoveries are made in this area. The world is changing and companies need to change too so they are not outdated.

How Technology Has Changed Decision Making

Learn how technology has influenced decision making

The large amount of information that currently exists is a concern for companies, which increasingly find it difficult to manage this information and manage it in order to take the better decisions.  In the old days, technology was used only to automate tasks and to reduce the need for human work, but today it enriches the entire organizational process, optimizing activities, eliminating communication barriers, among other advantages. Management software has played a key role in helping managers to make assertive and conscious decisions. In this article we talk about how technology has changed decision making!

Real-time information: the possibility of accessing the information in real time changes everything because it’s the guarantee that we are always working based on the most current information that exists. Decision making is made easier because there is no need to consult old reports to decide what to do next. With information so accessible, the likelihood of making decisions is much lower, which certainly increases the efficiency of companies.

Creating Business Alerts: Real-time information management software such as Multipeers enables you to set up business alerts that alert managers to abnormal situations that require your attention. This fact makes it possible for managers to carry out their day-to-day tasks in a quiet way because they know they will be alerted when something abnormal happens. This allows corrective actions to be taken immediately, ensuring the rapid resolution of problems.

Mobility facilitates follow-up: Being able to track the status of the organization through the tablet or smartphone is essential for an effective proximity to the business. More and more we use mobile devices and we manage many of the operations through them (reading and sending emails, doing banking transactions, among others). The availability of real-time information for mobile devices allows us to be always attentive to everything that is important in the organization, so that there is no loss of time in decision-making.

More dynamic management: the data available in real time allows instant analysis and decisions are more conscious and efficient.

Immediate perception of the problems: real-time information informs us about the state of things, which allows us to know in good time what is going wrong, so that we can solve the situations. With this new management model, it isn’t necessary to use old reports to find out why something went wrong, because we are alerted immediately.

Technology has changed the way we live and the way we work. With technology, it’s easier to access information and, consequently, to make better decisions that allow the company to achieve success!